My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1453: Mother's painstaking

Chapter 1453 Amy's Suffering

"Especially when I was seriously ill last time, I thought about it. I might as well die directly, at least not to drag Jia Jia..."

Speaking of this, Auntie looks sad

"But Xiaofei is fortunate to have your help..."

And Mu Fei was trying to persuade her that she had a grateful smile on her face. "Your friend, the doctor named Mo Bai sees him as young but the medical skills are really superb..."

"He gave me acupuncture treatment for the first time. I felt like I was feverish and hot like pouring hot water. I couldn't stand it anymore, and the third time he treated me with my right leg. It’s obvious that I’m conscious..."

"Later, with the treatment getting better and better every day, now my body doesn't hurt at all, it's not uncomfortable, and people are more energetic. It feels like a rebirth. I haven't had such a bad feeling since I got this disease for so many years... …"

"It's not that although I can't do heavy work now, at least I can sweep the ground, boil a water, cook a meal or something. I can understand the house at home and I can be satisfied if Jiajia can't be so tired..."

After speaking, Emma looked at Mu Fei with gratitude.

Mu Fei is more relieved and relieved to see her in good condition.

"Auntie, as the saying goes: ‘Half of sickness depends on cure and half on raise.’ You are now in a better state, and you are not tired. You usually work less and rest more...”

"One more thing is that the mood is also very important, so you also have to stay in a happy mood. But... I think you did a good job at this point. If you stay well, you will be cured soon..." Mu Fei comforted with a smile Tao


Ai Jiacixiang's face was full of smiles, she nodded in satisfaction

"Xiaofei Jiajia is at school...has a bad temper," she asked again.

"Ha" she made Mu Fei speechless

He scratched his hair ‘Let’s not talk about treatment, why did he suddenly pull his temper’ up? Where and where is it’

Although Mu Fei was a little puzzled why the mother suddenly went somewhere else, she replied "Also...Also...Also..."

Actually, he wanted to say ‘okay’

But the word "OK" was about to be exported but I remembered what Ai Jia did to him. Stepping on his shoes, kicking his calf, hitting his head with a book, "hum" him, and rolling his eyes at him

Mud girl...

Thinking of the ‘abuse’ that Mu Fei had suffered before, I felt that the word ‘good’ was too disobedient.

"Also, al... alright, alright..."

It's exactly this way that he spent a long time to look awkward, "squeeze" that good word out and bring a "bar"

At this time, if there is no mirror next to it, Mu Fei will definitely find that his face is suffocated and turned red, running for 1,500 meters is not so tired.


But Ai Jia was neither surprised nor angry when he heard Mu Fei's words, "Xiao Fei, what's okay", don't lift her up and help her speak."

"I'm her mother who grew up watching her grow up, I don't know yet." She also glanced at Mu Fei with a blame. The eyes of the mother and daughter Ai Jia's "Leng Leng" people and the old lady Exactly the same

And Mu Fei was very depressed and innocent

"You know I still ask me, really good people can't do..." He grumbled in his heart

Amy continued to say there, "Xiao Fei, if you don't say that, I also know that Jiajia's other good thing is that temper and character. As a girl, it's really a little bit worse. She's a bit too strong to allow it. Others refuted..."

"If you don't talk about other people and just be my mother, I don't listen to her. She sometimes gets angry with me and throws a small face..."

"At home, just like me, at school, she is a class leader and president, and she has a good temper as a cadre. That is absolutely impossible..."

"Even I think about her temper and personality as long as she doesn't bully others, that's good..." Ai Mu said with deep thought

"Auntie, what are you saying?"

Mu Fei remembered that Ai Jia had kicked and beaten himself, and even scolded him with tears in his heart.

This means that Amy is an elder. If you change her peer, Mu Fei must have grabbed her hand and held it a few times.


Although Mu Fei didn't say it straight, Ai Mu knew that Mu Fei's face was correct.

But she didn't go on, but changed her words. "However, Jiajia is good except for his temper and a little bad personality. It is definitely a good boy..."

"So yeah, Xiao Fei, you are a boy, when you two are together, you should take care of her more..." Mu Fei's arm persuaded after Ai Mu patted gently.

"What, what"

Mu Fei was stunned by Amy again. ‘Where and where were I and her when we were together?’

The abnormal mother-in-law on Mu Fei's face only continued when he was shy and didn't care

"It's very normal for two people to quarrel and fight together, even if they have the best temper, the two people will inevitably want to make trouble, so they don't have to lose their temper, so let alone the bad-hearted stubborn donkey."

"So if she overdos it, don't do it right. Don't ignore her. She's a straight temper. But it's okay. You just ignore her for a while. She will be angry..."

"By the way, don't look at her as a boy character, but this child's "skinny" and "good face" sometimes know that she is wrong and want to apologize, but she is still embarrassed to say..."

"That's the same thing, Xiao Fei, you're a boy, it's awkward, when you quarrel, you let her, first open her mouth and give her a step..."

"Wow wow wow..."

Auntie muttered there and persuaded Mu Fei


And Mu Fei was here, suddenly realized he remembered

At that time, Ai Jia told him that he was not worried that her mother would tell her that she was a boyfriend.

Then Amy told Mu Fei that it seemed reasonable

In order to prevent Ai Jia’s lies from breaking through Mu Fei, she can’t refute Mother Ai’s words, she can only say that Mu Fei is here, ‘ah’, ‘yes’, ‘yes’

That's how Mu Fei was a little depressed again

'I have to lie to you who even stepped on the kick with me, usually...what am I trying to do, buddy, it is really the new top ten good old man of the 21st century...' Mu Fei glanced at the bed and shouted Sleeping Ai Jia thought so

And mother-in-law saw Mu Fei so ‘obedient’, she was naturally very happy and she became more and more excited

"Xiao Fei, do you usually... Where are you going to date with Jia Jia?"

"Jia Jia, the child knows that learning stupidly, playing basketball, neither knowing how to sing, nor dancing. Unlike a girl, Xiao Fei, don't dislike her..."

"Xiaofei listened to Jiajia saying that you have been together for a year, right?"

"It's been more than two years since my sophomore year graduated...hey, it's just a good time to talk about three years of love and marriage..."

"By the way, what do you want to do after graduation, do you want to continue your studies, work, or stay in school? But it doesn't matter if those things are not delayed by marriage..."


One drop, one drop after another, Mu Fei's forehead is getting more and more

At the beginning, what Amy said was that she was just talking about ‘everyday’ but she became more and more ‘downward’ and now she even got married...

Don’t say I didn’t fall in love with your girl

In short, Mu Fei is now a black line in his head. He can't help it.

"Someone's calling, please answer the phone."

At this time his phone called

"Auntie, aunty sorry..."

Mu Fei hurriedly interrupted the chattering Amy who stood up. "There are many classmates over there waiting for me. They may be anxious for you to take a rest and get well. I will come to see you later..."

"Aunt goodbye..."

After talking about Mu Fei, he ran away



Mu Fei ran downstairs in one breath before breathing out

Today, Amy’s education of him reminded him of Lin Ruoyi’s mother. Although the two treat themselves completely differently, they have one thing in common, which is terrible.

Yes it is terrible

Mu Fei now has a lingering fear and has an idea: ‘The future mother-in-law... It’s a terrible creature and it’s so scary...’

But Mu Fei didn’t know about Amy’s ‘horrible’... or the reason for matching him with Ai Jia

First of all, she likes Mu Fei not to leave, but this is only the second. It is not the key to her. She is definitely not afraid that Ai Jia will not marry. The key is that this serious illness has made her ‘afraid’

She is now afraid that if the old thing repeats itself, she may not be able to do it one day. What should I do? This time, after suffering for a few years, she stood up again next time if she really fell down.

In her mind, her daughter Ai Jia's excellence is undeniable, but she also knows that her daughter's strengths and weaknesses are as obvious as she not only has a bad temper, always puts a bad face, but also has a good face, when it comes to'who is right and who is wrong' Face-skinned Bo Mingming knows that he is wrong and doesn’t apologize first. He’s not right. He wants to live and suffer. He can’t sing, dance, never put on makeup and wear a skirt. Strong personality. Tomboy doesn’t look like a girl... and so on.

It is precisely because I know these mothers that I am worried that her daughter's personality will be a lot of problems in love.

Mu Fei is still good in Amy’s eyes. It’s okay if Ai Jia just fails him

But I’m afraid I’m afraid I can’t help her after she’s ‘lost’

That's why she matched them so urgently

It’s too exaggerated to say ‘raw rice cooked mature rice’, but she also wants to help her daughter and clear the obstacles as much as possible.

This is her real idea

But after all, don’t say it’s Mu Fei. I’m afraid that even Ai Jia will not understand her.

After all, children under the corresponding age are completely unable to understand the pains of their parents...

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