My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1579: You are not a gadget

Dust? Fate→文↓学√ Chapter 1579 You are not a gadget

"You gave me a mission and I sent someone to protect your family and the investigation of the two killers was also handed over to me. In addition to your mission, I will send you a big gift that you can like..."

The No. 3 chief said on the phone that there was a bit of temptation in the voice, which meant "seduce" "What do you think of this?"


Mu Fei thought for a while and thought it was feasible. He didn’t do it for the so-called ‘big gift’. The key is that it’s reliable.

First of all, the No. 3 chief said that when he said that he said, ‘what if someone else can do what I want you to do’, he is really very difficult to refuse

In addition, the military does have its own advantages in finding people. They should use their intelligence system to do it. It should be much better than spending a lot of money to "buy" intelligence.

In addition to these two points, the "killer mosquito" is only a third-rate killer combination. It is not a trainer with night bees. They should not be able to make waves here.

Taking into account these Mu Fei's habitual nods, "Well, Uncle Li, I can't succeed in this task."

"Haha this is almost..."

The bold laughter of the No. 3 chief came, "If you kid will do things, you promised. In fact, you have to go to this task today or you have to go..."

Not waiting for Mu Fei to ask the head of No. 3 and added, "Because it is the girl who is in difficulty now, she doesn't care if she has something to do."


Mu Fei didn’t say anything but twisted his eyebrows and groaned in his heart, ‘You said that it’s Lolo’s thing. There’s so much nonsense’

"Lolo, how is she doing now?" Mu Fei asked with some nervousness.

"Relax that although they are in difficulty, there will be no specific danger for the time being. I won't tell you about it. When someone tells you, you only need to be careful on the way to the task. Be careful about yourself. Be careful about safety and protect other people. That's it..."

"Hmm... I guess they are coming soon, so if you have any questions like this, you can ask Xiao Han, he will tell you." Chief No. 3 finished the call and hung up.

Mu Fei couldn’t sleep anymore, got up and put on his clothes to explain to the night bee and the elder lady. He hadn’t completely finished speaking. He could hear the roar of the helicopter. Mu Fei’s yard was too small. 'up in the air

Finally, I asked some women to pay attention to safety. Mu Fei climbed the helicopter along the ladder.


As the helicopter door closes, the plane slowly takes off


And Mu Fei didn't sit down before listening to a girl's unpleasant nasal tone Mu Fei turned her head and couldn't help but twisted her eyebrows

"Why is this thing here?"

Mu Fei pointed at the little girl to the ‘manager’ next to him, which was the ‘Xiao Han’ in the mouth of the No. 3 Chief, and asked Mu Fei to be sure that the guy next to him was Xiao Han, because in the cabin except for himself and the little girl


The question of Mu Fei also directly puzzled this little Han. "She...she is..."

And the little talented girl felt that the flesh on her face jumped up and down

For a moment, the young talented girl was suddenly angry with her big eyes and glared at Mu Fei. "Will you bastard, would you speak human words, you are a gadget? Your family is all "gadgets""

"Hey sister, you said that our not cursing yourself"

"I'm not going to you, your sister, don't call me sister"

"How could you not be my sister? You forgot that we were neighbors when we were kids. Even if there is no blood, I call you sister and you call my brother."

"If you vomit me, if you have a brother like me, I might as well commit suicide and be sick. I'll say one more thing, don't call me sister, I'm not your sister."

"You are not my sister, you are also a ‘thing’”

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bastard, you're a "gadget"?


Mu Fei grinned cheaply, "So you're not a thing"..."

"Uh you..."

The little talented girl reacted in an instant, and it was precisely after thinking about it that she was depressed. She was very depressed. This super-invincible beautiful girl in the universe that combines beauty and wisdom is actually... actually being surrounded by this bastard... ...This...this is too shameful

The little talented girl doesn't want to be fortunate

In the end, she couldn't help her kicking Mu Fei with her thin, thin legs without Mu Fei's thick arms. "I kicked me, kicked me, kicked me, kicked shit. You got angry when you met me... what are you doing?" If you don’t jump the plane to commit suicide

"I'm angry with you. You thought I would be angry with you. I don't know who hummed first"

"I'll hum what you can do to me"

"You hum, you're a ‘gadget’...oh, right, you said it yourself, you’re not a gadget..."

"I... I kick kick kick kick..."


"Oh, huh..."

Watching Mu Fei and Xiaocai fooling around there, Xiaohan laughed awkwardly and wiped the cold sweat on his head.” That’s what the No. 3 chief said was the guy who managed to turn the tide several times. Why do I always feel unreliable? Hehehehe...'

Finally, Mu Fei spoke first

"You are Chief Han, please tell me about the mission..." Mu Fei sat down and brought equipment such as guns, daggers, and grenades to him. He knew that these things were prepared for him. At the same time, the talented girl is still kicking him over there

"Don't dare to be a sir, I have to call you sir..."

This little Han quickly waved his hand and introduced it to Mu Fei. "As for the task, let's go to Liancheng and protect a person named Wang Mo..."

"This Wang Mo appears to be a businessman engaged in high-tech digital equipment business between the island country and China, but in fact he is a special attack of our Chinese military. His task is to infiltrate various high-tech research institutions in the island country to obtain various high-tech materials. And just two weeks ago, he sent back news that he had stolen an encryption chip that stored a certain technology. The data in the chip is very valuable. Bringing it back will help the scientific research in the corresponding field of our country..."

"For the sake of safety, he did not choose to go home with a stricter passenger plane, but instead took a passenger ship with a relatively looser inspection to go home. It is reasonable to say that his choice is right. The waterway is indeed safer than taking a plane, but he does not know what is going on. The matter still exposed that the island nation sent several ninjas to chase him..."

"Fortunately, the leader of Luo Xue arrived in time before those ninjas and received him, but now Wang Mo, together with the leader of Luo Xue, and nine others have been trapped in one of our strongholds, according to reliable news, around that stronghold. At least four ninjas were hidden waiting for them to rush into the stronghold and wait for Wang Mo and Team Leader Luo Xue to come out for the assassination..."

"Mr. Mu Fei, you also know... The fighting strength of our ordinary soldiers is almost inadequate for the Ninja's armies that are almost'powers'. Maybe a dozen or even dozens of people may not be able to block the two ninjas. Besides, they are still at least four. That’s why the No. 3 chief asked you to take action..."

"And our specific task is to **** that Wang Mo back to the military area, even if he can't return to the Beidu military area to go to the Liancheng military area, or simply kill all those ninjas."

Xiaohan explained to Mu Fei after explaining his hand, "Basically, this is what you can ask, Mr. Mu Fei."


Mu Fei nodded and thought about why he understood why the No. 3 chief said that this task can only be done by others. Those ninjas are really troublesome, just like the situation that Xiao Han said that the dozens of people could not stop the two ninjas. Very normal and not exaggerated

For Mu Fei, it’s nothing but tolerant but not’s not the abilities. If the abilities are, he is also depressed. He also has some embarrassment.

That's how he hurriedly asked, "Do you know what level the four ninjas are?"

"Supposedly... it was two upper two schools, but the news is not very reliable," Xiao Han replied


Mu Fei is drinking water, drinking half and spraying it out

"Ahhhhh, it's disgusting..."

"Can't stand it, I can't stand it anymore"

The little talented girl looked at her wet shoes with a desperate, almost mad expression, but now she doesn’t have the time to mad, she has to wipe her shoes

"Asshole you... do you dare to disgust any more"

The little talented girl scolded Mu Fei while wiping her shoes. ‘This deliberate **** must have been deliberate, he must have deliberately adjusted me...’

‘Woo this guy... how can this be the case, but the girl actually spit me with saliva...’

‘Why does he hate such a nasty person in the world so much?’

However, she actually wronged Mu Fei. Mu Fei did not deliberately rectify her but was really scared by the opponent's lineup.

If the news is accurate, the two will endure...then two will endure.

You need to know that the entire island navy is equipped with four Shangren and eight Zhongren. Now the islanders actually sent two Shangren and two Zhongren in order to recover this chip... It's so worthless

Mu Fei wonders if the guy named Wang Mo killed the father of a certain leader of the island's military department or slept the wife of a prime minister or blown up a certain toilet, otherwise how could they send such a strong Squad to retrieve information and chase this guy

It is also because he sees that the other party is strong, even if Mu Fei has always been quite confident in himself, he has to be cautious.

‘Two are forbearing...’

Now Mu Fei prays that these two forbearances must be "parallel imports" if they are abilities... I am afraid that this trip will be too fierce...

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