My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1043: Condition_on

Chapter 1043   Condition _ Part 1

"Hey, Brother Haibin, where is it?" Mu Fei asked after the phone was connected.

The day before, Mu Fei and Zhou Haibin had learned that his wife's condition had not improved in the past six months.

As for Zhou Haibin, although he always called Mu Fei'Boss', in fact, Mu Fei had already regarded him as a'friend', as a'brother', and as his own person.

In fact, Mu Fei's character is quite simple and childish.

You are good for me, I am good for you.

You punch me, I poke you.

You hurt my brother and friend, I take your life.

Simply put, it is direct, righteous, dare to love and hate.

It is precisely because of this character that although Mu Fei does not have many friends, each one is very'iron'.

As for Zhou Haibin's situation, since Mu Fei has regarded him as his own, then if he can help, it is natural to help.

This is exactly the case. Mu Fei called him early in the morning and wanted to take a look.

Zhou Haibin still has that cool personality. After listening to Mu Fei's question, there is no nonsense, and he answered very simply: "Tang Baoshan Chinese Medicine Clinic, 144 Beijian Street, in the community courtyard."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute," Mu Fei replied.

That Beijian Street was not far from Mu Fei's house. Mu Fei went out and called a taxi, and arrived at the place in ten minutes.

The scale of the "Tang Baoshan Chinese Medicine Clinic" is not large, at best it is similar to that of a general "community clinic".

Mu Fei stood at the door, looking at this small clinic, and shook his head helplessly, thinking, ‘Brother Haibin shouldn’t be short of money. How could he get such a small place for his wife to see a doctor? Is this okay? ’

In fact, Mu Fei does not blame it.

Although some small clinics also have ‘famous doctors’ sitting, it is only a few cases after all, and most of the famous doctors are still in big hospitals.

There is only one clinic in this small clinic, and Mu Fei easily found the place.

When he entered, there was a long, not-so-beautiful young woman who was sitting on the chair and listening to the doctor, nodding as she listened, Zhou Haibin stroked her shoulder and stood behind her.

Zhou Haibin, who has always been a cool expression, is at this time a tender face. Mu Fei has never seen him like this.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that although the woman looks good, but she is very thin, especially a pair of trousers, empty, obvious... In bad words, it is "abnormal."

Seeing that they were busy there, Mu Fei didn't bother to go in, and stood at the door, listening to the doctor's introduction.


The doctor was an old man in his fifties, and he could be seen very careful.

He is not like the "famous doctor" in some big hospitals, he just tells you what diseases, what medicines or injections to give, and it's done.

Instead, they introduced Zhou Haibin's wife's condition to them in a very detailed and specific way. In the process of introduction, they seemed afraid that the two would not understand it. They repeated it and gave some examples that are easier to understand.

It was precisely because of his careful attitude that Zhou Haibin helped his wife out after nearly ten minutes.

"Well, here." Zhou Haibin saw Mu Fei and greeted him.

When Zhou Haibin's wife saw Mu Fei, she was also slightly stunned, and tentatively asked, "Hey, Brother Haibin, this is..."

"I mentioned it to you, Mu Fei, my boss..." Zhou Haibin pointed to Mu Fei and introduced.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Haibin's wife's face suddenly moved, and gratitude flashed in her eyes: "Mr. Mu... Boss Mu, thank you for taking care of my beach..."

With that said, he would bow his head to salute Mu Fei.

"Hey, don't..."

She was so surprised that Mu Fei jumped, and Mu Fei hurriedly reached out to support her: "Sister-in-law, you are too polite. Brother and I, but not the relationship between the boss and the employee, to be precise, it should be a "friend". Help is due..."

"Furthermore, it wasn't me who took care of Haibin, on the contrary, he was always helping me? So you must not be polite with me..." Mu Fei waved and persuaded.

Zhou Haibin's wife had heard that Mu Feiren was good at Zhou Haibin, but before, she thought Zhou Haibin was comforting her.

But when she saw Mu Fei today, she understood it. Originally, this week, Haibin didn't fool her. He, a "little boss", is really very good.

Because of this, she was even more moved.

"Then... I'll call you Brother Mu Fei, brother, I'm not polite, I really thank you! I don't know anything about the character of the beach, he has a bad temper! He can't bear people! I can't stand it a little bit."

"He has done more than one job during the time he changed his job to go home, but he didn't have more than a week's work, and since returning from the army, no friend but a few old comrades have given up because of him. What about this character..."

She said, the light in her eyes flickered, and she seemed to mean tears: "And you are the only one who treats him as a "friend" and a "brother..."

She reached out and patted Mu Fei on the shoulder, and moved: "In short, Brother Mu Fei, I sincerely thank you. Without you, our family might not know what..."

"Brother Haibin has you such a good brother, I, I, even if I am away, I am at ease..." Zhou Haibin's wife said here, actually a little choked, wiped the corner of his eyes.

Mu Fei can see that she really is not tortured by the disease.

If it weren’t for the pain of being tortured so much that she lost confidence in her life, how could she make her a woman who is under 30 years old and is in good old age, saying desperate words like “even if I am away” What.

However, it was precisely because of her painful appearance that Mu Fei was more determined to help them.

"Ah, don't say that..."

Mu Fei quickly waved her hand and interrupted her words: "Sister-in-law, now we are not like before..."

"Now, although we are not wealthy and rich, but we are full of food and clothing, and don’t worry about eating and dressing, we are a little rich person. You are a little sick now, but there is nothing to worry about. Everybody has to be sick. If we get sick, can't we get it?"

"Western medicine can't do it. Let's change to Chinese medicine. This hospital can't change to another. Now that medicine and technology are so developed, you can't cure your minor illness."

"In short, you don’t need to think about anything, you don’t need to worry about anything, as long as you can bear the burden and take care of your illness, everything will be fine."

Mu Fei comforted her.

I have to say that Mu Fei still has some talents in comforting people.

Zhou Haibin's wife listened to Mu Fei's words, and even if he knew he was just comforting himself, he felt a little bit better.


She nodded softly.

"Sister-in-law, aren't you going to have a massage? Go ahead, don't delay the business, let's chat and wait until you are free..." Mu Fei said again.

"I'll take her to the massage room first." Zhou Haibin said, and helped her to walk to the massage treatment room on the other side of the corridor.

After they left, Mu Fei turned and entered the doctor's office again.

"Doctor, hello, I am the friend of the patient just now, would you please tell me about her situation again?" Mu Fei asked kindly and sincerely.

The old Chinese medicine doctor was also a very good person. After listening to Mu Fei’s request, he introduced it in detail: "She suffers from a kind of severe'muscular atrophy'. In Chinese medicine, this is called'dystrophy'." , The cause is generally... "

The old Chinese medicine doctor was really like "know nothing, speak endlessly". Looking at his careful appearance, I am afraid that he would not "pour out" all the medical knowledge in his stomach.

It was because of his dedication that after ten minutes, when Mu Fei came out of the clinic, he felt that he would soon become a cottage Chinese medicine doctor.

At the same time, he also understands Zhou Haibin's wife's condition.

"Xiao Xiaomeng, did you hear me, come out," Mu Fei shouted in his head while sitting on the bench in the corridor.

And when he finished shouting, the sound of ‘tata bud’ rang in his head, smashing his mouth, but no one answered him.

But Mu Fei knew that since he heard this voice, it meant that Xiao Xiaomeng had heard him, but he didn't respond.

‘Hey, hello, talk to you? Did you hear it, squeak...’

‘Oh, master, you’re so real, I’m having breakfast here? Click, click... You’re noisy,’ Xiao Meng’s voice came in his head.

Mu Fei's face twitched slightly.

‘Last tea, breakfast this have artificial intelligence, drink fart tea, eat fart breakfast, what function do you have,’ Mu Fei scolded in his heart.

He is helpless, whether it is Xu Xiaomeng's body, or Xiao Xiaomeng's artificial intelligence, they love'selling cute' so much.

However, Mu Fei scolded and cursed, and he still held a "rejoicing" attitude toward the increasingly humane change of Xiaomeng.

After all, a cute girl who can make jokes and sell cute is much more interesting than a cold, talking robot with a robotic sound, right?

‘Dead girl, don’t be fooled, tell me the right thing...’

Mu interrupted Xiao Xiaomeng's breakfast slap: "You just heard about the situation just now. Is there any way to cure it?"

"Ah... she suffers from muscle wasting, which is actually caused by genetic degradation, and she gets...mumbling...the more serious one..."

While eating, Xiao Xiaomeng said, "However, there is a way to treat... I don’t... I have some trouble, it is very troublesome, it is very slow to see treatment, and the treatment time is also long..."

"That kind of treatment must be treated with drugs, supplemented with diet, acupuncture, massage and other treatments, and then through her own exercise, there is a possibility of cure..."

After the introduction, Xiao Xiaomeng added another sentence: "Yes, the chance of cure is not 100%, right, right, well, delicious..."

I don’t know what she ‘eats’ there.

"Then... what is the chance of being cured." Mu Fei asked.

‘As far as I see her, it should be between 70% and 90%,’ Xiao Xiaomeng guessed...

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