My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1770: Time track correction value

Chapter 1770 Time Track Correction Value

Seeing that number, Mu Fei was dumbfounded.

Because... this is an eight-digit number...

Although the first digit is 1, but... in front of 1 there is a symbol of meters yuan...

‘More than 10 million...million yuan,’ this number makes Mu Fei a little dumbfounded. Although it’s not counted, but at a glance, you know that this number is absolutely over 100 million when it is exchanged for Chinese national currency.

‘Yeah, some needed materials are not available in China, they can only be purchased from abroad,’

‘Master, other experimental projects can be stopped. I must give priority to this,’ said Xiaomeng in an unquestionable tone.


Mu Fei patted his head depressively.

Xiao Fei’s mood is understandable, Mu Fei, the key is, where did he get so much money at one time, yes, Mu Fei had “received” a lot of money in Taiwan before, but it took a long time to prepare this laboratory, And it's not enough. Now it needs more than 10 million yuan, where can Mu Fei get it.

"You...Will you wait," Mu Fei asked tentatively.

‘I’m not, I’m not, I’m not in a hurry all day,’

"Master, don't you wait..."

Mu Fei raised a goose bump... There was a little guy with wings rolling around in his brain, and it seems that he can no longer regard Xiaomeng as an "artificial intelligence". This thing is even spoiled and snorting. It's gonna be.

‘Oh, if it doesn’t work... I can only sell some future technology...’ Mu Fei thought so.

'Look at my bank accounts, how much money do you have, even if you can overdraft,' Mu Fei asked in his mind, his'Internet Banking' is managed by Xiaomeng .

It didn’t arrive in ten seconds, Xiao Xiaomeng finished the inquiry, ‘22 million Chinese national currency is less than...’

‘Then you will use the money to order some of the equipment and materials you need. After that, you will collect a few similar ‘future technologies’. If you’re worried, we can only sell those technologies in exchange for money...’ Mu Fei said.

The subsequent things can only be done by Xiaomeng, Mu Fei can't help, and he doesn't care any more, and goes home to rest.

After waiting for more than an hour, Xiao Xiaomeng called him, and he took Xiao be glasses, to be picked up.

‘The first shipment has been ordered. Master, your bank account has two hundred and twenty dollars left...’ said Xiao Xiaomeng.

Mu Fei's eyelids were drooping and his face was expressionless. Mud girl, twenty-two million... you left me two hundred bucks, no living expenses, what to eat or drink, and the prodigal did not like you. ?

That is to say, Mu Fei can't get Xiaomeng, otherwise, she must be pulled out and beaten hard.

And Xiao Xiaomeng didn’t care about Mu Fei’s depression, and continued, ‘I’ve found some scientific and technological materials, among which the correction value is the lowest, the most valuable and best selling, this should be this...’

With that said, she passed some information to Mu Fei's mind.

What she passed was the data of a new type of mobile phone. Among them, the historical evaluation, achievements, design concept, production process, program code, etc. of this mobile phone are all available.

Mu Fei nodded slightly, but he understood the meaning of Xiaomeng. Now it is the'Digital Age'. All things related to digital are not worried about selling, and the best selling one among them is mobile phones.

Without saying anything else, Mu Fei saw the storm of ‘changing mobile phones’ caused by ‘love crazy’ mobile phones all over the world.

At that time, if you go out and get a'love crazy' mobile phone, it's'fold your face', especially in the circles of some digital enthusiasts, if you don't have a'love crazy' mobile phone, you are embarrassed to follow the circle Here friends say hello.

Therefore, the information that Xiao Xiaomeng gave to Mu Fei's mobile phone is very consistent with the current quotation.


After reading it, Mu Fei nodded again. According to the information on the data, although this mobile phone did not have such a big impact on the industry as "Love Crazy", its sales were also very good.

Moreover, the real time of appearance of this mobile phone is two years later, that is to say, if the mobile phone is launched as soon as possible, its prospect may be better than the one recorded.

‘Master, the Miss Wang Family you know, isn’t she just doing this kind of business, I remember she said that she wanted to cooperate with you before...’

‘You happen to sell her... even if she is not completely credible, she is always better than a stranger,’ Xiao Xiaomeng reminded that she was talking about Wang Binglian.

I have to say that Xiao Xiaomeng's consideration is quite comprehensive, and even thought of this.


‘Then do this...’

Mu Fei habitually snapped his fingers, and he got up and connected his glasses to his computer,'You change this information, such as name, designer, etc., sensitive information is removed, and the disc is carved after the change, I Call Wang Binglian now...'

‘Hey, that’s right...’

Just when Mu Fei was about to take the phone, he suddenly remembered something, ‘Xiao Xiaomeng, I just heard you mention a word... what’s the ‘correction value’,’

‘Oh, that’s a term in space-time causality more than two hundred years later. The full name is: the correction value of time trajectory...’

'Probably means: any person, any thing, or even one thing at any time period may have various effects on the future, and these effects are expressed in numbers, where the beneficial effects are positive and negative The effect is negative, the result of positive plus negative is this correction value, used to indicate the impact of this person or this thing on human development...'

'Generally speaking, a positive result indicates that this person and this thing are beneficial to human development. The compass of the four great inventions in China has a correction value of more than 190,000...The correction value of the invention king Edison is as high as three 120,000... these are good things...'

'There are still some negative ones...that is a negative impact on humans and social development. Like the initiator of World War II, its negative value is more than 300 million, and the correction value of the invention of the "atomic bomb" also has negative 100 million. More... This is because it is used less often. If you use more, this negative value is higher...'

Xiao Meng's head was explaining Taoistly.

She said that Mu Fei understood it, but Mu Fei was also a little puzzled. ‘Why are those positive numbers only a few hundred thousand, and negative numbers are over 100 million,’

'That is because it is easier to destroy than it is to create. Also, even good things can do bad things, just like... just like this computer, it does bring a lot to human life and technological development. Convenient, his original intention is good, but some people use it to study weapons, use it for military purposes, and use it for destruction. This will produce a negative value...positive value and a negative value "neutralize", so there is so much left... …'


Mu Fei nodded and completely understood.

Speaking of which, he suddenly remembered something, pointing his finger to his nose, ‘Xiao Xiaomeng, what is my correction value,’

"I don't know," Xiao Meng replied without thinking.

"Don't you know Edison, the head of state or something," Mu Fei asked back.

‘First, those are ‘celebrities’, and their corrections are public,’

'Second, calculating the correction value is a very, very complicated matter. The longer it gets, the more complicated it is. The amount of calculation is astronomical. Not to mention the lack of data, even if there is data, I can get ten after finishing my calculation. A few years, or even decades later...'

That is, Mu Fei can't see Xiao Xiaomeng. If he can see it, he will surely find this little guy looking at him with contempt.

‘Cut, can’t figure it out, what use is this shit,’ Mu Fei pouted.

'Who said it was useless, after three hundred years, the total number of human beings is less than 1% now. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is endangered, and it has been unable to withstand any huge turbulence. This correction value is to prevent devastating events like World War II. What happened and proposed...'

Xiaomeng is explaining, but Mu Fei yawned and waved his hand, ‘Forget it, it’s too complicated, don’t say hurry to change the information, I’ll call,’

‘Cut, don’t say it, don’t say it, it’s because the owner is a fool, and you can’t understand it,’ said Xiao Xiaomeng, pouting.

Mu Fei took the phone and dialed Wang Binglian's phone.

In Mu Fei's view, he and Ms. Wang are friends, but they are not particularly intimate. That's the case. He didn't talk nonsense. He said the business directly, "There is a good project that sells you and I'm not interested."

"Where are you, meet and say."

Wang Binglian now knows that Mu Fei is unusual. Judging from the information he gave to Situ Bingguang, what he said is a "good project" is even It is exactly this way, Wang Binglian does not even ask, Go directly to meet and talk with Mu Fei.

Mu Fei looked up at his watch, it was already seven o'clock in the evening. At this time, the road was not good, and he was not willing to go out. "It's a little late today. Let's talk tomorrow."

"It's only seven o'clock, I haven't gotten off work yet...Where is late...Forget it, you have to explain it tomorrow, but you first tell me what this project is." Wang Binglian asked.

"Haha, this project is quite powerful. To tell you the truth, this is because I lack money and I can trust you, otherwise I will never take it out. I ask you, in this era..." At that time, there will be a lot of pits... oh no, it's more money.

However, Mu Fei said that his phone shook twice, and a call came in again.

He glanced at the number, suddenly smiled, and immediately said to Wang Binglian, "I still have something here. I will meet tomorrow and say that you better look forward to it from now on, will never regret it."

Mu Fei had to make her look forward. The more she looks forward to it, the better she will bid tomorrow.

Hang up Wang Binglian's phone, Mu Fei immediately answered another phone, "Hey, Ruoyi, you're done."

That's right, it was Lin Ruoyi who called Mu Fei.

"Actually... a little bit, but it's almost..."

Lin Ruoyi's voice was exhausted, "That, A Fei, I...I want to go to you at night, can I."

Upon hearing this, Mu Fei was slightly hesitant.

But after the reaction, he couldn't help thinking of something, some nostrils were hot...

ps: The terms, data, and theories in this chapter are all fictitious. Please do not delve into it. Please also raise your hands with professionals. Thank you.

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