My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1481: Mysterious savior

Dust? Fate? Text × Study ↑ Net Chapter 1481 Mysterious Saviour


"Open the door and open it quickly"

Lin Ruoyi was anxious to find the door locked

But the door didn’t open but there was the voice of the bedroom sister and Yin Ling, "Oh, if you’re in a hurry, why haven’t you finished talking with Lei Shao yet? Isn’t it polite to leave?"

"So don't worry, let's talk slowly and then go..."

Lin Ruoyi's heart sank again after listening to Yin Ling's breezy tone. Now how could she not know that she was in a thief's den today? It's too obvious whether it is Lei Xinzong or Yinling Wenzilong They all came towards themselves

She looked back and looked at Lei Xinzong although he didn’t rush, but he was more horrible than this. He had stood up and took off his upper body clothes to reveal a fairer skin than some girls.

What do I need to do to undress at this time? Needless to say, I just thought about what this guy was going to do. Lin Ruoyi was even more afraid of her being scared, and the whole person was shaking.

But fortunately, she hasn't been completely scared and lost a square inch for a moment. She hurriedly got out her phone from the bag, quickly unlocked it, and wanted to call Mu Fei.

"Hurry up..."

Lin Ruoyi quivered and murmured anxiously in his heart

But when she was busy, she was too busy. She hadn’t pressed Mu Fei’s business card, but her hand was shaking, and the phone fell to the ground.

And just when Lin Ruoyi leaned over and scrambled to pick up his phone, Lei Xinzong finally came over


I saw that when he lifted his foot, Lin Ruoyi's phone was kicked under the table. Lin Ruoyi still wanted to pick up Ko Lei Xinzong, which could also help her. He stretched out his hand, held her arm, and pulled her to the big sofa beside go with

Lin Ruoyi at this time is really true...I really regretted that she didn’t regret it since she was a child, and she regretted how she didn’t understand the true face of Lei Xinzong and fell into this trap today.

But after all, she can’t blame her for her eyesight today. After all, this Lei Xinzong disguise is so good. When Lin Ruoyi saw him for the first time, he has always been the image of a well-mannered gentleman.

Knowing people, knowing their faces, not knowing their fangs, who can know that he is a beast in human skin?

"Senior student, don't you like this, we have something to talk about and talk about..." Lin Ruoyi struggled to change the plan and changed it to "Huairou Policy"

But Lei Xinzong has been rejected too much by her

"Have you talked about how many times I want to talk to you, but have you told me? Now I think of it and say it... Ha ha..." Lei Xinzong's voice was colder and his expression was colder

He looked into Lin Ruoyi's ear, "I'm still the woman I'd like, she can't run away"

"Today you admit your fate"

After he finished, he slammed Lin Ruoyi onto the big sofa and held her, pulling her clothes frantically

"Ah, help!"

"Come and kill people"


Lin Ruoyi shouted desperately while struggling

"Oh, shout, call you harder, the more excited I am..."

Lei Xin Zong revenge Lin Ruoyi’s previous indifference, not only the strength of his hand is growing, but also his eyes are slowly showing a crazy light. However, I still remind you kindly that you are trying my strength in vain... …Don’t you you think someone will save you?”

Upon hearing this, Lin Ruoyi's heart was cold again, half the power of Thunder Sect...she had seen it before

The Lei family where the goods are located, but a famous big family in North China. As the Lei family's young master force, he really didn't have to say that wherever he went, everyone should give him three faces and say that he'stomped and followed the shock. It is absolutely not an exaggeration, just like the last time I came to this hotel, the general manager of this hotel also asked him to respectfully shout'Lei Shao'

It was in such a place that someone called for his own help because of his identity... and who can come to save himself, who dares to come to save himself, let alone Wen Zilong and Yin Ling outside the door

And when she thinks about what she will suffer again...the more she thinks, the more afraid she is...

"How can I run out of this situation"

‘If you really were...being given by Lei Xinzong...gave you bully’, what qualifications do you have to be with Afei?’

For a time Lin Ruoyi felt a sense of discouragement and at this time her coat had been ripped off by Lei Xinzong and the sweater was lifted halfway to reveal the delicate skin of her abdomen.

And when Lin Ruoyi was almost desperate to "fight" with this product, he heard a noise outside the door

"Beauty, who are you?"

"Don't stand here, walk away, walk away..."

The voices of Wen Zilong and Yinling came from outside



"Porch Tom"

Immediately after a few collision sounds, Wen Zilong and Yinling did not move.

"Help save lives"

Lin Ruoyi saw tears in the face of the savior and tried harder for help

"Click, click"


Outside, it seemed that I heard Lin Ruoyi's call for help twisted twice and didn't twist and started to smash the door

"What's going on with me"

Lei Xinzong first had a not-so-good hunch and then had the urge to scold his mother. After soaking for half a year, she didn't soak. She finally decided to use a strong key when someone bothered him.

"Grass mud horse no matter who you are, he is dead"

"And Wenzilong Yinling... You two are really special. You can't stop looking at the door."

Lei Xinzong scolded one hand and pressed Lin Ruoyi's other hand to touch his phone to find a rescuer. Although Lei Xinzong looked thin and weak, he also practiced some hands like Taekwondo and Sanda. Lin Ruoyi's strength is also inseparable

But it turns out that he still thinks about the situation a little simpler



Just to hear a loud noise, the thick and strong solid wood door of this box was knocked open.


Seeing this scene, Lei Xinzong was also taken aback, "Who is this mud horse? This door can't kick me..."

His doubts were solved within five seconds, and I saw a casual girl with a cap walking in.

While Lei Xinzong saw the girl, she couldn't help but open her eyes

It was not the girl but the girl who scared him... Actually carrying a man in his hand was Wen Zilong and Yinling who helped him to guard the young and big

Before Lei Xinzong knew that these two people had been beaten because they didn't move, but he didn't expect there was only one person outside and the two goods would be brought in like garbage


Seeing Lei Xinzong's stunned appearance, the girl's mouth slightly curled up and smiled disdainfully.

She let go of Wen Zilong and Yin Ling on the ground, and then walked towards Lei Zongzong


Seeing her approaching Lei Xinzong was shocked. He reached out and pointed at the girl, "Who are you doing?"

"Do you know who I am? I, but the people of the Lei family dare to spoil my good deeds. Believe it or not, I won't let you go for a walk," Lei Xinzong threatened with wide eyes.

In fact, Lei Xinzong is now a bit afraid of the rich young masters like them, who will practice a few tricks in order to cope with various emergencies. Even if they are not professional, they are at least better than ordinary people.

Therefore, he and Wenzilong are both ‘practitioners’ like tactical policemen and soldiers, and their opponents are not necessarily their opponents.

However, Wen Zilong, who is about the same level as his Lei Dajie, didn't insist on a face-to-face encounter, and was taken down by the girl in front of him. He can't be surprised at this thing... What is the source of this skill? Even if I am The elite thugs at home can’t do this either.

Master Lei knew he would not be the opponent of this guy.

But for the threat of Lei Xinzong, the girl only sneered and added the word "hehe"

Then she raised her hand and fist to hit Lei Xinzong and the latter reacted quickly and stooped to escape

But Lei Xinzong escaped her first punch but failed to escape her second punch


I only heard a muffled sound that Lei Xinzong was hit in the neck and fell down swaying until this time Lei Xinzong did not expect who she was and why she appeared here.

"Cut... trash..."

After finishing Lei Xinzong, the girl did not politely pull a chair and sat down carelessly to find out her phone.

" are, who are you?"

At this time, Lin Ruoyi, who was in shock

"who am I"

The girl pointed to her nose and thought for a while but shook her head. "This question is still waiting for your boyfriend to come and ask him yourself."

Saying that the girl found a number and dialed in the past, "Hey, Chief Mu Fei told you something..."


Hearing the girl’s word ‘Chief’ Lin Ruoyi could not help twisting his eyebrows ‘Mu Fei...Chief A’s’s not a mistake, what’s the situation’

For a while, Lin Ruoyi was a little dizzy. Of course she would never think that Mu Fei would be a soldier. After all, Lin Ruoyi knew that from the time he was in high school, Mu Fei had never been absent for more than two weeks. May be a soldier

But despite being a little dizzy, at least Lin Ruoyi can be sure that Mu Fei saved her today. That’s right.

And just as she thought about it, the girl said a few words and hung up.

"It takes about an hour and a half for your boyfriend to go back... Are you here or will I send you back first... Uh..." The girl wanted to ask Lin Ruoyi if she should go back

But half of what she said was when she noticed that the three people lying on the ground didn't go on with half of what she said

"Forget it..."

I saw that she shook her head. "Anyway, when your boyfriend comes back, you have to deal with these three guys. Let's wait here..."

"Oh, okay..."

Lin Ruoyi is still a little shocked. What others say, what is she

Then the girl didn’t speak, closed the door, and sat there calmly on the phone

After a while, Lin Ruoyi’s heart was settled down, and she couldn’t help but ask the girl, “, how are you...”

"I would like to ask you, Chief Mu Fei, that is..."

Lin Ruoyi spoke only halfway but was interrupted by the girl waving her hand. "Don’t ask me, don’t say, I don’t know what’s going on, even if I know I won’t answer you."

"If you have any questions, ask your boyfriend to go..."

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