My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 138 Clearance

This is news, boss, take a look!

Ye Qing handed the phone to Zhou Feiyu with a solemn expression. A video was paused on the screen of the phone. It showed a group of foreigners with tall noses and deep eyes holding a press conference with serious expressions.

Zhou Feiyu's expression changed and he immediately clicked to continue playing the video.

The video is very short. On the other side of the Pacific, a group of people announced that they would join the sanctions against Feiyang, including not allowing its companies to use products containing Feiyang materials, and not allowing Feiyang to use any products of its companies.

Zhou Feiyu didn't care at all whether they used products containing Feiyang materials, but Feiyang was prohibited from using any products from these companies, which immediately caused Zhou Feiyu's expression to change suddenly, and a solemn expression appeared.

Any product, not just physical products such as consumer and material products, but also virtual products, such as software!

In the era of globalization, no company can boast that all its products are 100% domestically produced. Foreign products, especially software, are more or less used, and it is almost impossible to escape.

Software, including computer operating systems, mobile phone operating systems, and various professional software running on computers or mobile phones, are all foreign.

Zhou Feiyu has a background in materials research and development, and the AX, Solidworks, Rhino, etc. he uses most are all from foreign countries.

Without these software, it is equivalent to returning to the era of hand-drawing, which is almost unacceptable and impossible to accomplish in the modern era of increasingly precise manufacturing.

With these professional software, even if it takes an hour to draw a simple drawing, it will take several days to complete by hand.

For more complex drawings, if they were to be completed by hand, the entire Nanjiang Province would have to be covered with paper, which would be almost unimaginably difficult.

In the video, Zhou Feiyu saw representatives of these professional software companies.

Good guy, this is the real poisonous move!

Zhou Feiyu took a deep breath and felt a headache for the first time.

Ye Qing said from the side: Boss, the matter of professional software is indeed a core difficulty. At this stage, we can only find some domestic products to temporarily replace it. However, the company needs to replace the computer part on a large scale in advance. I suggest that we talk to Zhongzheng. Let’s talk and ask them to help customize a plan.”

There are also some domestic companies that are making professional-level software, and there has been some improvement in recent years, but the market share is very low, there are only a few types, and the experience is extremely poor, not to mention efficiency.

For example, in CAD, there is Huawang doing it in China, called Huawang CAD. But when I use it, the feeling is nothing to mention.

Zhou Feiyu has also used it, and it is indeed impressive in some aspects, but both the interface and the actual functions are far inferior to CAD. The interface looks like a toy, not professional-level software; the functions are also much worse, and many efficient and convenient functions are basically missing, which is undoubtedly a kind of torture for a design.

But compared to nothing, just accept this bit of torture.

Okay, you submit the approval form and I will approve it later.

Zhou Feiyu nodded and agreed.

In the field of computers, no matter how bad the reputation of Dream is, Dream still has the largest share at the enterprise level application level. Dream has indeed achieved the ultimate standard of ordinary computers, both in terms of performance and cost-effectiveness. Therefore, most domestic companies purchase Dream computers for office use.

Feiyang is no exception.

Zhou Feiyu would not have thought at the time that the sanctions would go to this extent. This was even higher than Zhongzheng's treatment. It was the first time in the world.

No, I was still careless. This is the second time!

Zhou Feiyu couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. He was annoyed that he didn't really pay attention to it and was still a little paralyzed.

The first time, it was FY-01 material, using imported electronic grade PI material.

Now, for the second time, when he was sanctioned for FY-01, he should take action to investigate and resolve all these potential risk factors.

So, when Ye Qing turned around to arrange the order, Zhou Feiyu quickly stopped him and ordered: In addition to the bill of lading, you should check it again, from top to bottom, inside and outside. I will not allow my company to return the bill of lading. I don’t know about the things that exist abroad, so you can sort them out and make a list for me.”


Ye Qing was also annoyed in his heart, but it was more of a huge pressure.

He is a conservative manager who does not have strong development capabilities, nor does he have the same strong technical background as Zhou Feiyu, so he really feels that this kind of all-round blockade is unbearable.

Now after listening to Zhou Feiyu's order, he immediately realized that Zhou Feiyu was serious and wanted to achieve 100% localization in Feiyang.

Ye Qing knew that this was undoubtedly a difficult but very powerful and firm decision. He could not imagine how strong Zhou Feiyu's heart was to be so decisive?

On the way back to the office, Ye Qing could only pray secretly: I hope the boss can succeed!

Reason told Ye Qing that material research and development and system and software research and development are completely different professional fields. This time they Feiyang are really in trouble!

However, Zhou Feiyu continues to develop new materials, breaks the monopoly, and leads the world. It is a legend to everyone at Feiyang, giving them heartfelt trust. At this time, Ye Qing had no choice but to place his hope in Zhou Feiyu, the legendary boss. Looking at the whole of China, no one can help Feiyang, even if the country takes action, it will be of no avail.

Ye Qing's movements were still very fast.

An hour later, Ye Qing came to Zhou Feiyu's office again and handed Zhou Feiyu the computer replacement list and troubleshooting list.

All office computers within Feiyang New Materials and Feiyang Optics, a total of 1,640 computers, are all Dream brands, and the operating systems are all genuine software. Of course, these computers will not be scrapped and cannot be replaced or returned, so the operating systems need to be removed from all of them.

At this point, fortunately Zhongzheng got Hongmeng out, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with this stall.

Is the RP system on Feiyang Optics from Hanscat?

In the list, in addition to operating systems and professional software, there are also many software and materials originating from other foreign countries. Although they are not Yingjiang and his sons, they still belong to foreign countries.

Among them, a piece of management software made Zhou Feiyu frown.

The RP system is enterprise resource planning. It sounds very complicated and high-end, but in fact it is a set of supply chain management software, including a series of operations such as orders, planning, production, shipping, research and development, etc., to manage a company's operations in a formal and effective manner. production operations activities. Domestic enterprises of a certain scale have basically applied this system and promoted it vigorously.

Ye Qing replied: Yes, Mr. Xiao brought it here from Diguang.

Mr. Xiao, Xiao Weidong from Feiyang Optics.

Replace it immediately and replace it with a golden butterfly!

Zhou Feiyu made the decision without hesitation.

Ye Qing was slightly startled, then nodded and said, Okay, I will inform Mr. Xiao later.

Kingdee and RP are two different systems. They are somewhat similar in operation, but the details are different. The replacement of the system will be a huge project for the entire Feiyang Optics. It is estimated that many people Employees are going to complain again and again.

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