My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1020: Looking for medicine

Chapter 1020: Looking for Medicine

Che Weichen made four or five calls to help Mu Fei explore the medicinal materials, but the result was not very satisfactory.

"Idols, those who draw a check mark, can definitely get it..."

Che Weichen held the note for Mu Fei to read, and most of the names of the herbs were marked with a check mark.

"And those with "circles" in front of them are relatively rare. You can only go to some Chinese medicine families or merchants who specialize in these partial medicines. I estimate that 80% can be obtained, but the price..." Weichen said here, and spread his hands, the meaning is obvious, the price can not be cheap.

"Don't worry about more money, try to do it for me. If you have money, please help me with it. I'll give it to you when it's all done. If you don't have enough money, you can call me. These medicines are very important. I need them urgently. Get it." Mu Fei replied without thinking.

Looking at Mu Fei's serious expression, Che Weichen also knew that he was really in a rush, and no kidding, he nodded.

"Idol, and the most troublesome are these two..."

Then he pointed to the memo on the note, except for the two medicinal materials that neither had a check mark nor a circle. "This'red pupa' will also be, at least I have heard, but it's really very, very hard to get ..."

"As for the rest of this, what is this'liquid slug' in the end? I've heard of slugs. But adding a'liquid' is troublesome. Don't talk about me, even if I have done a few things I haven’t heard of the uncle of Chinese medicine for ten years. Could it be a mistake?” Che Weichen asked.

"Well, it shouldn't be..." Mu Fei replied, touching his chin.

These medicinal herbs were written by Xu Xiaomeng. And Mu Fei maintained'full trust' for Xu Xiaomeng.

Although the dumb loli usually ‘stays’ for a while, it makes a fool. But she never made mistakes in more important things. Now that she can write it, the medicinal herbs must exist.

"Really wrong?"

Che Weichen shook his hands helplessly, "That idol, the last two flavors, I can't guarantee to get it, I can only try to help you as much as possible. But it is estimated that... the possibility of getting it is not very big, you except On my side, let's think about other methods and prepare for both hands."

"Huh." Mu Fei nodded.

While Mu Fei nodded to the surface, in fact, he was a little embarrassed.

Because he didn't know a few friends in Beidu at all, except for Che Weichen, he didn't get any medicine. Let him find a way, he doesn't know where to start.

‘What can I do, don’t I have to go online to check? Looks like...not too reliable. Who do I have to find? Mu Fei thought a little bit depressed.

Thinking about it, all of a sudden, a light flashed in his mind, and a name flashed-``Wu Xiong''.

Thinking of this guy, Mu Fei was suddenly bright and felt that these two herbs are promising.

Mu Fei is thinking here. Naturally, Che Weichen doesn't know what Mu Fei is thinking, and he is a bit curious about Mu Fei's use of these herbs.

And just when he wanted to ask questions, he saw a tall, thin, long, spirited big boy who yawned and came over.


Situ Bingguang sat down and rubbed his eyes, showing a languishment.

Mu Fei naturally knows that this guy's appearance is because he helped himself check the information yesterday.

"Xiaoguang, how are you working?" Mu Fei asked.

But Situ Bingguang shook his head and said helplessly, "Too many, I opened 17 computers yesterday to check together, but I only checked the locals in Beidu and the temporary residents. Similarly, there are more than a dozen, but there is no one you are looking for..."

"Boss, it's so complete... but it doesn't work. If you want to follow this method, don't say that it has been searched all over the country. I'm afraid that the cities near Beidu haven't finished the investigation. I will be exhausted and die..." Situ Bingguang said Depressedly looking at Mu Fei.

After listening to his words, Mu Fei thought, but also felt that such investigations were not reliable.

Anyway, Mu Fei had to find the'Wu Xiong' sooner or later. In that case, it would be better to ask him to do the same thing.

Thinking of this, Mu Fei waved to Situ Bingguang, "Then forget, you don't have to check first, I think of other ways..."

"Boss, I have to ask, what are you doing with such a person?" Situ Bingguang asked with a puzzled eyebrow.

Although Che Weichen didn't speak, he also turned his head to look at Mu Fei, a solution look-obviously, he was also waiting for Mu Fei's answer.

And he guessed that Mu Fei got these herbs and the designation had something to do with the person he was looking for.

In fact, Mu Fei Ben didn't want to talk about this with the two of them, because when he thought of the word'disfigured', he felt a bit cruel.

But looking at the expressions of the two in front of him, he knew that the two would not be reconciled if he didn't say anything.

"Huh, well, I tell you, I hope you don't be afraid..."

Mu Fei took a breath and explained, "That guy is a perverted murderer. He hurt my friend, and the way is cruel. I asked him to twist his head down and let him take care of himself. Do what you pay!"

After listening to Mu Fei, Situ Bingguang and Che Weichen couldn't help but look at each other, and they both took a breath.

Although they knew Mu Fei was ruthless before, they didn't expect him to be ruthless.

Going to find a murderer alone, and twisting their heads? This guy, too brave?

But in any case, whether it is Che Weichen or Situ Bingguang, the two are the sons of the'big family'. The world they have seen and the big scenes they have seen are far more than their peers.

Therefore, after listening to Mu Fei, they were just surprised and passed away, so they would not be scared.

"That's a murderous man...Idol, then your friend, are you all right?" Che Weichen tentatively asked.

"There is no life threatening, but the face...he is very hurt..."

Mu Fei pointed to his face and shook his head again, "For a girl... this is cruel..."


When Mu Fei said the three words "girl", Situ Bingguang and Che Weichen suddenly understood everything...


It was an hour after Mu Fei and Situ Bingguang and Che Weichen were separated after eating.

Sitting in the car, Mu Fei flipped out the number called "Wu Xiong" from the phone and dialed it.

In fact, Mu Fei has never seen this ‘Wu Xiong’.

His phone number was still left by Li Xiaoyu's men, the water priest and Shalan.

She said to Mu Fei at the time, ‘This Wuxiong is your brother’s loyal loyalty, and he is also in Beidu. If you have any unsolvable problems, you can contact him, he will help you as much as possible-of course, his help may not be free...’

However, Mu Fei did not encounter anything really embarrassing since he arrived in Beidu, so he never contacted him.

But for Mu Fei now, I am afraid that looking for this guy is the only way to quickly solve the problem at hand.


The phone rang for a long time before answering the phone over there, a low voice from a man came out, "Hello, who?"

"This is Mu Fei, I want to ask you for help."

"Mu Fei? Mu Fei..."

After thinking, the man over there suddenly realized, "Are you a king... Li Xiaoyu's brother?"

"Yes, I have something to ask for your help..." Mu Fei went straight to the point.

"Okay, what's the matter, wait until we meet again. 1033 Insurance Street, Red Fox Bar, I'm free before 4 o'clock...du......du......" Speaking over there, I didn't even give Mu Fei the chance to speak, Hang up the phone directly.

‘Is the person with Xiaoyu so unique? Mu Fei looked at his phone and shook his head, thinking helplessly.

Knowing the location, Mu Fei was not delaying, and started the car to drive to the so-called "Red Fox Bar".


The Red Fox Bar is a small bar in a semi-basement. The scale is not large, but the location is quite good. It is located on a commercial street outside the Second Ring Road and within the Third Ring Road of Beidu. The ‘old tenants’ of the capital are all around here, and the economic conditions are good. It seems that the business of this bar is also good.

Only places like bars and ktv usually have ‘peak’ hours at night, and naturally the same here. The bar only opened when Mu Fei arrived, and there was no car in front of it. Obviously, the guests hadn't come to the door yet.

After entering the door, Mu Fei looked at the bar. A cool-looking man, not too tall, with a mustache, was wiping his glasses one by one.

"Hello, I'm looking for..." Mu Fei said.

"Mu Fei?" the cool man asked, looking up at Mu Fei while rubbing his glasses.

"It's me." Mu Fei nodded.

"Come here..."

After cleaning the cup in his hand, the cool man took the towel on the bar and wiped his hands, leading Mu Fei to the inside of the bar.

Obviously, this guy is ‘Takeo’.

The bar was already in the semi-basement, and the two went down one more level. At the end of the corridor, they entered a rather small room.

"Look for me, tell me." Wu Xiong sat behind a computer desk and said to Mu Fei.

"There are two things, this is the first..."

Mu Fei did not treat him politely, he sat down boldly, and then retrieved information on the phone that hurt Jiang Jindie's evil man, and handed it over, "I'm looking for this person."

Wu Xiong took Mu Fei's cell phone, glanced at it, and handed it back, "Send me in the mailbox."

After Mu Fei sent the information, he sent it according to the mailbox he said.

Wu Xiong said again, "Say the second thing..."

‘This guy, but simply enough...’

Mu Fei thought, and also told Wu Xiong the names of the two medicinal materials that Che Weichen couldn't get. Wu Xiong also wrote down the name of the medicine on the computer.

"On these two things? I wrote down, can you do it, and give you news within three days at the latest." Wu Xiong replied.

" Thank you." Mu Fei thanked.

But Mu Fei just thanked him, and Wu Xiong made Mu Fei speechless.

"No need to thank, these two things are forty Huajing, and the money for medicine is not included......"

Wu Xiong said, reaching out to Mu Fei, "Cash or credit card?"

The flesh on Mu Fei's face slightly twitched, "Hua Jing? What is that stuff? Can you still swipe your card?"

After listening to Mu Fei, Wu Xiong was stunned. "What is Hua Jing? Don't you know?"

"I don't know." Mu Fei shook his head.

Wu Xiong looked at Mu Fei with the look of the monster.

"Uh, why, don't you know that thing... is it strange?"

"People who don't know Huajing are not uncommon, but people like you who have practiced up to the eighth level of Qi, but don't know Huajing, I was the first to see..." Wu Xiong replied thoughtfully .

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