My future diary cannot be the last one

Chapter 50 The scales respond to requests

After returning to the room that Jing Guisi had specially opened for himself in the Halo Building, Xun Xi took out the bronze scale that was highlighted in the future diary.

As for Wu Mao, it seems that he went to Qing Si for psychological counseling.

Old Biden returned home.

Xun Xi took out the bronze scale and placed it solemnly on the table. Then he took out the Heavenly Book of the Earth Sect and the three-headed bishop sculpture.

Originally, he really planned to hand over both the Heavenly Book and the sculpture. But after seeing the updates from Future Diary, he changed his mind. After all, if the Bronze Scales could really be traded with a primitive supernatural being comparable to the God of Murder, they would be very good bargaining chips.

Then here comes the problem.

".How to start trading?"

Xun Xi fiddled with the bronze scales, and finally found a line of small dark red words on the bottom of each of the two trays, which looked like dried blood.

On the left [there is a request].

[Bing] on the right.

The two sides add up to [response to all requests].

And the moment Xun Xi touched these two small characters, the bronze scale suddenly glowed with light. Immediately afterwards, the bronze casting in the center of the scale was slowly dissolved, then recast, and finally turned into a young man wearing a suit, wearing a polite hat, and holding a cane.

The young man is like the previous Ma Feng, and his whole body is made of bronze.

However, his expression was far less vivid than Ma Feng, as if he was just an automatic answering robot, and his voice could not detect any emotion:

"A wish."

"A hundredfold price."

When stating his wish, the young man put his right hand on the tray on the right. When telling the price, the young man stretched out his left hand.

If nothing else, place the price, which is the transaction item, on the left tray. The fate broker will place your wish on the tray on the right. As for the standard of judgment between price and desire, it is entirely up to the scales or the fate broker.


"This seems like a free prostitution."

Xun Xi thought about it for a while. If he didn't trade specific supernatural powers, but only traded information, he wouldn't actually have to trade with Tian Ping at all.

Isn’t this a future diary?

As long as the "future self" is allowed to trade, and then the future self writes the information obtained from the transaction in the diary, isn't it equivalent to getting the information in vain?

Just do it!

Thinking of this, Xun Xi immediately turned his attention to the future diary. Another use of this diary is that he can consume spiritual energy and write content in the diary, thereby controlling "him in the future" to a certain extent to do what Xun Xi wants.

Soon, the diary was updated diligently.

[I decided to trade with the balance. 】

[There are also three sculptures in the Heavenly Book taught by the Earth. I want to know if anyone will try to harm me in the next three years, and if so, who it will be. 】

[The price just satisfies the wish. 】

[The Destiny Broker answered my question. He told me that the Earth Cult had noticed my existence for some reason and was trying to kill me. 】

[This is what I expected. 】

[After all, I destroyed Qi Hehua’s ceremony and took away the Heavenly Book of the Earth Sect and the three-headed bishop sculpture. It is reasonable for them to want to kill me. 】

[I continued to ask the fate broker, wanting to know the name. 】

[But the destiny broker told me that the price was not enough, and could only tell me the identity of the other party, who is the bishop of the Earth Church. Now I am in big trouble. A bishop of the Earth Church is almost equivalent to a special commissioner of Jingguisi. His ability is already at the Xinhuo level. I will definitely not be able to defeat him. 】

"Bishop of the Earth Church?"

Xun Xi frowned, recalling the content written by the only "he" who discovered his existence in the diary related to Qing Si.

Three years later, the Earth Cult attacked the Halo Building.

Could it be related to this?

In the diary, every time I got married, I died suddenly three years later. At exactly the same time, could it be that the love of his life was the Bishop of the Earth Church?

Thinking of this, Xun Xi had a sudden idea, and then continued to write in the diary.

[I plan to trade all my supernatural powers with the fate broker in exchange for the name and appearance of the Earth Church bishop who has evil intentions against me. 】

Since you want to have sex for free, then follow through to the end.

Anyway, it was "him" in the future diary who paid the price. It was unclear whether he was the real self, so Xun Xi took advantage of it without any psychological burden at all, so he wiped away his tears: "Good brother, just go with peace of mind!" I will never let your sacrifice go to waste!

Soon, the diary was updated again:

[Shabi only uses all his supernatural powers to trade. How could I have written such a thing in the first place? I must have lost my mind. Drinking and sex really did me a lot of harm. 】

Xun Xi: "."

I don't have a brother like you!

After thinking for a moment, Xun Xi continued to write in his diary:

[I already know that the person targeting me is the Bishop of the Earth Church. I want to trade with Tian Ping, hoping to get the name and appearance of the Bishop of the Earth Church. 】

Let me get some information first.

Then, based on knowing this information, he prostituted for further information.

Infinite nesting dolls.

Perfect chain!

As Xun Xi expected, it didn't take long for the future diary to be updated twice: [Facing the deal I proposed, the fate broker gave the answer, he said]

Xun Xi turned the next page excitedly.

【.Get out! 】

Xun Xi: "???"

[Obviously, Destiny Broker feels that the deal I proposed is not enough. Isn't it really that easy to find a fire-level transcendent? So I decided to change the deal. I hoped that the Destiny Broker could help me find a way to curb the power of the murder god in the supernatural playing cards. 】

"Huh?" Xun Xi frowned.

This was indeed the question he planned to ask, but before he could write this part, the future diary was updated by itself. What's happening here?

Xun Xi temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued reading:

[After sacrificing the heavenly book and the sculpture, the fate broker gave his answer: Either pay more, and he will help me balance it himself. Either start with the Earth Cult. He told me that the three-headed bishop sculpture I traded to him is actually a very good supernatural being. 】

[If it is sealed with supernatural playing cards. 】

[Not only will the supernatural powers of the God of Murder be suppressed, but it can also react chemically with my body, the King of Clubs, which is the Black Emperor card. 】

[Then he asked me if I wanted to trade back the sculpture. 】

[Damn, profiteer! 】

[Just when I was scolding like this, the fate broker suddenly changed his tune. Saying that I am the 12,642nd customer that He has dealt with, I am happy to win the jackpot, He can vomit blood and sell it. As long as I trade my diary to Him, He will return the sculpture to me. 】

【I decisively refused. 】

[I don’t believe profiteers have a conscience, he must have a conspiracy. And I also found that there seems to be something wrong with the diary I wrote myself.】

Of course there is a problem, because I am watching.

Seeing this, Xun Xi couldn't help but shook his head. In fact, he had already tried to communicate with "him in the future" through diaries, but the results of his attempts were not ideal. The diary will not respond to communications written by oneself. The diary will only be updated if specific actions are written down.

So can he discover his existence in the future?

To be honest, he can only rely on himself.

Just like the man in Qing Si's diary, there was no woman to interfere with his affairs. After three years of development, he was obviously very strong. Only then could he discover himself on the other side of the diary.

However, this kind of thing is hard to come by.

Not to mention that the damn love of his life is here. Except for the one about Qing Si, the stumbling block in almost every diary entry would lead to his sudden death.

However, it is not without gain.

"Isn't this still giving me key information for nothing?"

Thinking of this, Xun Xi immediately turned his eyes and looked at the three bishop sculptures on the table.

It's not about directly trading supernatural powers to become stronger, but about trading information that can make you stronger. Sure enough, this is the correct way to use the scales that respond to requests!

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