My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 153 Young people must have a spirit

If you put this big hat on, most people really can't stand it.

Pengcheng, the headquarters of Zhongzheng Company.

Yu Longguang was caught by the founder of Zhongzheng to chat and asked him about Feiyang Company and the young man Zhou Feiyu. Before he came, he happened to see the overwhelming news on the other side of the Pacific accusing Feiyang Company, and knew that there was another trouble on the other side of the Pacific.

After entering, he couldn't help but smile and say something to the founder of Zhongzheng.

The founder of Zhongzheng asked with a smile: Who wants to blame you?

It's not me, it's Feiyang Company.

Yu Longguang shook his head, and then explained to him the news he had just seen, and finally said: Every once in a while, the other side will make something against Feiyang Company, whether it is sanctions or accusations. It is more deliberate than dealing with us, Zhongzheng.

Being targeted like this shows that Feiyang's strength really makes them feel afraid.

The founder of Zhongzheng has a very good attitude. He said with a smile: In recent times, the company Feiyang has been talked about from time to time. It almost makes my ears tingle, so I came to have a chat with you today. What you just said The thing, I think, is that the performance of Feiyang’s FY-02 material far exceeds that of their own materials, so they are outclassed by Feiyang.”

Yu Longguang nodded and agreed: Yes, BE Company gave me feedback before, saying that the performance of Feiyang's FY-02 material far exceeds the electronic grade PI material imported from Wangzhe Materials or Tianfeng Chemical.

Oh? Is this the case?

The founder of Zhongzheng was surprised, and then asked: Is this FY-02 material so widely used? Judging from their reports, they are going to throw the blame on Feiyang's head for hindering human exploration of the stars and universe.

I don't really understand this part.

Yu Longguang thought for a while, shook his head and said: FY-02 material should not just refer to one type, but a series of materials.

The process used in mobile phone glass should only be FY-02. No, it should be just a small category within the FY-02 series.

According to Yingjiang, Feiyang Company's FY-02 material is an excellent material for use in deep space telescopes, which helps deep space telescopes operate smoothly in outer space. As you can imagine, the performance of FY-02 material is powerful.

And a material with such powerful performance is only used to make mobile phone glass. It is undoubtedly an overkill for anti-aircraft guns to fight mosquitoes.

Yu Longguang believes that Feiyang Company should not operate in this way. It should develop different classified materials for different applications and intercept the properties required for different applications.

Later, the founder of Zhongzheng asked about Feiyang Company and Zhou Feiyu.

Yu Longguang also explained one by one.

After understanding everything, the founder of Zhongzheng couldn't help but admire: This is what real scientific research looks like. It is not moved by fame and fortune, not disturbed by the outside world, and has strong self-control, a strong sense of responsibility, and a spirit of hard work and progress. I think this is great. Only when China has more talents like this can it truly prosper.

In Yu Longguang's description, he saw that Zhou Feiyu was a rare talent who was not dazzled by the colorful world, and had very strong self-control and hard work.

After getting rich and powerful, they either become arrogant or act recklessly. There are too many such people in society.

Making money, playing with women, pursuing excitement, etc., these desires are overwhelming, and it is impossible to control them without strong self-control.

But Zhou Feiyu not only controlled it, but also continued to climb the peak of scientific research, which is even more valuable.

The most important thing is that FY-01, FY-02, FY-03, and FY-04 are four consecutive materials, each of which breaks foreign monopoly and leads the world, creating China's outstanding achievements in the field of materials. To a certain extent, this is even more powerful than Zhongzheng. At least the founder of Zhongzheng doesn’t think there are many inventions in his company that can compare with it.

Yu Longguang also praised: It is indeed very rare!

Speaking of this, the founder of Zhongzheng seemed to have thought of something, and said: Feiyang Company should be the target of publicity, and Zhou Feiyu should be the role model that young people in China should learn from, not some celebrities. In comparison, some celebrities are After making so much money easily, they do not think about creating real value to society, but instead evade taxes, which has a very bad impact on young people. Young people, especially children who are still studying, need a spirit.


Yu Longguang nodded in agreement.

When the founder of ZOZEN and senior executives of ZOZEN highly praised Feiyang, there was once again a heated discussion on the Internet about Feiyang Company.

Good guy! You were selling optical materials before, but now you are entering the aerospace industry?

Flying YYDS!

I didn't expect Feiyang to be so awesome. I underestimated this company before.

It's amazing! You're still selling basic materials related to consumer electronics, and you're stepping into the aerospace industry. Isn't this a big step?


The vast majority of netizens were not angry because they criticized Feiyang. Instead, they had the impression that Feiyang Company is awesome.

There is no way, in fact, in the minds of many people, anything that can involve the aerospace industry is very high-end and is truly high-precision technology.

They don’t understand that in fact, many aerospace technologies are very common in the civilian field, because the laws of all things are interlinked, and they will not be too noble just because they are in outer space. Of course, it does not rule out that some technologies can only be used in the aerospace field, because they are either too expensive or impractical on earth.

In this way, when the other side accused Feiyang of delaying the deep space telescope project due to Feiyang's FY-02 materials, netizens immediately thought that Feiyang's FY-02 technology was too awesome, and Yingjiang had to lower his head. , forcing Feiyang to sell FY-02 materials by hating him.

This is the opponent's consistent tactic. If they have skills that they don't have here, they will try their best to ban them.

Since I don’t have the technology available here, I try my best to label him with various labels, such as threatening world security, violating humanity, being immoral, etc. It’s a very double standard.

Now, it's just another massive double standard.

NSA's deep space telescope project is for the benefit of all mankind. I think Feiyang should sell materials to NSA.

We need to be more generous! If a dog bites you, do you want to bite the dog back?

Yes, if you are poor, you can be alone, but if you are rich, you can help the world. Since Feiyang has the ability to contribute to all mankind, why not do it? Do you have to play behind closed doors?

Sanctions are sanctions. Why don't Feiyang take this opportunity to talk to the other party? By taking advantage of this step to reach cooperation, cooperation can be win-win. Working alone is destined to not last long!

Haha, Chinese people are so stubborn!

Of course, there are also a group of people who have begun to express opinions on the Internet. Some people have gone online to scold Feiyang, and some have made good remarks and suggested that Feiyang cooperate with the NSA for the benefit of all mankind or for Feiyang's own benefit.

These people may seem to be saying fair things, but in fact they are just trying to make others feel better.

Anyway, it didn't happen to me, and talking about it won't have any impact, so just say it.

Feiyang Company, as always, did not respond to public opinion.

Some netizens who were displeased with seeing this spontaneously started to criticize: A bunch of virgin bitches, the first thing they did before the war started was to hang the virgin bitches from the street lights!

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