Chen Jiang was driving a pickup truck along the street, seemingly aimlessly.

Li Hao, on the other hand, was sitting in the back row with his eyes closed, constantly recording the surrounding terrain and other information in his head.

They are trying to realize the topography of the entire city.

In this way, when bombing later, there will be a first bombing target and a second bombing target.

The first bombing targets are naturally those military bases.

However, the military base is heavily guarded and they obviously cannot get close.

Because when the entire city is embodied in the sky, those points that they cannot reach will become a blank space and appear extremely conspicuously on the map.

Knowing the exact location is enough.

Leave the rest to the fort.

This series of processes took them more than two hours.

This is only a rough representation of the map of the entire city. After illegally running a red light all the way, as for the original driver of this car, he is naturally sleeping in a cave deep underground.

Brother Jiang.

Suddenly blood flowed out of Li Hao's nose. He opened his eyes, shook his head with a weak breath and said: I can't do it anymore. My mental strength has reached its limit and I can no longer draw.

about there.

Chen Jiang casually pulled out a few pieces of paper on the bridge and handed them to Li Hao: Thank you for your hard work.

Then, he turned the wheel and drove straight to the side road. Not long after, he came to the entrance of a factory.

He controlled the pickup truck under him and slowly parked the vehicle at the gate.

In the security room at the gate, a middle-aged man was holding the phone in agitated mood and kept shouting: So what if I bought it?

Are you done for the day? I don't smoke, drink, or go whoring. I just like to drink some fucking tea!

I don't dare to drink it openly, I have to hide the tea leaves every time!

It only costs a few dozen yuan per catty of tea. How long do you want to nag me?

It's difficult, it's difficult. I know this family is in trouble. Aren't I also working hard?!

at this time--

He saw a pickup truck parked suddenly in front of the gate. He waved his hand impatiently and scolded: The factory director gave the order two hours ago that we will not entertain guests today. Go back where you came from.

The words just fell.

Then he saw a shotgun as thick as his forearm suddenly appeared in front of his eyes and pointed at his forehead.

Feeling the coldness on his forehead, the middle-aged man suddenly woke up. He raised his hands subconsciously, and his mobile phone fell to the ground. His face was slightly frightened and he said in a trembling voice: Brother, if you have something to say, don't be impulsive.

Open the door.

Scar Dog, who was sitting in the passenger seat, held a shotgun in one hand and pointed it at the man's head. He said softly with an expressionless face: Do you understand me? Open the door.

You understand, you understand.

With panic in his eyes, the man nodded hurriedly and said: I drive, I drive, brother, I am just a part-time worker, there are seniors and juniors.

As the man hurriedly pressed a button on the table, the steel doors in front of him slowly opened to both sides.

Scar Dog nodded with satisfaction, and then gently pulled the trigger.


Before the middle-aged man with a flattering smile could react, his head exploded instantly, blood splattered on the pickup truck and stained the body of the truck red.

The body fell heavily to the ground.

Let's go, Brother Jiang.

Scar Dog put the shotgun back and looked at the factory building with the door open in front of him.

As the vehicle starts slowly.

The middle-aged man's cell phone dropped to the ground, and there were still bursts of curses coming from it.

Okay, Lao Wang, you are ready, right? You dare to scold me, right?

Do you think I want to control you? If you can make more money, I will talk to you?

Let me tell you, if I hadn't married a loser like you, my life would be infinitely better than it is now!

Hey, where's the guy? Are you listening to me?

And at this time——

The pickup truck that had just entered the factory suddenly had a shotgun stretched out from the passenger seat.


The accompanying dull gunfire sounded.

The mobile phone that fell to the ground exploded like the man's head!

It may be because the blood sacrifice activities for all races are about to begin.

Along the way, they saw that passers-by were obviously doing things much faster, obviously wanting to quickly end the things at hand and prepare for the blood sacrifice event for all races.

Among them were many armored vehicles loaded with artillery, heading out of the city.

In this factory, except for the security guard at the door, no one was seen.

Chen Jiang and others stepped out of the car, and an illusory door appeared in front of them.

The three of them ran straight into it.

When he came out again, he had arrived at a large room.

There is a huge mahogany desk in this room.

and a soft bed.

At this time, there was a man and a woman on the soft bed, having an affair.

The first moment Chen Jiang and the others appeared in the house, they screamed in horror.


His body struggled violently, trying to get out from under the fat man on his body.

However, there is obviously still a huge difference in body size.

No matter how hard the woman below struggled, she was pinned down by the fat man.

However, at this moment——

A cold barrel suddenly stretched out from his shoulder.



The cold and silent gunfire sounded slowly.

The woman who had been struggling violently just now had her head exploded in an instant, and blood splashed all over the room and even on the ceiling. Her body twitched twice and then stopped stiffly.

As for the man, staring at the scene in front of him, he subconsciously froze for a moment before reacting.


Suddenly an even harsher sound sounded! ! !

The man screamed with fear and climbed up from the woman's body using his hands and feet. He looked at the three men who had appeared behind him at some point. His body was trembling violently and he was speechless for a moment.

It's so interesting, you always get some weird mechanical organs.

Scargou glanced casually, then stepped forward and grabbed the man's hair, dragging him towards the door of illusion: Let's go, my dear Mr. Factory Director.

The man whose hair was grabbed wailed in pain, and the scar dog who followed him couldn't control his body and walked forward.

And Li Hao was holding a hand cannon, pressing it against the fat man's back.


Chen Jiang and others walked out of the Illusion Gate again.

Came inside the factory.

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