My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 104 New Materials

“We don’t strive for first place, but for the best experience!”

While Mr. Yutian was holding a mobilization meeting with Wheat executives, Yu Longguang was also holding a meeting in Shanghai with people from the M series flagship phone R\u0026D team. He set the tone.

This is also in line with Zhongzheng's consistent style. Each technology may not be the first to be launched, but after they are used, a large number of users say that the technology still values ​​Zhongzheng.

Many technologies of Wheat mobile phones have been launched for the first time, and Wheat flour is also proud of its black technology.

But in reality, few of these technologies have been successfully used by Xiaomai. Instead, Zhongzheng Company has inherited many technologies from the past and caught up from behind. The experience completely beats Xiaomai.

At this point, Wheat is relatively depressed, while Zhongzheng Company is relatively complacent.

But once the company's public facilities are erected, they must be maintained, and problems will arise if they are messed up. This is why Mr. Amada emphasizes the launch, while Yu Longguang emphasizes experience.

After the meeting, Yu Longguang returned to the office. A subordinate sent an express package from Feiyang New Materials Company in Nanjiang County.

Yu Longguang opened it and saw that it was a very cold foam box.

Is this the material Zhou Feiyu mentioned?

Yu Longguang was very curious. When he opened the lid, a burst of cold air immediately came up. In addition to the ice cubes, there was a smaller transparent box and a paper file. There was a matte color label on the small box, and the label was printed. Some words.

Name: FY-04;

Purpose: Photoresist additive, which can effectively reduce the scattering and diffraction problems of various light sources caused by photoresist.

Looking inside the transparent box, there was a gray transparent liquid.

Yu Longguang was suddenly startled and murmured to himself: Is this a joke?

During the exchange of Jinling Huake New Materials, Zhou Feiyu did say that his idea was to seek to work on issues such as photoresist reducing scattering and diffraction of light sources, but that was just an idea, it was still a PPT, and no real action was taken.

As far as Yu Longguang knew, if he hadn't gone to Nanjiang County to discuss this topic with Zhou Feiyu, Zhou Feiyu would not have entered this field at this stage.

He never expected that in just a few days, Zhou Feiyu would send him the available materials for the proposed plan at that time.

It only takes a week, right?

If it weren't for Zhou Feiyu's continuous perfect results in optical materials, PI materials, and holographic materials, Yu Longguang would immediately conclude that Zhou Feiyu was joking at this moment.

But at this moment, Yu Longguang was only half-convinced.

Soon, Yu Longguang called Ke Lan, and Ke Lan happened to be in the magic city at this time.

It's really weird!

After Ke Lan came over, he saw the material and then looked at a paper document that came with the package. After thinking for a while, he said: I have read the manual of this material. If the performance is really as mentioned above, then what else can it do? It can really play a very important role.”

Yu Longguang asked: How about giving it a try?

Ke Lan nodded slowly: You can try it, but please communicate with Huake New Materials first to avoid misunderstandings.

I'll communicate with them.

Yu Longguang said, he knew what Ke Lan meant.

Indeed, last time at Huaxin International, they and Huaxin International were a little embarrassed.

Later, Yu Longguang called Huake New Materials in front of Ke Lan and explained the matter.

When the boss of Huake New Materials heard this proposal, he immediately became depressed and a little unhappy.

However, Zhongzheng Company is a god level end customer after all, so he immediately agreed and expressed his full cooperation with the verification.

As the R\u0026D boss of Huake New Materials, Lin Liqiang was undoubtedly even more depressed after hearing the news relayed by his boss. This was a naked slap in the face.

Did you help me develop the co-author?

But the situation is stronger than people. The photoresist developed by his team led by him has failed the test due to serious problems of scattering and diffraction of the light source. Moreover, after these days of research, the direction of improvement has not been found, and it is at a loss. Now, someone else has made all the materials and wants you to test them. Do you dare to open your mouth and not test them?

Unlike art, everyone has their own tastes and opinions.

Research and development is so direct. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it won't work. There is no room for equivocation.

Lin Liqiang could only hold his nose and agree.

The next day, Yu Longguang arranged for someone to deliver the materials from Magic City.

Did he really predict that we would stumble on this issue?

Lin Liqiang looked at the liquid material called FY-04 and after carefully reading the instructions, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Liqiang, let's arrange the test first.

The boss of Huake New Materials didn't think so much. He was worried about the failure of his own photoresist test to the point of being anxious. Now it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

Lin Liqiang didn't say much, and immediately arranged for people to trial-produce samples, and he went over to follow up personally.

Mr. Lin, any additives will have a significant impact on the performance of our photoresist, not to mention this brand-new material. I don't recommend going directly to trial production of samples. It's not worth it.

When his sample engineer received the order, he was obviously reluctant and began to complain.

Lin Liqiang glared at him: Just do what you are told, why bother talking so much?

All right.

The sample engineer shrugged and turned around to start trial production of samples.

During the trial production process, when the liquid additive named FY-04 was added to the photolithography raw material according to the instructions, the calm and uneventful performance immediately surprised him: Hey, there is no big problem.

When different materials are mixed, extraordinary chemical reactions often occur.

Calm and without ripples, it shows that the performance of FY-04 additive is commendable.

A look of surprise flashed across Lin Liqiang's face, and he thought to himself: It seems that the other party really has two tricks up his sleeve!

When the photoresist sample was successfully trial-produced, Lin Liqiang was no longer surprised and only felt a little heavy. He immediately arranged for people to do performance and reliability tests.

Reliability testing takes a long time, but performance test results can be obtained quickly.

That night, Lin Liqiang got the first-hand performance test report.

No change in photoresist performance.

“The light scattering and diffraction performance has been qualitatively improved, reducing it by 80% compared to before!”

Seeing only these two results, Lin Liqiang felt as heavy as a mountain.

After Huaxin International's first test failed, Lin Liqiang and his team conducted research on light loss and developed a test method.

He knew that he had to explain a serious issue to his boss now, that is, Huake New Materials must consider how to cooperate with Feiyang New Materials to maximize their benefits.

Yu Longguang told them that Feiyang New Materials would not be involved in the photoresist industry, but he didn't quite believe it.

Now, he doesn't believe it even more!

Not involved? Will materials like FY-04 be developed without getting involved? Could it have been developed within this week? What a liar!

We will talk about this later. First, we have successfully developed our Arf line photoresist!

After Shen, the boss of Huake New Materials, listened to his report, he was silent for a moment, and then made his decision. He immediately called Meng Song from Huaxin International: Mr. Meng, we already have an idea of ​​the improved products. It can be sent out within a week, please help arrange the verification time...

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