My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1475: Doudin's suitor

Dust? Fate? Literature ↘Learn→Chapter 1475 The Pursuit of Douding

"Captain Jianghan can start," the No. 3 chief waved and said that he could naturally see Yue Shao Rui aiming at Mu Fei but he didn't say much.

On the one hand, because No. 3 chief was angered by Mu Fei's previous attitude, he didn't speak to the stinky boy. He even had the opposite meaning.

On the other hand, the No. 3 head knows: whether it is Yue Shao Rui or Mu Fei, they are all people who know ‘lightness’. Even if one of them is unhappy with another, they will not delay the task for personal reasons.

In other words, the No. 3 chief is more at ease with these two


Jiang Han responded with an order

Then he turned around and looked at the squad, which counted him as a total of eleven. "I will briefly talk about our schedule..."

"Departure later, let's take a military vehicle to the Beihe Military Region, transfer to a small transport plane from the Beihe Military Region, and go to Fu Province. If the weather permits to take a boat to the destination tonight without accident, we can arrive before zero tomorrow tomorrow..."

"I will give you a final check in half a minute"

After listening to Jiang Han's words, the team members looked down at their bags and counted their belongings

"No problem"

After half a minute, Jiang Han waved "Get on the train"

With his order, the members of this small team have turned back to get in the car, or at this stage, they have no need to command the basic things like who gets in which car.

The military district prepared three small Jeeps for the squad. This jeep is slightly larger than the daily car. Except for the three drivers, the eleven people are more than enough to sit in these three cars.


The little girl turned her head and looked at Mu Fei with a heavy hum, then she ran to the front car with her big backpack

Seeing Mu Feiwang looking at her, her pretty face instantly turned into disgust and disgust

"Don't follow... I don't want to sit with you in a nasty ghost" The little talented girl ran to the side while shouting to Mu Fei and making a grimace

After listening to her, Mu Fei ‘haha’ in his heart

"Do you want to take a car with you?"

‘Indeed, you have a pretty face, but besides this, do you have anything to be proud of? You have to have no chest, but no ass...’

‘Don’t mention my Luo Luo, even Liu Guiying and Douding, they are more feminine than you. I and your little girl, who has no hair, are close...too ‘huh’...’


It was because of this idea that Mu Fei gave the talented girl a scornful expression and turned around to take Luo Xue's shoulder, "Lolo walked into the car"

He took Luo Xue's shoulder and couldn't help but said that she walked towards the last car and faced so many people. Mu Fei's intimate move made Luo Xue's face blush.

But despite all this, she didn't shake Mu Fei's arm. The cargo was too tight. She wasn't as powerful.

The little talented girl ran the first car to occupy the'good position' and went to Mu Fei. He walked toward the last car and looked at the childish performance of the two. Dr. Xiaoyan stroked his temple, sighed, and shook his head with a helpless expression. 'Looking... this task will not be too peaceful myself...'

Actually, Dr. Xiaoyan regretted bringing the talented girl out

"Xiao Xue A Fei will wait for me to sit with you..."

"There is still me"

As for Liu Guiying and Douding, they shouted and walked quickly to Luo Xue and Mu Fei

But fortunately, Liu Guiying heard Douding's words and asked Mu Fei to trouble me that month. Shao Rui also hurriedly came here, "Hey Doudou... Doudou, I am with you..."

"do not come"

Douding suddenly stood and turned back, twisting Liu Mei to stare at that month Shao Rui "I want to sit with Xiao Xue and Gui Ying, this car is full, you take another car."

"Oh no..."

Yue Shao Rui's face appeared embarrassed, then he seemed to suddenly remember what "has"

I saw that he ran two steps quickly to Mu Fei who was driving the door and Fu Luoxue was getting on the side and waving his hand disdainfully, "You go away and take another car"


Upon hearing this, Mu Fei could not help but twist his eyebrows.

But Yue Shao Rui is in trouble, Mu Fei hasn't spoken yet.

"Yue Shao Rui, what are you doing?"

I saw Douding ran over in two or two steps and pushed Yue Shao Rui with his smaller body between Mu Fei and Yue Shao Rui, glaring at the latter.

"I... I didn't do anything. I don't want to sit with you..." Yue Shao Rui just looked at Mu Fei just now, and the pair of Douding suddenly softened

"I have said that there is no place for you in this car"

"But...but he and he..." Yue Shao Rui kept pointing at Mu Fei

"He...he is Xiao Xue's boyfriend. What's wrong with the two of them sitting together?"

"Then I know also know..." Yue Shaorui's face was full of innocence

"You know me, but I should know you and you too"

"I've said that I don't want to fall in love or have a boyfriend, so you don't want to pester me anymore, can't you do it?" Douding Qiao's face flushed with emotion and said with some excitement

I can see Douding is a little bit angry.

"This..." Yue Shao Rui was even more innocent. He was choked and scratched his ears.

Things are already obvious this month, Shao Rui is Douding's suitor

Since Douding and Luo Xue, Liu Guiying and others joined the Dragon Soul Squad last year, Shao Rui saw her fiercely this month. Indeed, Douding is not as beautiful as Luo Xue, nor as hot as Liu Guiying's body. Like her'petite girl'

In fact, Shao Rui's conditions are good this month

It looks like his face is not ‘handsome’ but at least sunny and healthy

The big inverted triangle shape of more than ninety meters in size is almost comparable to that of a bodybuilder.

It is said that he is no more than Douding and others, two or three years old, but has been serving in the Dragon Soul Force for more than four years and is ‘combat type’. This shows that his ‘combat power’ is high

Still that month, Shao Rui’s condition was more than enough with Douding.

But despite the fact that this is what the outsiders look like, Douding is ignoring this month. Shao Rui. The reason for this ‘failure’ is actually Mu Fei’s relationship.

First of all, Mu Fei gave her too deep impression. Last year, he was captured by the mud people. She was stripped and almost insulted. At that time, Mu Fei "Tian Shen Xia Fan" generally appeared in front of her and rescued her.

It is true that "Hero Saves Beauty" is a very old bridge, but I am afraid that only people who have experienced similar "plots" know how shocking and shocking the scene of a hero who can save lives in despair. How unforgettable

In addition, although Yue Shaorui’s conditions are justifiable, people like him who are young soldiers have a common shortcoming, that is, they are not ‘bad’ or ‘skin’ enough.

Even if they like a girl any more, they will not express their liking to die, but they are embarrassed to say it. Even if they can say it, they are mostly the most common such as'I like you, I love you, and I miss you'. Love words

It’s like Mu Fei. Although it’s not so bad in nature, it’s shameless, hooligan, and perverted. When I’m with the girl, I’m all sorts of flatterers, and I always get a ridiculous joke and a slapstick girl. The child'giggles' keeps laughing

Indeed, at first glance, this kind of person seems to dislike girls, but it’s really familiar, and most girls really like this kind of ‘bad guy’.

What do you say, ‘men are not bad, women are not in love’?

It's just like this that Douding feels that Yue Shao Rui and Mu Fei can't compare with this product. Not only is it boring, there is no emotion, but also very irritating. When I see myself, I am like a cat smelling a fishy smell. Can't leave

It’s like Mu Fei is always very happy with him

Finally, when it comes to abilities... Shao Rui’s ability this month is ‘hit’

Still, on the way to the mission last year, Mu Feili turned the tide and took himself to escape from the ‘desperate’ group. When he was strong and omnipotent, he made a deep and deep impression on Douding.

In the eyes of Douding, if you can play Shao Rui again, what can you do?

Can you return to the motherland from a half-earth with a crippled and irregular team

Can you escape from a group of more than 30 enemy planes by yourself

Ok... let’s just say the simplest ‘hit’

You are better than Sun Qixing at best, but you must know that if Mu Fei is serious, Sun Qixing can't walk under his hands for two or three minutes.

What are your qualifications to compare with him

Douding is a similar idea

During the contact, she naturally compared Yue Shao Rui and Mu Fei to this comparison...

‘People have to die than goods to throw away’

She felt that Shao Rui really couldn’t compare with Mu Fei this month.

Indeed, Douding also knows that Mu Fei likes Luo Xue, but she doesn’t care too much.

Just like what I said before, people like them who stepped into the coffin and could die at any time have seen many things

This means that Luo Xue and Mu Fei haven’t completely ‘understood’ yet she doesn’t know how to mention this.

As far as her thoughts are concerned, if Luo Xue doesn't care and Mu Fei agrees, she can agree without hesitation to be the'No. 2 girlfriend' other than Luo Xue... Of course, this No. 2 is not the same as Mu Fei's before. of……

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