My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 527: Luo Xue Distress

Chapter 257

Luo Xue Distress 9th 2

Luo Xue is usually a cold image of the iceberg goddess. Today, the appearance of a little girl is like a melt of ice and snow, and the spring is blooming. The beauty of the unbelievable things makes Mu Fei look stunned. ]

This... this Luo Xue usually does not smile, it seems just ordinary... This smile, so beautiful... Mu Fei thought dumbly.

Feeling Mu Fei's fierce gaze, Luo Xue was red-faced and scared.

"You... don't just look at me..." Luo Xuejiao snorted and asked again, "Hurry, let me fight?"


After responding, Mu Fei coughed awkwardly and retracted his rude eyes.

"If hitting me with two punches can make Captain Luo get angry, then fight..." Mu Fei stood on his chest and looked like a martyr. As he said, his eyes swept to Luo Xue.

"Looking at your death, it seems as if I'm using much strength..." Luo Xue whispered quizzically, trying to reach out to the big idiot in front of him.

But at this moment, Mu Fei showed something moving on her shoulder. Looking closely, Mu Fei was startled. He saw Luo Xue moving on his shoulder, which was actually like a finger-like snake with a colorful body.

"Don't move!!" Mu Fei was so scared that he pointed to Luo Xue and shouted.

Although Mu Fei didn't know what kind of snake was on Luo Xue's shoulder, he knew that the more colorful things, the more poisonous it would be.

Especially in this rain forest, there are too many animals and plants to see the blood-throated insects. And this little snake on Luo Xue's shoulder is not poisonous.

"Why, what's wrong?" Luo Xue was frightened by Mu Fei's sudden cries, and the whole person was shocked.

"You... there is something on your shoulder, don't move first..." Mu Fei pointed to Luo Xuedao and said he would reach out to get rid of the little snake.

"Is there something? What is it?" Luo Xue was obedient and did not move.

But she looked over her shoulder with her big beautiful eyes, and by the moonlight, a little snake was opening her mouth and spitting letters to herself, Luo Xue seemed to hear the "silk" of the little snake. sound.

There are few girls who are not afraid of worms and snakes, even Luo Xue, the heroine of the women who didn't blink in the battlefield to kill the enemy, is no exception.


When she saw the snake on her shoulder, her frightened body shook and shouted.

The snake on her shoulder may have no intention of attacking. When she shouted, she was frightened. She lifted her mouth to her white neck and ran away.

After the snake fell to the ground, Luo Xue saw the little snake's appearance through the hazy moonlight, and a few keywords appeared in her brain.

The Nitar Seven Ring Snake, 20 centimeters in length, colorful, highly toxic, did not inject antidote for three minutes and caused death.

After linking these keywords together, Luo Xue's brain appeared as a result.

Could I... Am I dying?

Thinking of this, Luo Xue only felt his head dizzy, his body flicked, and almost fell to the ground. At this time, Mu Fei came over and hugged her in the back, letting her fall into her arms.

"Don't say anything, don't do anything. Let me come..." Mu Fei said, squatting on the ground lightly, let Luo Xue rest in his arms, and shouted to Xu Yan, "Come and help! "

In fact, he didn't need to shout, just now Xu Yan felt something was wrong when he heard Luo Xue's shout, and ran back. He looked back to see the little snake crawling into the grass.

And when he looked at the little snake, his eyes were scared, "It's broken, it's a seven-ring snake..."

"You don't need to say anything about snakes, what should you do now?" Mu Fei said anxiously.

"Seven Ring Snake is highly toxic. If bitten by it, no antidote will be injected within three minutes, people... people will die!!" Xu Yan replied anxiously.

When Mu Fei heard this, his heart sank.

"What if I **** out the poison? Isn't that enough?"

After listening to Mu Fei, Xu Yan shook his head, "No, if you **** it with your mouth, it will not only solve the poison, but even you will be poisoned!! And for her, it will only delay the time for the poison to work. ."

"Does it mean that there is only the way to inject antidote, is it?" Mu Fei asked.

"Yeah, if you talk to Captain Luo Xue, this Indian army may be equipped with antidote. I'll go find it. You must hold on..." Xu Yan said, and ran to the Indian army's tent.

Just half a minute after being bitten by the snake, Luo Xue felt colder and colder at this time, and the things in his eyes began to rotate, and his body gradually became weak.

"Mu Fei... Me, I'm fine, so cold..."

Luo Xue curled up together, trembling.

At this time, she was pitiful, where did she still look like a hero? Mu Fei hurriedly picked her up, embraced her, and put her camouflage on her.

At the same time, using his palm against Luo Xue's back, he passed the true energy in his body and tried to help her relieve the pain. But Mu Fei only knows that calming true qi has a healing effect. As for the effect of detoxification, he does not know that he has no idea! !

If this is the past, I am afraid that Mu Fei will be so upset when he encounters such good things, but at this time he is all messed up, how can there be a feeling of taking advantage?

Feeling the heat from Mu Fei, Luo Xue seemed to feel slightly better. She grasped the clothes on Mu Fei's chest with her small hands, and asked weakly, "Mu... Mu Fei, you tell me, I... am I going to die?"

"No, it was just bitten by a snake. How could it be so easy to die?" Mu Fei comforted softly.

When Luo Xue heard this, she smiled as if she was a porridge. She touched Mu Fei's chest with her hand. "You're a big fool, you really are. The bite me was the seven ring snake... three minutes If you do not inject antidote, you will die. But where do you go to get the antidote?"

Luo Xue said, a miserable smile on his face. Mu Fei looked sad.

"Maybe if I don't have here, you're really dead. But with me, I won't let you die..." Mu Fei said with a sworn promise.

"Giggle, you are such a fool. Well, I admit that you are very capable and can do many things I can't imagine, but you really think of yourself as an omnipotent superman? Or do you have a pocket of space? Crayons are small?"

Mu Fei has a black line on his head.

Please, elder sister, that one with a pocket of space is a robot cat, okay? Is there a fart relationship with Xiao?

Luo Xue may have known that she was about to die, and her courage also grew. She reached out and touched Mu Fei's face. "Forget it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have had this kind of psychology since the day I joined the army." get ready……"

"I have a question for have to answer me truthfully, do you know?"

Luo Xue's eyes could not be opened at this time, but he was still so overbearing. She asked faintly, "You tell me... do you think me, me, am I beautiful?"

Between the words, a red cloud floated on Luo Xue's face, so touching.

Mu Fei is sweating. She said, "Sister, are your girls' psychology too strange?" It's all a matter of life and death, but still have thoughts about this?

"Want to know the answer? OK, I'll tell you when you are better..." Mu Fei replied.

In fact, Mu Fei wanted to give Luo Xue a thought to give her hope to survive.

But who knew Luo Xue's face was bitter as soon as he heard him, and two lines of tears came down, "You think I am ugly, my white head is scary, right?"

Then he closed his eyes and got a dull expression, "I don't mean anything alive".

Mu Fei couldn't help crying and laughing, and hurriedly replied, "No, no, you are not only ugly, but on the contrary, you are not only ugly, but also pretty and cool."

"It's no exaggeration to say that a girl as beautiful as you, I've seen it since I was very young, no more than five..."

"Really?" When Luo Xue heard this, she was delighted, and she opened her eyes again, giggling gigglingly.

She smiled and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, both like talking to Mu Fei and like to say to herself, "It's weird. Some people used to say that my head was scary, and some people said that I was beautiful. But I heard what they said, but it was a bit too No, there is no feeling.

But why am I so happy when I hear you say beautiful? "

Luo Xue said, his smile fading gradually, and his eyes closed weakly, muttering to himself, "I suddenly felt that it seemed to be dead... not so terrible..."

"Hey, Luo Xue, can't sleep, can't sleep. Quickly open my eyes..." Mu Fei shook Luo Xue non-stop.

However, although Luo Xue could hear Mu Fei's words, he could feel his shaking, but he felt that his eyelids and mouth were heavy, that is, he could not open his eyes and made no sound.

Mu Fei looked at the wound on Luo Xue's neck again and was startled. I saw that she was swollen and tall where she was bitten by the snake, and it was already dark nearby.

"This girl... won't you really die here?" Mu Fei thought anxiously, how could he let her die in front of herself?

My physique is stronger than her, and I can calm down and detoxify. Fight……

Mu Fei thought, took out Dagger Luo Xue's neck and scratched the wound lightly, then fell forward and sucked at the wound on her neck.

Mu Fei took a sip and spit out what he sucked to the ground. Look again, the blood is black.

"Bah, so bitter, Nimei, what kind of snake is this, so poisonous!" Mu Fei scolded, and then prayed in his heart, "I hope this quiet and true healing function is strong enough. Otherwise, the buddy will confess today. Here it is..."

Although Luo Xue couldn't open her eyes and could not speak, she still had the feeling that she naturally knew that Mu Fei was risking her life and helped her to take drugs with her mouth.

Luo Xue's heart softened, and was moved.

This idiot... really You will not only save me like this, you will die yourself! ! Why are you stupid... I'm so anxious...

Luo Xue thought anxiously, but could not pass her thoughts to Mu Fei, her two lines of tears anxiously dragged down.

This is what she thought before and after she was awake. After thinking of this, she felt that her consciousness had gone away. After a few seconds, she knew nothing.

Mu Fei helped her to **** the poisonous blood bit by bit, which was not only bitter and smelly, but also amazingly toxic. Mu Fei sucked only four or five mouths, and his tongue numb. After more than a dozen mouths, not only did the lips swell into buns, but the entire mouth was not good.

As soon as his mouth didn't work well, he couldn't control the size of the force, and more or less venom slipped into his stomach along his saliva.

And it was just a little bit of blood that made Mu Fei feel dizzy.

Later, Mu Fei did not know how many poisonous blood he had sucked. When the blood he had drawn turned red, he couldn't hold it anymore. His brain dizzy and fell to the ground...

p: Everyone is happy on May 1st, let's have a small storm.

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