My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1738: Now World News

Chapter 1738: Modern World News

"I said she couldn't hold on for an hour. Unexpectedly, I still overestimated her. She didn't hold on for half a minute..."

"Ah, how can we say that Chinese people are all arrogant guys, which is ridiculous..."


Seeing Ning Zixian coming back, the two great Chinese people began to be "disgusting", but this time they did not dare to be too loud because of the strongness of the strong man in the country.

While Mu Fei was getting hot again, and was planning to give them a lesson, Ning Zixian lifted her lips slightly and disdainfully smiled. She reached out and wiped the tears on her face with the sleeve of her military uniform, looking towards the great country. Woman, "I really didn't hold on for long, but I don't know if you, Mr. Park Shin-soo... did you insist on jumping for three minutes."


The woman was slightly embarrassed and replied, "I insist at least a minute and a half, better than you."

Ning Zixian smiled even more charmingly, and replied in bird language, "Oh, your teacher and senior who have been dancing longer than I lived, actually compare so much with me... I can understand that this is Are you raising me, think about it, I am really flattered..."

"Also, Teacher Park, even if you skipped a minute and a half, and you have not succeeded in the second round of the game... This way, it is also a "loser", since it is also a loser, I don’t know if you have What is the right to laugh at me."

"We in China have an old saying to describe the ridiculous person who clearly says, "I can't do it, I will find comfort from other people." That sentence is called "Fifty Steps and a Hundred Steps.", Mr. Park, your behavior, It just happened to be seated..."

While speaking, Ning Zixian's attitude changed a lot. She was just a restless and bully look. Now, although her tone is calm, the whole person is domineering and exudes a kind of indifference and rejection. Feeling thousands of miles away.

"You, your junior, dare to laugh at me."

"How to say, are you Chinese people so uneducated and rude?"

The two great Chinese people suddenly became angry, and the case took off.

"Bang Guoren, Falk Oil, what are you doing on my chair, you want to fight." The Goose Kingdom Han first angered, turned his head and yelled at Park Shenxiu and others, okay, in fact, Goose Kingdom Han is also unsightly. It's terrible to be a great Chinese.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry..." The two were startled and repeatedly apologized.

On the side of Mu Fei, he gave Ning Zixian a thumbs up, and he only remembered one thing, right, ‘Zixian... is not the kind of ‘soft little girl’’,’

Since he and Ning Zixian were together...or Ning Zixian went to study in Taiwan, she encountered troubles several times, often showing a "weak" side in front of him, which made Mu Fei somewhat confused and put She is like a kind of soft little girl like Lin Ruoyi.

But is this actually the case? The answer is no.

At the time of high school, Ning Zixian was famous for his "high coldness". Although she was beautiful, her indifferent expression made people think of "respecting the distance" at a glance, and she was colder than the iceberg beauty Wang Binglian. , Not much difference.

At that time, except for a few people, she was unsmiling to others and wanted her to take care of you. Difficult. I was afraid that among a hundred or even a few hundred people, few people could say a few words to her. …In her current words, she is also a kind of'Queen Fan'.

As for why she became that ‘soft’ and ‘friendly’ attitude later, Mu Fei imagined that 80% is because she walked ‘too fast’.

After she arrived at Treasure Island, she was surrounded by elders, brothers and sisters, and she was in contact with leaders, bosses, and directors. The game is also here. Everyone here is her “predecessor”, everyone around her Both are older and more qualified than her, so even if she is very "cold", for polite reasons, she has to smile to others in good faith, to say hello and say hello.

But in fact, noble, cold, strong, indifferent, and not lacking in ‘aggressiveness’, this is the true face of Ning Zixian.

Today, these two great Chinese people can be regarded as activating the original face of Ning Zixian.

Thinking of this, Mu Fei was a little thankful to these two great Chinese people. Ning Zixian had wiped her tears. When they were irritated by them, they not only did not cry, but were much stronger.

"Zi Xian, well said..."

Mu Fei shook the thumb in her hand and finished her shoulders. "Go, ignore these two unqualified guys. Let's go back to rest for a while, as the saying goes,'Joke people are not as good as people', they laugh at you fortunately." "Maybe I'll be retaliated against in a while. I can't even participate in the competition, do you say that?"


Ning Zixian believed Mu Fei's words unconditionally. She smiled sweetly and held Mu Fei's arm.

While the two returned to their seats, Mu Fei threw a grateful look at the strong man of the goose country. The strong man of the goose country secretly waved his hand and raised his thumb. The expression seemed to say'you're welcome' .

Fighting against those two great Chinese people also took some time. When the two returned to their seats, several groups of contestants had already performed.

"Invite participant 276 to come on stage... At the same time, participants 281 to 300, go to the preparatory zone to prepare for the game..." The host's voice came.

The rest seats are basically arranged according to the serial number of the contestants. The woman of the stick country is not far behind Ning Zixian. She is number 283.

"Shen Xiu, come on, let those Chinese country gangsters see and see your strength," said Bang Guomen to Bang Guo female.

"Well, that's necessary. I want her to know what it means to be a real dance..." Park Shenxiu said, lifting the skirt lightly and standing up.


But who knew that she had stood up and hadn't walked out in one step, she fell soft and fell to the ground.

The man reached out to help her, but she didn't stand up after holding two, "Shenxiu, what's wrong with you, you're up."

"Legs, legs, my legs, my legs are so numb that I can't stand up and can't stand up..." Park Shin-hsoo was anxious and flushed, but she couldn't stand up despite her efforts.

Now, the great Chinese man is also anxious, "You will not be kidding, this, at this important time, what are you numb, I help you, hurry up and activities, are you sitting for too long..."

The great man said, got up to help her, but he stood up himself, and like Park Shenxiu, fell to the ground... and sat on her.


Park Shin-soo was almost ‘sat to death’ by ​​the great Chinese man. She screamed, “What are you doing, get up.”

"You wait..."

But the great Chinese man struggled for a long time, but it was the same. Not only did he not stand up, but he also wriggled and almost vomited that Park Shin-soo to "sit".

Park Shin-soo ate repeatedly, and she was furious. While shattering the stick man with her fist, she shouted, "What do you twist, hurry up, you want to crush me."

But the stickman turned his head to give her a crying expression, "Shen Xiu, I don't know what happened, I'm numb, I can't stand up..."

"You can get up if you can't get up, hurry up, it's too late."

"But I can't really get up..."

"You're a waste, you won't let it go, how can I play, me."

Well, these two great Chinese have a civil war.



The appearance of these two people at this time is like a deliberately funny comedian, causing a lot of laughter from the people around.

At this time, the great Chinese girl remembered to ask the people around her for help, but just now their bad behaviors were all seen by the people around them, and who would help them, all the dancers who had to go on the show went to see the show , Look at the lively look at the lively, no one cares about them.

"Hey hey, Zixian, I really guessed..."

Mu Fei squeezed Ning Zixian’s hand twice and pointed to the two great Chinese, “They were retaliated, they can’t laugh at you, but they didn’t even go up on stage. It’s really retribution. Report'ah..."

How could Ning Zixian not know that this is Mu Fei's ghost, she glanced over there, and then smirked, but she didn't know that her charming and charming appearance almost made Mu Fei unable to hold back, Bring her in her arms and love it.

And it's not just Ning Zixian who is refreshing and happy, even Dai Meijuan can't help it.

At this time, those two great talents of the Chinese nation supported the seat and stood up with difficulty. Mu Fei's words reminded them of something.

"It's you, you did it, right?" Pu Shenxiu pointed at Mu Fei and yelled at the sharp field. At this time, her hair was scattered and her clothes were messy. She was like a "slut" who scolded the street. "Predecessors", "master" style.

Dai Meijuan was afraid that things might get into trouble. She put on something and patted Ning Zixian twice. "Zi Xian, since it's over, don't stay here. Let's go and watch those two guys hate..."

"it is good."

Ning Zixian went out, but Mu Fei did not give up the opportunity to beat down the water dog.

He walked next to the two great Chinese men, with a smirk, "Oh, yeah, you still said that other people's mental tolerance is not enough... You guys who are so soft to stand up to the game, might as well People, I’m weird. How can you just laugh at others, giggling, it’s ridiculous, ridiculous, haha, hahahahaha..."

Mu Fei's misfortune and laughter almost made Park Shenxiu vomit blood.

"It's you, you did it."

"Boy, don't go, I want to call the police, I'm not finished with you."

The popularity of these two great kingdoms almost spurted blood.

"Alarm, haha, but it's really a joke. It seems that you, the great Chinese, are not only without I don't even understand the law."

Mu Fei said, looking at the people around him, "Dear seniors in the dance world, I invite everyone to be fair, everyone just watched what happened just now. Have I ever abused them?"


"did not hear."

These two great Chinese people are not flattering. On the contrary, the phrase "predecessor" Mu Fei called the people around them very comfortable, and all the people around him "exported to help", let alone Mu Fei did not really curse people, Maybe they were scolded, and they had to hear it selectively.

"Do I have to fight them then?" Mu Fei asked again.


"Absolutely no, I can testify." The people around supported solidarity again.

"Did you hear me."

Mu Fei looked at the two great Chinese and spread his hands. "I didn't scold you or beat you. I just told two truths and made my own guess... It's because your own mental capacity is not enough. The legs are soft, and I have a relationship with farts."

"Hum, I want to see, like you guys who don't have the slightest mental capacity, still staying at home honestly, don't go out, save the street people coughing, and then scare you to death, Then it’s'Xiao Er came home with a dollar, and two coins (forcing) to get home', ha ha, ha ha ha ha..."

Mu Fei smiled exaggeratedly, and his tears were all laughed out. He had to say that Mu Fei's careful eyes and vengeance were enough to say. He almost never said the words of the two great Chinese people just now. Go back.

"you you you you……"

And that Park Shenxiu pointed at Mu Fei, his face red and white.

She ‘you’ for a long time, said nothing, and finally closed her eyes... Actually she was fainted... I752

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