But, these have nothing to do with us anymore.

Today, we are destined to be unable to compete for the top spot on the racial kill list.


The wise man paused, his eyes flashing with an inexplicable look: But, we can collect these seriously injured aliens.

Save for a day, and the probability of winning the first place on the list tomorrow will be greatly increased.

If one day is not enough, save two days.

No matter what happens, if we save the aliens for seven days and massacre them in one day, we will definitely help the ape-men to be ranked number one on the list!

In the worst-case scenario, the ape-men will also rank first on the race kill list every seven days!

Suvel and the clan leader looked at each other, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in their eyes: Listen to the wise.

Suvir, on the other hand, roared with a slightly excited expression: Since I no longer need to be a butcher here, I will rush over and lead the clansmen to fight together.

Go ahead.


Suvel grinned excitedly and threw the sickle in the air in front of him. At the same time, he quickly jumped forward, grabbed a vine hanging on the tree in front of him, and swung forward in an instant. .

And in mid-air, he caught the huge scythe, which was nearly two meters high.

Little bastards, feel the fear brought by the first warrior of the ape tribe!

The old man who was standing there looked at Suvir who was swinging forward quickly holding on to the vines. He shook his head helplessly and sighed: It would be great if all the ape-men came to one place.

I don't know what happened to the other tribes.

The Ape Saint will protect them.

I hope so.

Ten Thousand Races Arena.

The edge of a valley.

A man stood on the edge of the cliff with a cold face, staring at the nearly full alien race in the canyon below, and spat on the alien race in the canyon below with a look of disgust on his face.

Then he casually took the handkerchief handed over by the subordinate next to him, wiped the corners of his mouth, and then spoke.

Feed them, I don't want these little babies of mine to starve to death.


The subordinate standing next to him took out a red button from his arms and pressed it immediately.

The ground at the edge of the empty valley suddenly opened up like a machine, and two huge containers stretched out.

And this container was filled with some unknown food that smelled like paste.

Yes, although this thing smells a bit fishy, ​​it is indeed food.


The two containers were stretched out in mid-air in the canyon, flipped 180 degrees, and the soup and water with unknown particles poured down towards the aliens crowded in the canyon below.

The aliens piled up in the canyon below did not show any disdain when they saw this. Instead, they grabbed the food with red eyes and stuffed it into their mouths.


Maybe, but the greater possibility is that these aliens have gone crazy.

In the canyon below, there are human races, ape-human races, and swamp tribes, but there is no mechanical race.

This is a meat valley for the mechanical tribe.

Human player Chen Jiang.

The man standing there with a cold expression looked at the name and paused for a moment, then sneered: In one day, he killed nearly 2,000 aliens, ranking first on the list.

It really made a big splash.

The human players probably already regard this Chen Jiang as the savior of the human race, right?

That's humankind's ignorance.

The subordinates standing aside bowed and flattered with a respectful expression: Who doesn't know, Lord Feng Jiutian, you own several meat valleys. This meat valley in front of you alone has nearly 3,000 foreign meat beasts in captivity.

As long as you are willing, sir, you can instantly climb to the top of that race's kill list and trample that human race player Chen Jiang under your feet.

The man in front of him is Feng Jiutian of the mechanical clan.

Yesterday, he ranked first on the race kill list with 1,789 kills of aliens in a single day.

But today, he only ranked second on the list with 828 kills of aliens.

Let the human player be proud for a while, as long as Lord Feng Jiutian clears out all the meat valley before twelve o'clock today.

You can catch up with the human player Chen Jiang in an instant.

I guess at that time, the human player's mood was from heaven to hell. Anyone who thought that he was firmly ranked first, but was stolen from the tower overnight, would have a mental breakdown.

This subordinate stood aside and suggested with a respectful expression.


Feng Jiutian shook his head with a cold look on his face: What I want is not just to win the first place in the mechanical race rankings today, what I want is to completely crush the faith of the human race.

Human players must now think that their own race has a strong man who can lead them on.

And I, Feng Jiutian, will trample this human player Chen Jiang under my feet and tell the human players that the strong men you rely on are no more than an ant in front of the machine race.

As long as the belief of a race is shattered, the race will be easily defeated.

Stealing the tower will indeed lead to a one-day victory, but what I want is to be upright and let the human race realize their humbleness and the strength of the machine race under the general trend!

The next second——

Feng Jiutian raised his hand with a calm expression and patted his chest lightly.


There was a sound of gears turning, and Feng Jiutian's chest opened automatically like a double door.

There are no internal organs inside.

There was only one, like a safe, surrounded by a sci-fi-like abdominal cavity that looked like steel plates.

As the abdominal cavity opened, the really cool white mist dissipated and floated towards the ground.

And he reached into his abdomen, grabbed an ice-blue pistol in the white mist, aimed at the flesh and bones below that were frantically munching on food, and said softly with a calm face.

I, Feng Jiutian, am destined to be the name that everyone must look up to.

The muzzle of this pistol is as big as two fists, and the entire body is filled with an ice-blue fluid substance that is like liquid. It emits a strange light and looks extremely beautiful.

The next second——


A lightning-like thunderball shot out from the muzzle.

In an instant, the entire canyon was enveloped in lightning.

Along with the crackling sounds, the smell of fishy meat slowly floated up.

Feng Jiutian glanced at the rapidly rising race kill rankings and snorted disdainfully.

Then he quickly put the pistol in his hand, which had begun to heat up rapidly, back into his chest, and turned on the freezing function again.

Then he took out a prop from his arms.

Item Name: Global Speaker.

Item Level: Two-star item.

Prop Effect: Your voice can be heard in the ears of people of all races at the same time, limited to two hundred words!

Introduction to props: A prop that looks a bit useless, but is sometimes very useful.


A cold and provocative voice rang in the ears of all races on this huge planet.

Human race, Chen Jiang.

I know what you are thinking now. Seeing that your kill list suddenly disappeared, I feel shocked and angry at the same time.

It's shocking why this mechanical clan Feng Jiutian is so strong, and angry that the number one on the list that is within easy reach is no longer available.


Only the weak can be angry.

Give up struggling. The human race is the weakest and filthy insect-like race. It will never be able to surpass the mechanical race.

It's like I'm trampling you under my feet right now.

I, the mechanical tribe, Feng Jiutian!

A name for all of you to look up to!

Chen Jiang had just driven to the edge of City 18 and was about to start bombing the residential areas of City 18.

Hearing the sudden prompt sound in his ear, he was slightly stunned, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

But then when I saw the racial kill list, I understood it instantly.

Race kill rankings.

Number one on the list, the Machine Tribe, Feng Jiutian.

Number of aliens killed: 3678.

Two on the list, human race, Chen Jiang.

Number of aliens killed: 1,682.

That's it.

Chen Jiang couldn't help but grinned: Is this considered a provocation?

Originally, I didn't plan to kill too many mechanical tribes today, but this provocation has come. I feel that if I don't kill more mechanical tribes today, I would be a little sorry for the provocation.

Tsk, actually I really don't want to be known as a racial invader.

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