Chapter 392 After all, Mr. Jiang Cheng and we are not of the same race.

Damn, damn!!!

After trying several times to no avail, Liu Shengping was a little irritable and roared in his heart. For the first time, he found that even wanting to die was such a difficult thing!

He knows that the human body has protective mechanisms!

You won't allow yourself to hurt yourself, or you won't be able to use your full strength when you hurt yourself, and you won't be able to kill yourself, but it's not impossible as long as you are determined.

He just wanted to hold his breath and hold it in, but he couldn't do it despite trying several times.

Every time when I hold myself in to the limit and my consciousness begins to fall into unconsciousness, I will involuntarily open my mouth wide and start breathing heavily! ! !

And in a room outside the basement.

x was lying on a rocking chair and rocking casually. He glanced at Liu Shengping who was struggling hard on the monitor screen, flicked the ash into the ashtray nearby, and couldn't help but sneered: Want to die?

It can't be that simple.

In the past, I was most afraid of being an enemy of the child of such a big shot. Not only does he have a rich background, but he must also have resurrection tools. He can't kill him, but will provoke crazy revenge. It's really annoying to death.

Now I have learned a good method from Mr. Jiang Cheng.

Resurrection props are magical, but they can only be used when you die. If you can't die, no matter how powerful the resurrection props are, they can't be triggered.

This has taught us a lesson. Although we have many resurrection items on us, not being able to activate them is a problem. If we don't put a poison pill in our teeth, we can guarantee that we will die immediately under any circumstances.

Did you just react?

Wang Jili, who was holding a wine glass with one hand in his pocket, shook the wine glass in his hand casually, took out a needle as thick as a cigarette from his arms, inserted it into his arm as if nothing had happened, and injected a tube of medicine into it. He raised his eyebrows, revealing the dense needle holes on his arms.

Don't get me wrong, this is not some mess.

It's the antidote.

I injected a violent poison into my body. As long as there is no medicine to suppress it within 24 hours, I will bleed from all my orifices and die on the spot. There is no cure.

And this antidote can delay the outbreak of poison for one day.

As long as I inject the antidote regularly every day, the poison will not break out.

But if something happens to me, such as being caught, and I don't take the antidote in time, the poison will explode immediately, and I will die and activate the resurrection item.

After all, having poison pills in your teeth is not very safe. There are too many ways to restrain yourself.

But even so, I am not very reassured. After all, once all the props on my body are taken away, I will be in a very embarrassing situation. Even if I have several resurrection props sewn into my body, as long as I am willing to detect them, they can be dug out easily. It’s not a difficult thing.”

Try not to get caught, or try to take your own life quickly before you get caught, otherwise the consequences will not be good.

Wang Jili shook his wine glass in a daze and murmured: Although we don't seem to have any strong enemies for the time being, and the Federation has not officially treated us yet, we should not take it lightly.

After all, what we are going to do is very dangerous.


Wang Jili took out a cigarette from his arms and threw it into his mouth. After throwing it in his mouth and lighting it casually, he glanced at the cigarette that was about to burn out in his hand and said casually: When did you start smoking this kind of industrial product? Got a cigarette?

“Don’t upper-class people like you like to smoke those kind of cigars?”

Buying an expensive cigar from a planet that specializes in cigar production, then lighting it and slowly enjoying its fragrance, isn't it the most passionate thing for so-called upper-class people like you?

Upper class?

x couldn't help but shook his head and laughed: I'm not an upper-class person. The reason why I liked smoking cigars before was entirely because when I opened the Rose Club, I came into contact with some young men and young ladies.

If you hang out with these people, you will be ostracized if you hold a cigarette in your mouth.

These people are keen to use expensive things to set thresholds for their own circles. They are afraid that civilians with insufficient status will enter their circles and make them feel embarrassed.

I actually don't like cigars at all.

Do you know about cigar cutters?


Wang Jili shrugged and said casually: Nonsense, a kind of scissors, just round. Put the cigar in and cut off the head of the cigar. What's wrong?

Well, that's good to know. This thing can actually do more than just cut cigars.

You can also cut other things.

I once saw a so-called big shot, when dealing with a person who betrayed him, use this cigar cutter to shorten all ten of the person's fingers bit by bit.

It's not like cutting it off by the roots.

It's like cutting into slices of ham, cut into dozens of sections.

Finally, I used this thing to cut off the traitor's lifeblood.


You just need to put the cigar cutter on, then gently close the cigar cutter, and then it will be cut by the root.

Ever since then, I've been mentally disturbed by seeing things like cigar cutters.


Wang Jili slowly opened his mouth wide and was stunned for a moment before saying in a daze: Why do you still have such a story? Why don't I know it? Did that big shot just let you watch from the side?

Because the person who really betrayed him was not that person, but me.

We were both suspects and were called to the office together.

In the end, I used some methods to clear the suspicion and put the blame on that person. He bore all this for me.

Some ideas?

Wang Jili frowned and hesitated for a while, then suddenly hesitated and said: I know that both you and Li Yikui once belonged to the CBD organization. It is said that this organization is composed of people with special abilities.

Although Mr. Jiang Cheng has never asked about this, maybe he doesn't care, but I am a little curious, what is your so-called special ability?

Similar to talent?

Roughly the same.

After being silent for a while,

And this ability can ignore prop defense.

He does not belong to the system of props and will not be stopped by any props.

The existence of the Rose Club is to collect this kind of emotion. This specific emotion can only be collected most easily in a place like the Rose Club.

As for Li Yikui's ability, if you are curious, you can ask him yourself. It is not convenient for me to say this.


Wang Jili nodded thoughtfully: This ability sounds a bit useless.

At least some aspects are useful.

For example, when an old man was dying and called his lawyer to his bedside to prepare a will, he left all his inheritance to me under the witness of the lawyer.


Wang Jili suddenly laughed, took out a tablet from his arms, and placed it in front of x: Like this?

I saw a news announcement on the tablet screen!

The chairman of Shunxing Group passed away due to illness at 13:00 today. Before his death, witnessed by many lawyers and his children, he made an oral will and left all the inheritance in his name to his assistant, Mr. Li Shunyang .”

It is speculated that the reason is because the chairman of Shunxing Group hates his children for not being successful and would rather leave the family property to outsiders than to his own children.


Wang Jili looked at the sad-faced man wearing a black suit in the picture with some emotion: Although your pseudonym is Li Shunyang, your face is really easy to recognize. Such a charming face is not seen in ordinary men. arrive.

So this is your family history?

You've seen this news a long time ago, right?

x shook his head helplessly and smiled: This is all the dark history of the past. This chairman is the big shot I told you. Before he died, I told him in his ear that I was the one who really betrayed him. people.

It's easy to get him into a state of excitement.

Then, as you can imagine, I manipulated him into saying what I wanted to say.

Although the chairman had drafted a paper will in advance, the oral will is also valid, especially after promising to give 30% of the remuneration to several lawyers. These lawyers showed good performance in court. professional quality and excellent professional standards.”

Tsk, should I tell Mr. Jiang Cheng about this matter? Otherwise, I always feel that Mr. Jiang Cheng will fall into your trap one day.

You're joking.

x sighed softly: Mr. Jiang Cheng has never asked about my abilities, which proves that he doesn't care about this matter at all. This kind of confidence can only be seen in Mr. Jiang Cheng.

Just when Wang Jili was about to say something more.

The door was suddenly pushed open.

I saw a strange face appear at the door. He looked at Wang Jili with a serious face, saluted the two of them and said hoarsely: I have seen the two officers. Soldier Li Yimou came to report.


Wang Jili hugged the young man and said, Sir, no need to worry. I also work for Mr. Jiang Cheng. Come on, do you see the target of your mission this time? It's the restrained man in the picture.

it's him.

When the synchronization rate reaches 100%, he will become your clone.

It's very simple. Regarding the matter of soul resonance, Mr. Jiang Cheng should have sent someone to explain it to you.

The next thing you have to do is walk into this basement, and then use the shortest possible time to achieve a 100% synchronization rate with this man.

Okay, go ahead and wish you good luck.

After sending the young man away.

Wang Jili closed the door again, put his hands in his pockets and said with emotion: It seems that Mr. Jiang Cheng has completely unified the Ten Thousand Races Arena and can send players of all races out of the Ten Thousand Races Arena at will.

By the way, do racial players have such high authority in the Ten Thousand Races Arena?


x narrowed his eyes slightly, paused for a while and then said softly: Is it really okay if you just say it openly and honestly? I don't really want to hear this.

Okay, okay, you don't have to pretend like this in front of me. Everyone should know it by now. Is there anyone who doesn't know?

It's become clear.

As far as I know, the Ten Thousand Races Arena where Mr. Jiang Cheng is located will be opened in less than a month.

By then, a war will be inevitable.

And the reason why Mr. Jiang Cheng is so persistent with his staff is because he wants to get the technology of the game Tianyu in his hands and arrange a way out for his fellow players in advance?

If the plan goes well.

Through the method of soul resonance, we can indeed free up a few planets for Mr. Jiang Cheng's fellow players to temporarily settle down.

But Mr. Jiang Cheng is obviously not satisfied with this.

You and I must make our stance clear. When Mr. Jiang Cheng and the Federation are on the opposite side, which side should we, as citizens of the Federation, stand on?

Aren't you asking nonsense?

x frowned and said, We must be on Mr. Jiang Cheng's side, right?

Don't be so sure, kid.

Wang Jili's eyelids drooped, he lowered his head again and lit a cigarette, and said softly: We are naturally on Mr. Jiang Cheng's side now, but when Mr. Jiang Cheng is preparing to massacre all federal citizens except us, how can you still stand firm in your current situation? A choice?”

How is it possible? Although Mr. Jiang Cheng is very powerful, he does not have the ability to massacre all federal citizens. This

Halfway through the sentence,

Did you react?

Wang Jili blew out the smoke, stared at the two people on the surveillance screen, and said softly with a calm face: Mr. Jiang Cheng once obtained a world's original consciousness. When he saw Mr. Jiang Cheng again later, Mr. Jiang Cheng The caliber of that giant cannon is more than twice as large.

The power has also increased several times.

And this time, there are 120 arenas of all races, equivalent to 12,000 world origin consciousnesses.

Guess why Mr. Jiang Cheng cares so much about this batch of world origin consciousness. If these things are successfully obtained, you can guess again whether Mr. Jiang Cheng still has this ability.

In the face of genocide, maybe you would make other choices.

After all, Mr. Jiang Cheng and we are not of the same race.

I believe you can see hundreds of federal citizens dying in front of you without changing your expression. But when the entire federal citizens are exterminated, I believe even your hard-hearted heart will be a little moved. After all, these are Your kindred.”


After x was silent for a while, he said softly: I will still stand by Mr. Jiang Cheng.


Because he is stronger than me and I am afraid of death.

Tsk, you really don't hide your fear of life and death. This is equivalent to a traitor to the race.

And you?

Me? I don't care about these. In other words, after I saw that scene in that warehouse, I no longer care about many things.

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