Natural, natural.

This man didn't dare to show off too much, but subconsciously covered his thighs. It wasn't that he was cold, but that he still felt a little embarrassed anyway.

The three-star prop treasure chest is deep inside the mine. You can see it as long as you go in.

When Chen Jiang heard this, he and Scargou looked at each other, and they both saw the tacit understanding in each other's eyes.

And Scar Dog was even more action-oriented. Without saying a word, he raised the Emperor Wu shotgun and aimed it at the man in front of him, preparing to pull the trigger.

Are you kidding me?

There is a three-star item treasure chest deep in the mine. Is it their turn to get in so easily?

Still deep in the mine, coaxing ghosts.

After entering, 90% of the time you may not see any three-star item treasure chest at all, but only a bunch of traps.

Don't, don't, don't!!

The man hurriedly raised his hands with a look of horror, and his voice amplified and he said again hastily: It's true, please listen to my explanation, don't be in a hurry to shoot!!

He was about to have a nervous breakdown due to the behavior of these two people who were always ready to shoot!

When did communication become a matter of replying with bullets?

That three-star item treasure box is indeed deep down in this mine!

It turns out that there are a group of human players here, and they discovered the three-star item treasure box first, but the three-star item treasure box could not be opened for a while.

Then they suddenly left yesterday and said they were looking for a powerful person to open this prop treasure chest.

It just seemed like something happened. I only heard a rumble like an earthquake, and then those players never came back.

You didn't come with us?

Scar Dog looked up and down at the man in front of him with a strange expression. He finally understood why the group of human players came to join them inexplicably, but naturally they could not come back and were buried in the wilderness forever with the 18th city.


Someone has to be watching here.

Yes. Chen Jiang nodded, paused for a moment before looking at the man in front of him: Open the talent page of your panel information.

The last time he killed more than 100,000 aliens in a single day, he did give him a title - Alien Harvester!

The effect of this title allows him to have a chance to see through the random talent of a foreigner once a day.

But it's only for aliens, and it can't be used on the human player in front of me.

Human players have a total of two talents.

One is racial talent.

One is personal talent.

The racial talent of every human player is Phoenix Nirvana, and this cannot be changed.

But each human player's personal talent is randomly selected when they first come to this world.

The last time Chen Jiang won the top spot on the racial kill list, the racial reward he received was to give every player in the race a chance to randomly change their personal talents.

Only personal talents can be changed, racial talents cannot be changed.

no problem.

The man nodded hurriedly and shared his panel information without any hesitation.

In the wilderness, exposing one's information to the other party without reservation is a way of showing sincerity when surrendering, which can give the other party a certain sense of trust.

Just like taking the initiative to bring your neck to your lover, letting him hold it tightly and slap it, this act of handing your fatal weakness into the other person's hands will also create a feeling in your heart that is difficult for ordinary people to give you.

Player Name: Li Hao.

Player camp: Human race.

Carry props: None.

Player Talent: The map appears.

Racial Talent: Phoenix Nirvana.

Human Merits: 2 points.

Player title: None.

The map appears?

Chen Jiang raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the personal talent of the player named Li Hao.

The map appears!

You can project the terrain with a radius of one kilometer in the air in the form of a 3D map with itself as the center.

And there will be punctuation marks for players of other races and players of this race.

It looks good, let's try it.

Chen Jiang took a step back slightly, keeping some distance from Li Haoteng, and nodded to signal him.

Li Hao was stunned for a moment, then said in a trembling voice with a hint of crying on his face: Two eldest brothers, to use this talent, you must work together with both hands.


Scar Dog nodded in confusion: Why don't you just use it? What can you tell us? We didn't chop off your hand.


Li Hao hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and removed his hands from his thighs.


A slightly dry larva was floating slightly in the night like it was hanging on a spider web.


Scar Dog couldn't help but clicked his tongue and shook his head: Brother, your stuff is quite exquisite, isn't it?

Li Hao's face froze, but he couldn't care less about this at the critical moment of life and death. After taking a deep breath, he put his hands in the air and pressed down hard!

Suddenly there was one, about three meters long and wide.

A 3D map composed of a bunch of white thin lines appeared in the void.

There's more than meets the eye.

All the details in the mine are perfectly outlined by these white thin lines.


Li Hao pointed to a yellow light spot on the 3D map: This yellow light spot is the three-star prop treasure box. The location is extremely hidden. It was impossible for the original group to find it.

But, because of my talent, they found the treasure chest easily.

There are three blue blips here on the map.

The blue light spots represent the human players, which are the three of us.

If a foreign player approaches, a red light spot will appear on the map.

As you can see, there is no ambush near that yellow light spot.

That makes sense.

Scar Dog nodded, and then said with a strange expression: So, can you explain, if you don't come out, we won't find you at all, and we will leave as soon as daybreak.

Why did you come out, take the initiative to deliver it to the door, and then be forced to hand over the three-star prop treasure box?

Because... I'm hungry.

Li Hao said with a bitter look on his face: My talent is an auxiliary talent. I basically have no combat ability, and all my props were taken away by the original group of players.

It has no combat capability at all.

You have to find a few human players to form a team to survive in the wilderness. I can't survive in the wilderness alone.


Scargou nodded noncommittally and didn't say much, but turned his head to look at Chen Jiang.

Let's go.

Chen Jiang paused for a while with a calm expression, then waved his hand and installed the cannon on the side into a space bracelet. He held the cannon with one hand and looked at the man in front of him.

Lead the way.


Li Hao nodded hurriedly, then picked up the pants he had taken off next to him as quickly as possible and put them on before walking shirtless in front and starting to lead the way.

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