My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 183 Thank you Feiyang!

“…This new generation of Ruisue chips uses ZOZEN’s self-developed overlapping architecture patent, which enables mass production of chips with low process capabilities that are as good as high-process chips.

For example, with the 14nm process capability, using our self-developed overlapping architecture design, the performance of the chips produced can reach the level of chips produced with the 7nm process capability.

Everyone, look at the big screen. This is the data comparison between ZOZEN’s new generation RuiShou chip and the previous 5-nanometer chip manufactured by TJD. As you can see, the performance is not lost at all, but the power consumption is only increased by less than one-fifth.

Supplemented by ZOZEN’s self-developed new cooling solution and battery management capabilities, this extra one-fifth of the power consumption is offset.

... Here, on behalf of Zhongzheng, I would like to thank a company. The materials developed by this company have greatly promoted the birth of a new generation of Ruisu chips. It can even be said that without the materials of this company, the new generation of Ruisu chips would have been impossible. Whether it can be manufactured is a big question.

Who is this company? I think everyone can guess a little bit. That's right, it's Feiyang New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., which has been suppressed by sanctions just like Zhongzheng since its establishment.

As Yu Longguang's introduction progressed, the atmosphere at the press conference became more and more lively and sensational.

Until he said Feiyang company, the scene couldn't help but fell into a sensation again, and the warm applause sounded like thunder and lasted for a long time.

Everyone was filled with warm and excited emotions.

Good guy!

It's incredible, Feiyang Company is going against the will of heaven.

Awesome! Is there any material in this world that Feiyang can't research?

As expected of Feiyang, despite being constantly suppressed and sanctioned, it still produces world-leading materials one after another, breaking foreign monopolies.

I declare that Feiyang is my lifelong idol!

Flying YYDS!

Bunker! I thought Zhongzheng was already very powerful, but I didn't expect Feiyang to be even more powerful.

I thought that Zhongzheng was already invincible in the country, but I didn't expect that there was a company more courageous than Zhongzheng. Who is capable of this?

The Internet was completely in a state of uproar, and everyone was filled with praise and praise. Even if someone occasionally made a sour comment and it was not good, the next moment it was drowned out by the loud and praising remarks, without any waves.

I didn't expect such cooperation! This confidentiality work is done well!

Mr. Xiaomai Yutian murmured to himself, with a complicated expression on his face.

He talked to Zhou Feiyu on the phone and Yu Longguang on the phone. He always believed that the cooperation between Feiyang and Zhongzheng was about software localization in addition to 3D holographic imaging technology. He never expected that the cooperation between Feiyang and Zhongzheng would still be in the field of chip materials.

In addition to sighing, he couldn't help but feel a little shaken in his heart: Is it really worth continuing to be impartial and not offend Taka-chan?

Not offending the eagle sauce is an iron strategic rule that must be followed for Wheat.

Therefore, in the face of Feiyang, it is impossible for Wheat to reach strategic cooperation and comprehensive alliance with Feiyang like Zhongzheng.

Mr. Yutian used to believe that once Maimai and Feiyang formed a full alliance, the next moment, Maimai would be hit by a violent storm and be in danger of annihilation!

But looking at it now, since Feiyang has such strength, it is not impossible to form a comprehensive alliance. Feiyang seems to be able to develop whatever others have. In this case, why should I grovel and pray to outsiders?

No matter what, Feiyang is still Chinese and one of his own.

Of course, thinking about it, Mr. Amada quickly threw away this unrealistic appearance.

On the other side, Miss Tong of Juli Group was much more decisive than Mr. Yutian. After listening to Yu Longguang's introduction, she immediately said to the people around her: We must immediately start contact with Feiyang Company. I have a hunch that in the future, we will Domestically, Feiyang will be the core supplier for most consumer electronics companies, and no one can be without Feiyang.


Someone answered and then added: In fact, our Juli Group has had a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship with Feiyang Company for a long time. We purchase large quantities of electronic-grade PI materials and optical materials.

Really? It seems that Feiyang Company is more powerful than I thought.

Miss Tong smiled and said.

She was indeed a little shocked. She didn't expect that Feiyang's materials were used so deeply. She didn't even know that Feiyang's materials were used in large quantities in Juli Group's products.

Juli Group prides itself on “mastering core technology,” but outsiders don’t know the inside story. However, when hearing this advertising slogan, everyone will immediately think that Juli's products are basically domestically produced, which makes Juli Group very uncomfortable.

When Juli Group used this slogan, it was actually just to increase its popularity, and it did not realize the complete localization of its products. Now it's fine, I haven't reaped the benefits, but I've been burdened by this advertising slogan.

The failure of the patent dispute with another air-conditioning company has caused the image of Juli Group to plummet, and it has a tendency to collapse. Miss Tong sees it and is anxious in her heart.

Compared with Feiyang Company, Juli Group was a bit inferior. Miss Tong immediately had the idea of ​​taking advantage of Feiyang Company.

Even Zhongzheng has bowed to Feiyang Company's materials, why can't Juli Group do the same?

Except for the two of them, most of the business leaders or executives at the press conference had similar thoughts like the two of them.

In recent times, there has been a lot of news about Feiyang Company. Everyone has recognized the strength of Feiyang Company and knows that Feiyang is an emerging company with great strength in the field of materials.

However, that was just what I heard, and seeing it with my own eyes are two completely different concepts. Only then did they discover that Feiyang had gone so far that even Zhongzheng Company was deeply tied to it.

Sure enough, we are still working hard in the field of photoresist!

At the same time, some caring people from abroad who were watching the live broadcast of the press conference were not in such a good mood.

In these small days in China, Tian Feng Chemical's president, Tian Feng Akio, felt unprecedented panic, and his heart felt cold.

He murmured to himself, wanting to rush to the press conference and loudly refute Yu Longguang, saying that what they said was all false and impossible.

However, he did not have the ability to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, so he could not do it at all. He could only watch the press conference fall into an atmosphere of excitement and fanaticism. What was brewing in it was to make all the companies or institutions involved in the sanctions against Zhongzheng feel... A huge storm of fear.

Tian Toyo Akio investigated the relevant information very early. At that time, Zhou Feiyu personally flew to Jinling Huake New Materials and then to the Magic City Huaxin International. He predicted that Zhou Feiyu would start research on photoresist materials.

Later, Huaxin International announced that it had solved a problem in the field of photoresist, which had already verified his prediction.

When Yu Longguang said Thank you Feiyang at the press conference, Akio Tian immediately knew that Feiyang played a vital role in it.

If he thought that Feiyang Future would gradually collapse the empire building of Tianfeng Chemical, now it seems that the empire building is already collapsing, and it has collapsed more than a little bit.

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