My fort has a caliber of three thousand meters

Chapter 376 A chaotic force, a little chaotic is normal.

After the chaotic chaos ended, all the sounds became quiet.


Wei Yan lay on the bed, looked at the white ceiling, held Xiaoya in his arms, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a satisfied smile: I'm ready, now we both have a brand new identity, I will send you to college tomorrow.”

After that, we can spend this life incognito.

Actually, this is not bad.

During the time when you were still awake, in order to pass the time, I actually read a lot of novels. In many novels, the protagonist was already invincible at the beginning, but he had to go to college incognito. At that time, I couldn't understand this at all. If you are already invincible in this matter, why would you go to university?

“Now I understand that perhaps many times, the things we ignore the most are our most precious things.”

The world of Jianghu is involuntarily controlled. It is rare for people like us to be able to withdraw smoothly.

But fortunately, everything is over, and we can look forward to the future.


Xiaoya curled up in Wei Yan's arms, wrapped herself in the quilt a little tighter, buried her head in Wei Yan's arms and whispered softly: You are so kind.

And at this time.

Jiang Cheng and others were waiting patiently on the rooftop of a high-rise building in Bei Yinxing.

Actually, I haven't quite understood it.

x felt a little helpless as he felt the cold wind blowing around him: We shouldn't be short of money, why don't we find a hotel? Why do we have to stay on the rooftop every time? The weather has cooled down now, it's very cold, okay? good?

You know nothing.

Wang Jili glanced at X with disdain, put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the neon city below: This is called being condescending, looking at the mountains and small mountains at a glance. What kind of person is Mr. Jiang Cheng? Naturally, he cannot be imprisoned in that small room. .”

When you stay in a hotel, no matter how big the room is, there are limits. It's like being imprisoned.

But when you stand on the rooftop, the whole world belongs to you. The situation is completely different, okay?


x did not continue to struggle with this issue, but looked into the distance and paused for a moment before saying: Do you think Wei Yan is really willing to remain anonymous? After all, he is now at the peak of his strength. As long as he is willing, he may be able to do so. Let’s go against the Federation.”

“Since ancient times, which man has been able to resist the temptation to make great achievements, wear a yellow robe, and when his brain becomes hot, his IQ will be reduced by 300, and he will just pick up a kitchen knife and do it.

I don't know.

x shook his head: But it seems that at least for a short period of time, Wei Yan did think so, but I don't know how long it will last.

It won't last long.

At this time——

Wu Chunqing strode up from the side and joined the conversation: Even if Wei Yan really decides to remain anonymous for the rest of his life, the Federation will not allow such an unstable factor to live in the Federation. If Wei Yan lives one day, the actual controller of the Federation will A day of fear.

The Federation will always try its best to find Wei Yan's whereabouts. When the Federation machine is fully activated, how long can Wei Yan hide?

We will definitely bump into each other after all.

But it's a good thing for us. After all, Wei Yan can attract most of the federation's attention, giving us more time to develop.

Among such a group of people in Jiang Cheng Company.

Only Wang Jili confirmed that Jiang Cheng and others were players in Ten Thousand Races Arena.

But although Wang Jili never revealed the news, everyone tacitly guessed the origins of Jiang Cheng and others.

It's not a hard thing to guess.

It's just that no one communicated, and no one talked about it tacitly.

After all, there is no turning back for many things. They must not be able to withdraw now. There is no other way but to go to the dark side.


Scar Dog, who had been staring at his watch, breathed a sigh of relief and said slightly excitedly: Twelve hours have passed, Brother Jiang, the interrogation can begin.

12 hours.

It was the time agreed between them and Wei Yan.

There are two chips connected to the staff's heart and Xiaoya's heart. When one heart stops beating, the other heart will also stop beating.

The time they agreed with Wei Yan was 12 hours. Within these 12 hours, Wei Yan would find a way to get the chip on Xiaoya's heart. After 12 hours, they began to interrogate the staff.

It's our turn to take action.

After Wang Jili and X looked at each other, they both rolled up their sleeves and strode towards the staff who were tied up on the rooftop. Of course, they were just helping each other. The real person in charge of the interrogation was Li Shangyin, the head of the chaotic force Li Chamber of Commerce.

That is, the one who works as a smuggler on the Orange Star.

People who work in this field are extremely comfortable with interrogation methods.

Don't worry, Mr. Jiang Cheng.

Li Shangyin stood there with a serious face and saluted, then said in a firm and hoarse voice: Within one hour, I guarantee that he will pry out everything he knows.

I have to say is.

Since being recruited by Jiang Cheng, he felt like he had transformed from a chaotic force into a civil servant.

There is no need to worry about one's own power, just follow Mr. Jiang Cheng. This kind of messy life makes people feel a little comfortable.

Chen Jiang did not speak, with a calm expression and a cane in one hand, standing there looking down and waiting patiently.

In just a few months, he now feels a certain sense of security.

Next, as long as he successfully picks up the human players after the Ten Thousand Races Bidding Arena ends and finds a place to settle down, his mission will be considered completed.

Think back on your life.

It seems that the things I have experienced in the first half of my life are not as rich as these few months.

at this time--

Scargou on the side suddenly froze for a moment, looked at the panel projected in the air in front of him with a confused expression, and said in disbelief: Well, Brother Jiang, do you remember the Nightlife Chamber of Commerce? It’s the chamber of commerce that I have cooperated with before!

He's wanted!

Full wanted by the federal government!

Nightlife Chamber of Commerce?

Chen Jiang frowned slightly and said nothing. He had heard of this force and had indeed cooperated with him in the past. If he remembered correctly, it seemed that the first time they met was at that good cat star?

As far as he understood, the project undertaken by this chaotic force was a little off the table.

Generally speaking, it is to kidnap the wives of some high-ranking officials and sell them at high prices. This kind of project is basically the lowest level of contempt among the chaotic forces.

Since ancient times!

Those who murder look down on those who rob, those who rob look down on petty thieves, and those who commit thieves look down on those who rape.

This kind of thing has always been at the bottom of the contempt chain.

Although they were also curious at the time, it was really strange that this chaotic force could get away with it for so long without being caught. They probably had some hidden connections to the Internet cafe, but they didn't expect that they were suddenly wanted now, and they were... Wanted by the Federation!

A force that can be fully wanted by the federation must be of any size.

To put it bluntly.

Given the size of the Nightlife Chamber of Commerce, how many people do you know about the Good Cat Star?

Can any cat or dog be wanted by the federal government these days?

Li Hao on the side was also unhappy and said: With the size of the Nightlife Chamber of Commerce, can it be fully wanted by the federal government? You must know that even our current Jiang Cheng Company is not fully wanted by the federal government.

What does this federation mean? Look down on us?

“Think we’re not as good as the Nightlife Chamber of Commerce?”

A chaotic force that steals women is sitting on top of us. Brother Jiang, how can you endure it? Isn't this going to blow up ten or eight planets and give the federation a lesson?


Scargou glanced at Li Hao helplessly: You can pull him down, this nightlife chamber of commerce really did something big this time.

They kidnapped the wife of the federal official who most often appeared on television, the wife of the federal propaganda minister. She was one of the few people at the top of the federation, and she often carried His wife appears in public together.

“There’s a lot of visibility.”


Li Hao was stunned for a moment and said in disbelief: Are these people so brave? Did they take this woman out and sell it at a high price?

No, even if they dare to tie up and sell a woman of this rank, how many people would dare to buy her?

Have these people been free for too long and really think that the Federation has no temper?

Aren't you waiting for death? I can't predict for three days. This nightlife business association will be completely destroyed. These people are too reckless. They can do such a thing. Even the king of heaven and I can't save them.


Scargou shook his head with a complex expression and said: This group of forces is more powerful than we thought. They first publicized something to the outside world through various channels. This high-ranking official's wife is actually a god!

Like Wei Yan and Xiaoya, they are both gods!

Moreover, we have contacted the manufacturer and made countless dolls of the same style, and also promoted them to the outside world. As long as you pray day and night and shout to the gods, the gods will come to the dolls in their true form just like Xiaoya, allowing you to experience To receive the gift of rain and dew from the gods.”

The news spread very quickly, especially Xiaoya's matter was not over yet. Everyone was still trying to get rid of the melon. At this time, a new god came out, and everyone rushed over directly, and the baby was extremely It’s cheap, only 99, everyone can afford it!”

Everyone is bolder this time, because after Xiaoya's incident, everyone knows one thing, that is, the federation will not cause trouble for consumers like them!

So even if the identity of the consumer is a bit sensitive this time, no one is too afraid.

.Go crazy!

Li Hao slowly opened his mouth in shock and murmured: This group of people is absolutely crazy. In a sense, this matter will have a greater impact on the Federation than us destroying a planet. The Federation will definitely not For those who are so willing to let it go, this matter must be dealt with, otherwise it will be a shame and humiliation that the Federation cannot bear!

No, why did this group of people do this?

Do you really want money or your life?

And when will another god appear?

And at this time——

Chen Jiang, who was standing on the edge of the rooftop and had been silent from beginning to end, suddenly said with a calm face: This group of people want to create gods.

The woman they kidnapped is naturally not a god. This group of people want to use this method to absorb the power of faith and turn this woman into a god like Xiaoya.

The only thing I can't understand is why a woman with such a sensitive identity should be chosen.

In fact, choosing a well-known star can also achieve this effect. After all, what they need is just a woman who can arouse public desire and has enough popularity. It is really not rational to choose a woman with such a sensitive identity. Behavior, there may be something in it that I don’t know.”

Artificially created gods?

Li Hao reacted suddenly, a hint of shock flashed in his eyes, and everything suddenly became clear.


Everyone has seen the power of gods.

When seeing this scene, whoever is a little ambitious doesn't want to create a god?

It's just that Xiaoya can use this method to absorb the power of faith because he is a god. Can a mortal body absorb the power of faith?

Not sure.

Chen Jiang shook his head and said with a slight frown: I don't know this, but if everyone can use this method, the world will be in chaos.

You can think about it, if everyone uses this method to absorb the power of faith, what will the world look like?

Um, the AV world?

Almost, the world will lose its productivity. The main source of promoting the development of a world is the small group of people at the top. Because these people have desires, needs, and ambitions, this society will develop and be promote.

But if these people all become gods and can use their divine power to transform all kinds of things they want, then the productivity of the entire world will definitely slow down.

These are actually not important. What is important is that if there are too many gods, we will be in trouble.

Chen Jiang did not speak anymore, but turned to his friend list and sent a message to the head of the Nightlife Chamber of Commerce. He had a friend of this person and had worked with him before.

I briefly asked about this matter.

There was no response, and the avatar was black. It looked like he was not online.

About three to five minutes later.

There was a sudden reply over there.

No chaotic force can remain free forever. Mr. Jiang Cheng, please stop. Someone is already targeting you.

How can I kidnap such a person?

It's just someone forcing it on me.

Three simple sentences.

But Chen Jiang frowned again. He didn't pay much attention to this issue just now. Even if the Nightlife Chamber of Commerce really had the courage to do this, how could it be possible for the Nightlife Chamber of Commerce to cross thousands of light years to bring such a figure to the city? Kidnapping is obtained.

Brother Jiang.

Li Hao, who was standing aside, suddenly hesitated and said: Tell me, is there a possibility that the people who want to create gods are not actually nightlife chambers of commerce?


Li Hao didn't say the next words.

But several people looked at each other and understood what each other meant.

Only gods can compete with gods. If you want to avoid being stuck, the best way is to create a god yourself and control this power yourself!

It's just that the price is a bit too high.

This kind of name is naturally unpleasant, but it is much more reasonable to pin this matter on the Nightlife Chamber of Commerce.

It is normal for a chaotic force to be a little chaotic.

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