My fort has a caliber of three thousand meters

Chapter 72 Chen Jiang gave up, but the human race cannot give up!


until 2 p.m.

Nearly seven or eight hours have passed since the machine player Feng Jiutian sent the global horn in the morning.

Chen Jiang didn't respond at all.

Not only did the number of kills show no signs of changing.

Chen Jiang's voice no longer sounded in everyone's ears.

What should I do?

In a certain gathering place, about twenty people gathered around a table.

They are the Human Race Guardian Association.

have nothing to say.

The old man sitting at the front looked tired and shook his head: The human race is declining. It is a good choice to avoid fighting at this time. Only by retaining the vitality can we wait for the subsequent outbreak.

Lord Guardian.

A middle-aged man sitting on the side of the table stood up with a slightly ugly expression and said, I have a different opinion. If Chen Jiang hadn't done what he did yesterday and gave in now, there's nothing wrong with that.

After all, when the human race came to this world, they did not have as strong a capability as other alien races. After losing technology, they became extremely weak. Human players have long been accustomed to the decline of the human race.


Yesterday, Chen Jiang crushed the mechanical race in one fell swoop, attracting the attention of all human players.

This caused the human players who had already resigned themselves to their fate to suddenly feel a burst of fire in their hearts.

If Chen Jiang admits defeat at this time, it will be a devastating blow to most human players.

Single combat power is only useful in small-scale battles.

Ethnic wars like this can easily involve billions or even tens of billions of people.

What we are fighting for is power!

Originally, the momentum of the human race cannot rise for a long time, but since Chen Jiang triggered this momentum in advance yesterday, the momentum of the human race cannot be broken, and must continue to move upward!

I suggest that the human guardians lead all the human players we protect to go out and attack, and capture the elves gathering place fifty kilometers away. Then gather all the seriously injured elves and give them to one person to kill.

Today's number one, Chen Jiang gave up, but the human race can't give up!

If the human race gives up being number one on the list this time, then the momentum that has finally been built up will be completely broken!

The flame of hope that rises in a desperate situation, once it is extinguished, will never rise again.

Don't you, Lord Guardian, know that when a race gathers strength, how much potential this race will unleash?

I know.

The old man at the front of the table was obviously tired and shook his head: However, the Human Guardian Association has only temporarily gathered some human players. With our current strength, we are going to annex the elven gathering point fifty kilometers away.

One, it is not strong enough and can barely swallow it, but there will be a lot of casualties.

Two, it is even more impossible to seriously injure all the elves and then let one person kill them.

You don't have to think about this matter anymore.

What we have to do now is try to develop as quietly as possible.

Seeing that the Lord Guardian denied his decision, the middle-aged man standing aside looked anxious and said anxiously: How could it be that the strength is not enough? There are our internal agents in that Elf tribe, only


Before he finished speaking, a crisp voice sounded in the hall.

The middle-aged man's body froze, and he suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing. He hurriedly lowered his head and shut up, and stood aside with a gloomy expression without speaking.

At this time, Chen Jiang and others.

just woke up.

After washing up hastily, he got back into the armored vehicle.

This hasty washing is really hasty washing.

In the wilderness, there are basically no green plants. Only a kind of green grass with thick leaves can often be found in the cracks of stones.

This kind of green plant has a lot of water. Just pinch it gently and some bitter green water will ooze out.

And if you grab a handful of this grass and rub it on your face, it will be considered as a wash.

When I first came into this world.

There is no water source to be found.

The only river water, the pungent smell of heavy metal, that thing, even if Asan, who feeds on the periodic table of elements, came, he would frown and stay silent when he saw it.

As for the three months of rain, it hasn’t rained a few times in total.

In that case, the only water available for drinking was the astringent green water.

As for whether it is harmful to the body.

They were almost dead, who would care so much, as long as it was not poisonous, because they saw several mutated beasts looking for this kind of grass to eat.


Chen Jiang casually took out a pile of bread from his arms, placed it in front of him, tore open a packaging bag and started to gnaw on it.

This is some food they purchased last time they went to 18 cities.

Then he raised his head and glanced at Feng Jiutian's kill count on the race kill ranking list.

Almost 90,000 people?

A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Jiang's eyes, and he sighed slightly: This kid is working really hard. In such a hot day, his skin is already peeling off. Why are you still working so hard outside killing foreigners?


Most of the time, the highest result of hard work is just to become a background for some people.

What if you don't work hard?

Of course, I'm not even qualified to be a backdrop.


Chen Jiang stood up slowly, clapped his hands, jumped out of the armored vehicle and walked towards the giant heavy truck next to him: You guys eat first, I'll go check it out.

Brother Jiang, I'll go with you.

No, just sit down.

oh oh.

Scargou nodded thoughtfully, looked at Brother Jiang's retreating back, then sat down again, took out two cigarettes from his arms, and handed them to Li Hao: Smoking one?


Li Hao smiled bitterly and refused: I quit a long time ago.

Good guy.

Scar Dog was stunned for a moment, put the cigarette in his mouth, touched the lighter on his body, and exclaimed: How many years have you been smoking? You just quit when you say you want to?

I have been smoking for nine years. When I was a child, I was naughty and ignorant. I wanted to pretend to be a social person, so I learned to smoke. Later, I gradually learned how to smoke.

Then I met a girl who didn't like people who smoked, and then I quit.


Scargou froze slightly on the spot, stopped looking for a lighter with his hands, looked at Li Hao expressionlessly, and after a long silence, he said hoarsely: Then what?

And then she got married.

and you?


Then what kind of smoking did you quit for her? Did you quit when we were together before?

No, we've never been together.

Aren't you just being played with?

After Li Hao lowered his head and was silent for a long time, his eyes were slightly red and he said hoarsely: You can't say that, she is a good girl.

I came to see her once on the eve of her wedding.

I said that I would sell my excavator and give her all the money in exchange for one night.

And, sworn to absolute secrecy.

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