My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 113 This is black technology!

Nanjiang County is going against heaven!

Hey guys, since Feiyang came out, Nanjiang County, a small fifth- and sixth-tier county, has been on trending searches many times. I need to post it.

As expected of Feiyang Company, YYDS!

No wonder you treat Yingjiang's sanctions as if they are nothing. With this technical strength, you can beat Yingjiang!

This 3D holographic technology is amazing. It doesn't seem to be more than one level higher than what's available elsewhere.

This should be the important cooperation that Zhongzheng Yu Dazui mentioned. I look forward to it! This year's M flagship mobile phone is expected to sell out again!

Suddenly, terms such as 3D holographic image, Feiyang Company, Zhongzheng M's new flagship, Nanjiang County, Nanjiang May Day Party and other terms became hot spots in the front row of short videos.

Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of Chinese people have seen relevant news, including live videos, major short videos, as well as Sima Yan’s live broadcast and short explanation videos of some technology bloggers who responded quickly.

Major Internet celebrities will not let go of the opportunity to take advantage of hot events.

Technology bloggers are a little more reserved, but they are not exempt from vulgarity, especially since this incident is really related to technology.

3D holographic images, this is serious technology.

Most people just marveled at the amazing 3D holographic images this time and had no other associations.

But there are also many people who lament the strong technical strength of Feiyang Company, and also lament that Nanjiang County has suffered from shit luck. The Feiyang line is actually under the jurisdiction of a small inland fifth- and sixth-tier county. Guojiang Menglong is so popular that it has been frequently searched, and it has almost become an Internet celebrity county.

Many people in the government felt sour after seeing this news. Everyone knew that Nanjiang County would soon become developed.

It is believed that Nanjiang County will be named among the top 100 counties in the country soon.

At the same time, they naturally thought of an idea, that is, could they poach Feiyang Company?

It's amazing, this time it's really a black technology!

Xia Jun is a well-known technology blogger in the short video Douyin. He is also a highly educated person. He has also written several popular science books on physics, and he can be regarded as a leader among technology bloggers.

In addition to studying, Xia Jun also often watches various news and posts on Douyin for a long time.

When he saw the 3D holographic projection video of the Nanjiang County May Day Party, he couldn't help it and immediately took a video to explain it.

The opening line was incredible as always, but this time the next words were changed. In the past, it has always been this time is really big news or big technology, but this time the word black technology was directly used.

Black technology has always referred to the kind of black technology that cannot see the inside story. Either it is a technology that violates some current scientific principles but has very miraculous effects, or it is a technology that exceeds the current level of technological development and has an effect that can be called science fiction and can be explained by some current advanced theories.

But since some mobile phone manufacturers held press conferences, especially Mr. Yu Tian of Mai Mobile, who kept saying that their mobile phones used such and such black technology, the word black technology fell into the dust and became only It’s just a technology with strong performance”, and sometimes even very common technologies are boasted as “black technology”.

So much so that when Xia Jun, a technology blogger, made videos introducing some advanced technologies or scientific theories over the years, he would not use the word black technology to describe them. He felt that it was a bit embarrassing.

But this time, Xia Jun felt that the naked-eye 3D holographic image produced by Nanjiang County was really a black technology.

...I specially watched the live video and Sima Yan's live broadcast. I found that I couldn't understand how the naked-eye 3D holographic image in Nanjiang County was made. In addition to the display screens on the left and right sides of the stage, , there is no lighting or imaging equipment, and you can’t see it from the front, back, left, or right of the stage. It is completely projected directly from the display screen. This is amazing.

Everyone should know that when the light on the display screen is at its brightest, it will indeed appear very bright to the human eye, and may even be dazzling. But in fact, this kind of light is very dark. You can know it by comparing the light source. The projector also needs to emit light like a light bulb in order to project the information and images that everyone needs. Therefore, under normal conditions, the light of the screen is completely insufficient to support the projection of images.

This one is number one.

Second, the images projected from the left and right screens of the stage form a naked-eye 3D holographic effect in mid-air. In principle, I can make a simple understanding, that is, part of the image will be projected on the left and right sides, so that the images overlap, thus forming a 3D holographic effect that we can see with the naked eye. 3D holographic effect.

But, ah, but, the principle should be like this. To actually do it, I don’t know what technology is used. There are methods abroad that use lasers to create naked-eye 3D holography. The super energy of the laser is used to stimulate the nitrogen in the air to move. There are also methods that use holographic diaphragms and some auxiliary equipment to achieve it, but they are not available and cannot be achieved by just relying on them. Just one display screen does it.

I guess that it should be realized using the principle of holographic diaphragm, but why it can achieve this effect, I think not only me, I believe many people, including most researchers at home and abroad, can't figure it out. That’s why I said at the beginning of the video that this is a black technology.

Some people say that this technology was invented by Feiyang Company. Before there is an official reply, I don’t know whether this news is true or false. But if this news is true, I can responsibly tell you that Feiyang will definitely become one of the greatest technology companies in the world.

I carefully checked some information about Feiyang since its establishment. I didn’t know if I didn’t check it, but I was shocked when I checked it. Good guy, in less than three months since its establishment, it has applied for nearly a hundred patents, and they are all the kind of patents that you can tell are high-tech at a glance...

This video made by Xia Jun was so full of praise for Feiyang that in the comment area of ​​this video, thousands of netizens liked the comment Be honest, how much did you charge for publicity?

Of course, the comment with the most likes was Black technology, domestic products are on the rise!, which received more than 20,000 likes in less than an hour.

Xia Jun's good friend Liu Xiu, who is also an alumnus and also a technology blogger, also posted a video and narrated it, but unlike Xia Jun, he changed his approach and explained it from a scientific perspective.

How do 3D visual effects come about? I will finish the get out of class in one minute.

This involves the use of light and the scientific research of human vision. Light behaves differently in different media, including reflection, refraction, scattering, etc. One of them is polarization. Polarizers with polarization axes at 90 degrees to each other are installed in front of the projector lens. The two projectors project simultaneously. We then wear special polarized glasses, which are often called 3D glasses. Since the polarization axes of the left and right polarizers are perpendicular to each other, we The picture we see is actually what the left eye sees on the left, and the right eye sees what is on the right. Finally, the left and right images overlap on the retina, causing our brain nerves to produce a 3D visual sense...

After the explanation, Liu Xiu concluded by saying: Theoretically, the 3D hologram in Nanjiang County should be like this, but how to actually do it, I believe some other black technologies should be used in it. Well, this is indeed black technology. !”

It has to be said that in the era of self-media, information spreads very quickly.

With the entrance of these technology bloggers, what was originally just a party that ordinary people were amazed by quickly spread into the technology circle, and the term flying black technology successfully appeared.

After knowing the news, many people couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, vaguely feeling that a terrible storm was brewing and was about to hit.

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