My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1077: Restless return

"Second aunt, thank you for your hospitality, we will leave now..."

After eating for a while, Mu Fei thanked Hong Sufen's second aunt. \"

After finishing things, Mu Fei originally planned to return directly to Binnan. But the two aunts were warmly invited, and if they had to keep them for dinner, Mu Fei could not help but refuse.

No way, Mu Fei and others had to ‘respect it better to obey the order’ and stay at her house for a meal.

These two aunts were really kind enough, killing chickens and slaughtering geese, and prepared a large table.

Although the style of these meals is just ordinary home cooking, but the raw materials are green enough and taste good enough. This makes everyone who is used to eating fast-growing meat and ripened vegetables have fun.

It was more than an hour after Mu Fei and others walked out of the second aunt's house with enough food and satisfaction.

"Second aunt, thank you..."

"Second aunt, next time we come to ha..."


Mu Fei and Auntie said thanks, Li Zongwei and others greeted you sentence by sentence.

"Hey, kids, come and play if you're okay. We don't have anything else in the countryside, there are some stupid chickens and stupid geese! When do you want to eat and when do you come, and the second aunt will do it for you, hehe..." Auntie smiled Responded.

It can be seen that she really likes Mu Fei.

And while Mu Fei and others left and walked towards the entrance of the village, the second aunt took hold of Hong Sufen's hand, "Daughter, the second aunt told you a few words..."

She pulled Hong Sufen aside and said in her ear, "Daughter girl, don't you say the second aunt is on the pole, your parents are gone, you have to worry about some things with your aunt..."

With that said, she secretly pointed to Mu Fei who was standing in the distance. "The second aunt can see that the guy named Mu Fei is a good boy. He is long and mentally strong enough to be very good. Except for his young age Not at all, not at all. It’s more than enough for you..."

"Are you thirty-two this year? It's a big girl too. Hold on tightly. When your mother is so big, you all ran..."

How could Hong Su-fen not know what the second aunt said, her face was red, "Aunt second, what... what are you talking about? Actually... he is just my boss, at best, just friends, we Not that relationship..."

"Furthermore, he already has a girlfriend. How can he look at me as an old woman?"


Aunt Er couldn't help but swear, "You are an old woman? What am I then? Am I a dead old woman? I said in front of me that you are old, are you scolding me? Dead girl, find a fight!!!"

Second aunt stretched her hand and slapped on Hong Sufen's ass.

"And, what if he has a girlfriend? Isn't he married yet? And you think about it, he doesn't mean anything to you. He runs hundreds of miles to vindicate you? As for you Take such a big risk? Silly boy, if you want me to see, you are fascinated by the authorities..."

"Oh, yes, is it?" Hong Sufen didn't dare to stubbornly mouth, just like a child, responded casually.

But what did Auntie say, she moved in her heart, ‘Third Brother... also interesting to me? ’

For a moment, Hong Sufen felt as if there was a window, slowly opening in front of himself, the outside light shining in, and the room became brighter and brighter.

Seeing what I have said, the second aunt no longer speaks, "You know what the second aunt means, then I won't say much. It's the same sentence, girl, hurry up. There are so few women's youth Years, you can't waste it anymore..."

The second aunt said, shoving her, "Come on, don't worry about it. Come back and look at the second aunt..."

"Well, then I'm gone, second aunt."

Hong Sufen responded, squeezed the hand of his aunt, and turned to leave.

She turned and saw that everyone else was gone, so Mu Fei stood there smoking while waiting for her.

Seeing Mu Fei, and thinking about what the second aunt said before, Hong Sufen's pretty face turned red again, ‘Three Brothers... does that really mean that? ’

"End of talk?"

Mu Fei looked at her and asked, turning around.

At this time, he also discovered Hong Su's anomaly, "Hey? Sufen, why are you blushing?"

"No, no, nothing, maybe, maybe happy? Ha, ha ha..." Hong Sufen's face was more red, and she waved her hand embarrassedly.

She didn't want to get entangled in this topic, and quickly digressed, "Yes, brother, how about the beachfront and the south?"

Mu Fei didn't care about Hong Sufen's anomaly, he nodded, "They got in the car first, are you finished? Then let's go..."

After finishing speaking, Mu Fei waved his hand to Aunt Er and left with Hong Sufen.


Because the road conditions in this village are generally narrow, when Mu Fei and others came, they did not drive the car to the village, but parked it at the entrance of the village.

But while Mu Fei and Hong Sufen walked out while chatting, and were walking to the front of the village committee courtyard, they saw a group of villagers sending Secretary Qi out.

"Secretary Qi, let's go after eating here."

"You can pass on our grievances and grievances to you, and you are our benefactor! How can we make you go hungry..."

"Yeah, let's entertain you..."

"You are so embarrassed..."


A large group of villagers looked at Secretary Qi with grateful eyes, looking reluctant.

"No need, folks, you're welcome..."

Secretary Qi didn't buy the account at all. He waved, "The secretary is very concerned about this matter. He is now waiting for me to report it to him. So let's forget what to eat first. And this is My job is what I should do, and I have received your kindness..."

Secretary Qi said, and turned into the car.

Seeing this, Secretary Qi did not mean to leave at all. The villagers had no choice but to look at him with regret.

And after he was sitting in the car, the car was starting. Mu Fei and Hong Sufen just passed by in front of the car.

Secretary Qi saw Mu Fei through the window, nodded Mu Fei, nodded, waved his hand, and Mu Fei also gave him a smile.

At this time, the car started and gradually moved away.

"When he delivers this news to the hands of the secretary of Fubei City, even if he is the emperor, he will not save the old Wei family..." Mu Fei looked at Secretary Qi's car and said to himself.

Having said this, Mu Fei slapped Hong Sufen on the shoulder, "Come on, Sufen, let's go home."

"Huh." Hong Sufen nodded with a smile.


When Mu Fei and Hong Sufen walked to the entrance of the village, Zhou Haibin and others had been waiting for a long time.

The two boarded the car, Zhou Haibin started the car, and the group of people drove on the'return'.

When I came, the speed was a bit slower. When I went back, the road was familiar and the speed was much faster.

However, the car only drove for ten minutes. While passing a small forest, the speed suddenly slowed down.


Mu Fei, who was playing with his mobile phone, felt something was wrong and raised his head. "Brother Haibin, what's wrong?"

"Secretary Naqi's car, parked in front..." Zhou Haibin said before pointing.

Mu Fei looked down his hand and saw that Secretary Qi's car was parked by the road. He and the driver were looking at something underneath, and they were pinching their waists, looking helpless.

"What's the situation?" Mu Fei said casually.


While talking about this, Mu Fei felt that the car they were sitting in seemed to be pressed against something, shaking it violently.

"Huh?" Zhou Haibin twisted his eyebrows doubtfully, and the probe looked at the instrument panel behind the steering wheel.

"I think, I know why they stopped..."

Zhou Haibin stepped on the brakes and parked the car aside. "If there is no accident, they are like us, the tires should be stuck..."

After stopping, Zhou Haibin hurriedly waved his hand to stop the cars of elephants and others in the back. He looked at the tires and walked back to see the road.

At this time, Mu Fei also came down, he walked to Zhou Haibin, "how?"


Zhou Haibin said, touched the ground a few times, then lifted a small plank of wood.

Seeing this, Mu Fei immediately understood.

Because this board is not ordinary board, there are a lot of nails nailed on it. It was only the dirt and snow on the ground that covered it up, and Zhou Haibin didn't see it, and the car made a move.

"Looks...the old Wei family is unwilling..." After understanding, Mu Fei sneered and said to himself.

As if to respond to Mu Fei's words, he was talking about this, and he heard a loud noise from the nearby woods.

Looking around, a large group of men in heavy cotton coats came to this side. These people have more than 20 trumpets, and they all carry ‘weapons’ such as sticks, shovels, swing sticks, etc.

The three leading people, Mu Fei, knew Wei Laosi, Wei Cungui, and Wei Chu.

After they came over, they didn't find Mu Fei and others first, but let half of them surround Mu Fei, and they went straight to Secretary Qi, the main character.

"Hahaha, Secretary Qi, didn't you think? We met so soon." Wei Laosi pinched his waist and laughed proudly, his smile was very rampant.

Now, even if Secretary Qi is bold enough, he can't help but tremble. He naturally will not understand what Wei Lao Si is calculating.

"Wei Cunhan, what do you mean?" Secretary Qi said calmly.

While talking, his other hand was in his trousers pockets, fooling around, playing with something.

Even though Wei Lao Si's character is not very good, he is also a policeman anyway. How can he not see what Secretary Qi is doing.

"Bring me the things in your hands!!!" Wei Lao Si Er said nothing Go up and grab the things in the hands of the secretary.

Seeing him move, several other old Wei family members also went up to help, grabbing the mobile phone in Qi Qi's trouser pocket three times.

"Want to play this in front of me? Huh, you're far away!"

Wei Laosi said, tossing the phone to the ground, ‘click it’ and stepped on it.

Without his command, several other Wei family members also approached the driver and grabbed the driver's cell phone.

"Wei Cunhan, do you know what you are doing? Do you know what you are doing?" Secretary Qi asked, staring at Wei Sisi, "hardened".

And he was just tough enough, looking at the lively Mu Fei on the side, clearly seeing that his hand was shaking.

"Oh, I actually didn't want to do anything?"

Wei Laosi spread his hands one by one, "I'm just looking for Secretary Qi, just talk..."

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