My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1322: Prepare for battle

Dust → Fate ← Text ↖ Learn × Net Chapter 1322 Prepare for War

"I can't figure it out, at least I can't figure it out..." Liu Mang, who couldn't see through Xu Xiaomeng's destiny, shook his head with a face of "struck"

"Beep Beep"

And as the story is saying, Mu Fei has not waited for an answer before listening to the horn of the car outside the hospital.

"Okay, come soon..." Liu Mang shouted to the car outside

He turned his head to look at Mu Fei again, "I can't figure it out, I don't want it..."

"Anyway, all I can figure out tells you what is going on and why is it happening. Think slowly and figure it out yourself," Liu Mang said seriously.

"Well, I got thanked"

Mu Fei was very touched and patted Liu Mang's shoulder. "You are so embarrassed to send me something and give me a fortune-telling but beat you up."

"Hahahaha it's okay..."

Liu Mang waved his hand in disapproval, "I didn't say that just now, Xiaobai is my brother, you are his brother, everyone is a brother, right?"

"Huh" Mu Fei nodded

But who knows that Liu Mang said it right now, "Since it's all brothers... can you give me your experience in picking up girls and teach me about it?"

"I depend on your kid seven or eight daughters-in-law. They are too special. I'm envious, jealous, and hate you."

"Teach me quickly, teach me, teach me..."

Looking at Liu Mang’s sly smile, the flesh on Mu Fei’s face jumped suddenly, and suddenly he felt fooled. It turned out that this guy was so enthusiastic just to lay the foundation for this sentence.

"I want to say "roll" is it all right?" Mu Fei drooped and stared at Liu Mang's annoyed way.



The medical room of Qingbei University and a basketball hall

"'s so tired to sleep..." Ai Jia took a big hache to sit up and stretched her arms, and then started to do eye-safe key exercises obsessively. Very uncomfortable


And a delicate cloud appeared on her delicate face.

"This stingy ghost is really an asshole..." she scolded with a smile.

Ai Jia had a dream just now

She couldn't remember the background of the dream, she just remembered that the little man Mu Fei held her and walked and walked so far and far

And his heart is warm and the sound of his heartbeat is also very reassuring. As soon as Ai Jia thinks about it, it feels like she’s going to jump. Okay, she admits that she likes that kind of feeling.

And this is not the key

The most crucial Ai Jia actually dreamed that the stingy actually secretly touched her butt...

‘This... this is too shameful’

‘I’ve actually had a spring dream, wooh, I’ve broken my school...’

‘I blame the stingy guy who always mad at me and makes me worry, even if I dream, I don’t want to worry about this bastard’

Ai Jia shouted shamelessly

I'm just afraid that she is just scolding her face, but she doesn't look angry and is very happy.

"Alas, I didn't pay attention to falling asleep, I don't know how the group of stink boys are training..." A moment later, Ai Jia finished her eye-safety key exercises and she was awake.


And when she opened her eyes and saw the surroundings, she was dumbfounded, "Oh, it's wrong..."

"I remember...I seemed to be asleep on the court. did I get to the infirmary?" Ai Jia was puzzled by her wide eyes.

She got up again to go to the ground but at this time she looked down at the clothes next to her


Seeing that the flesh on Ai Jia’s face twitched twice, “Isn’t that the stingy clothes?”

"Then that's it. Isn't my dreaming, is it... true, really true" thinking of Ai Jia's pretty face'brushed' into a deep red color just like the snake fruit eaten at Christmas

She froze for half a minute before reacting and then... then she was angry

"Mu Fei"

Yes she is angry

Indeed, she liked the feeling of being held when she was doing it... Even being touched buttocks is just ashamed and not disgusting.

But dreaming and reality are two different things

Just like there are many girls who have fantasized about the heroine of a love bubble drama, being kissed by a handsome guy in the corner and kissing, or even rude, but they are just ‘fantasy’.

If in reality a handsome guy comes over, it would be rude to her

Aijia is like this

It's because she doesn't resent Mu Fei now, but Mu Fei has ‘famous grass and master’ after all, he obviously can’t find himself as a girlfriend but still takes advantage of himself... what kind of thing is this?

This is how Ai Jia gets angry

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and with a hurry, Ai Jia could not help but shout


Her shouts were so loud that even the team members on the court, who were doing confrontation exercises, heard that they both stopped their training, and their training eyes were squinting and speculating what happened.

'No way……'

And Wu Changgang also grinned and surprised expression ‘Youngest man...Isn’t it really like what I said to give the elder sister head... to that’

‘I’m so fierce by Tete, it’s my third son’


"Well, one hundred years... how is this possible?" Liu Mang left, Mu Fei was still in the yard, thinking about what he said just now.

In fact, Mu Fei is not that kind of superstitious person, but Liu Mang’s ‘performance’ just made him have to care about that guy’s calculation.

To know the secrets he has calculated, Mu Fei can be sure that no one in the world knows him but himself.

And since Liu Mang can say that there are only seven, seven, eight, eight, there must be only one possibility. He really calculated it.

Even this can be calculated, which shows that this guy is amazing

"Does this guy remember to hate me and Yefeng just to clean up him and deliberately rectify me" Mu Fei couldn't help but wonder

But this idea only appeared for a while and was rejected by Mu Fei

The first Mu Fei looks like that guy is not kidding

Secondly, Mu Fei can see that Liu Mang is proud of his "calculation technique" and this technique of calculation is very important to him. Even if he wants to adjust himself all the time, he will not use this method.

It’s like someone who really likes football doesn’t play fake football, and someone who really likes doesn’t plagiarize others’ works and hang his own signature.

Doesn't it mean that his calculation technique is not accurate in this way? He should not do such a thing as "plastering" important things

"Eh, I still can't figure it out..." Mu Fei still wondered

After thinking for a while, there is still no answer. He can only put this matter down first.

"Oh forget it later..."

He shook his head. "But now I usually pay more attention to not let Xiaomeng get hurt."

What Mu Fei said was naturally that Liu Mang had previously estimated that Xu Xiaomeng would be injured by him

For Mu Fei, he would rather have an accident by himself than let Xu Xiaomeng get hurt, so Liu Mang said that he really cares about it

"Ah... Ahhhh..."

But when I thought of it, Mu Fei suddenly sneezed

"Whoever scolds me"


Mu Feizheng said he suddenly shivered

"Well, why is it so cold... It's a cold?" Mu Fei didn't dare to continue to enter the house.

By the time he entered the house, Zhou Haibin had already returned to his room to rest. Xu Xiaomeng didn’t know where to play. Only the night bee was sitting on the living room sofa and watching TV

"Brother, the unscrupulous rogue Taoist is gone." In fact, Liu Mang didn't walk, and Night Bee didn't even care. She just casually found a topic to say hello to Mu Fei.

"Leave" Mu Fei responded casually


After answering, Mu Fei also sat on the sofa and began to think about his "little brother" things

Although he started to train these helpers a long time ago and he knows that Zhou Haibin has also worked hard but the speed is... slower

In fact, the key to the slow growth of these people is that Mu Fei's opponent is too strong

Now I have only four people on my own to practice the gas rank above, and Zhou Haibin and Zhu Erzhi are all ‘cainiao’ who have only reached the gas rank.

Overall the strength is too bad

It turned out that Mu Fei wanted to siege Yin Long with a "number of wins", but now Mu Fei feels that he is really naive. The people on his side are afraid that everyone other than himself and Yeebee will be "delivering food".

‘Oh this time...I can’t count on them...’

‘But looking at it, I have to let them add more fire...’ Mu Fei thought helplessly

After thinking for a while, he had plans to raise his head in his heart, "Night Bee, help me do something."

"Well, you can say it" Ye Feng answered without thinking, looking at Mu Fei


Mu Fei didn't expect Yefeng to even agree to come down without asking anything. This trust moved him a little.

"Relax is not a difficult thing..."

Mu Fei waved her hand to show her peace of mind. Then she continued, "Let’s not give Wu Xionggong the last time to let Wu Xiong help him to auction. Will you go to him again and help me with Huajing Change something and remember..."

"Well wait"

Ye Feng touched the phone around her and pressed a few times and then nodded to indicate that Mu Fei continued

"Two exercises for qi training, one for Zhu Erzhi and the elephant-like strength trainer, and one for instructors of this endurance trainer, and then ten sacred medicines and ten snow lotus. Dan..."

"If you still have some, let's get some easier-to-use weapons, hidden weapons, poison and the like."

"It doesn't matter whether he's bright and upright, damaging, or just getting into trouble, as long as it's easy to use, it will take a few days to wait for me to get injured. Let's go to Beihe Province, but it will be desperate..."

Speaking of which, Mu Fei spread his hands "who are desperately who cares about what these things are?"

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