My future diary cannot be the last one

Chapter 385 Beast! What do you understand?

Although the routine is old, it is very useful.

At least when Xun Xi saw the man next to Lin Cuiyuan who had just said excitedly that he knew the murderer suddenly died, the corners of his eyes still twitched a few times.

How did you do it?

In full view of the public, he died suddenly without any warning, only supernatural!

"A desperate gambler."

I saw Lin Cuiyuan gritting her teeth and said: "He guessed Bo Jin's identity. Bo Jin was able to catch the murderer so quickly, it is very likely that he is a 'detective'. He should have checked a random person, and it happened to be detected. The identity of the murderer was guessed by gamblers before he was revealed."

Bo Jin is the name of the man who died suddenly.

Next to Lin Cuiyuan, another man also gritted his teeth and looked at the pile of ashes left on the ground after Bo Jin's death with a ferocious expression.

No one else spoke.

Obviously, even if some people may have thought about revealing their identity before, in the presence of the desperate gambler, everyone gave up the idea.

".At least one thing can be confirmed."

After a long time, the young-looking He Zudao said: "The life-threatening gambler is the murderer's accomplice. Judging from the identity names, in addition to the gambler, betrayer, shadow assassin, and tomb robber, these three may also be the murderer. My accomplice, after all, his name doesn’t sound like a good person.”

"Tomb Raider."

Speaking of this identity, He Zudao suddenly frowned. Others also reacted, and then looked at Qin Shou who looked embarrassed.

"What are you looking at!"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Qin Shou was trembling with anger: "I am not a tomb robber! I am an archaeologist! I am committed to digging out the truth of history. Anyone who robs tombs or not is despicable and shameless. Besides, reality The identity and the assigned identity cannot be the same!"

"." Everyone withdrew their gaze.

Although they sneer at the archaeologists' statement, everyone still agrees on one thing: real identity and game identity are not necessarily the same.

"This is really a bad start."

The detective died before the game even started.

The good guy camp is screwed.

Xun Xi felt the change in everyone's atmosphere and couldn't help but complain in her heart. Then he first glanced at the trace of ashes left behind after Bo Jin's death, then looked at Lin Cuiyuan who looked sad, and the man following her actually had another guess than that the detective was dead.

"Let's look for clues first."

In the end, it was the old man of the old couple who spoke first: "Six clues, I suggest that we work in groups of three and slowly search in the county."

“On the one hand, there is strength in numbers.”

"On the other hand, even if someone with the ability to kill sneaks into the group, he can only kill one person in a short period of time, and the other person can immediately apply to convene a tribunal."

"This will at least maximize safety."

"I agree!" Before the old man finished speaking, Qin Shou was the first to stand up and express his support. The others nodded after thinking for a moment.

"Then let's do it."

When the old man saw this, he immediately struck while the iron was hot and extended an olive branch to He Zudao: "Me and Xinyue, and He Zudao, how about we go as a team?"

Xinyue is the name of the old woman who was at odds with Lin Cuiyuan.

On the other side, Qin Shou licked his face and moved closer to Lin Cuiyuan: "Miss Cuiyuan~"

"You can team up with me and Boyin."

Lin Cuiyuan looked indifferent and got straight to the point: "Your disciples can come too. Three people are too many, four people are too many, it doesn't matter."

"Thank you!" Qin Shou was immediately overjoyed.

At this point, the seven people present were divided into two groups on the spot.

Plus dead Borgin.

In the end, only the ninth person, Xun Xi, was left standing. Perhaps because he was a foreigner now, others were wary of him.

".Then I will act alone."

Seeing this, Xun Xi could only spread his hands and said helplessly: "I'm only one person anyway, you shouldn't worry that I can kill people alone, right?"

The others didn't speak, just chuckled. Because this is not a question of whether, but a question of whether. Xun Xi, who acted alone, could not kill anyone at all. Because if he wants to kill someone, he must encounter two groups. Even if he kills one, he will definitely be found out.

Not even if his identity can be hidden.

Because he was the only one acting alone, even if someone died, as long as the others had alibi, it could still be attributed to him.

But in other words-——

(If you want to frame me, it’s actually very easy.)

Xun Xi somewhat understood how the "Kane" in the movie was regarded as the "murderer". It was obvious that he had been framed.

And if nothing else goes wrong, the "murderer" will take action this round.

After all, the murderer's goal is to kill all the good guys, and at the same time, this identity can also obtain information about all his accomplices. In this case, killing a good person, and then throwing the blame on Xun Xi, and killing another good person through voting is the best way for the murderer.

In comparison, killing Xun Xi directly would be a loss.

So at least this time Xun Xi doesn't have to worry about being killed. He just needs to catch the real culprit before the new deceased appears and the trial begins.

And there's one more thing.

All he was experiencing now were "memories".

Because at the very beginning of the movie, Kane has actually been voted out. And what Xun Xi is experiencing now is Kane's "memory killing".

In other words, even if he does something here.

Once the "memory killing" is over, it will all be in vain. This is the biggest difficulty of this movie. It is not difficult to find the murderer, but you want to change Kane's ending.

almost impossible.


Thinking of this, Xun Xi looked at the letter in his hand again. Among the ten identities, one was called [Sin Absolver], which was the only breaking point.

[The Pardoner] can absolve sins. Speaking human words can save a person who was voted out. That's why Kane didn't die suddenly after being thrown out, but was sent to a strange street. The purpose is to give the [Sin Absolver] a space to operate.


Thinking of this, Xun Xi couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows. In fact, he already had someone to suspect, but he wasn't too sure yet.

And one more thing: What is the purpose of this game?

Mr. Luo got in touch with the desperate writer and established this game. For what purpose? We are both the original ones, wouldn't it be nice to find him as a Six-faced Master?

Working with desperate writers.

It is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

Why did Mr. Luo do this? Of course, it was impossible for Xun Xi to believe that Mrs. Luo was dead. The old man was obviously alive and well.

What else is there to say. After all, Xun Xi had dealt with the elderly He Zudao in reality, so he also had guesses about the identity of this younger version of He Zudao: one of He Zudao's last supernatural beings was named the King of Shadows. The ability just corresponds to the [Shadow Assassin] among the ten identities.

The final winner of this game is 80% insignificant.

Qin Shou should have lost. He Zudao was trapped in Luofeng County, but Qin Shou was obviously not. Ba Cheng was trapped in the county because of his loss.

And his apprentice, the young man named Wu Chang.

What role does he play in this game?

There are too many doubts.

"Come one by one." Thinking of this, Xun Xi decided not to worry anymore. By this time the others had divided into two groups and started exploring the entire county.

It was almost time for him to take action.


The next second, Xun Xi suddenly pulled out the revolver from the gun bag on his thigh, and then pulled the trigger on the weird statue that always showed the front of the villa at the front entrance. I saw the bullets of justice fly out, and finally landed on the statue, leaving a black bullet hole.

"Well, I guessed it wrong, it's not a living person."

There are nine players with ten identities. Although one identity belongs to the "dead man", Xun Xi can't help but suspect that he fell into the statue in the villa hall.

After all, isn’t it common in novels?

The non-existent tenth person or something.

Unfortunately I guessed wrong.

After all, as a [sheriff], he can only kill the 'murderer'. And if he kills the wrong good guy, he will die suddenly. Since the game is not over now, he did not die suddenly. That can only mean that he guessed wrong. The statue is really just a statue, not a living person pretending to be a statue.



Suddenly, Xun Xi, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped. The words and deeds of everyone in the hall before flashed through his mind one by one.

Finally settled on one picture.

"I see. I understand."

Something has happened recently, so the update has been delayed, so please forgive me, readers.

The author has already planned the plot.

If you don’t believe the rumors and don’t spread them, you won’t be a eunuch.

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