My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 310 Discussions

Dangerous equipment was found in the handbag, something Zhu Jing couldn't figure out.

Thinking that she was just a small star and an entertainer who practiced dancing, how could He De be framed like this?

Is it just because you participated in Feiyang Boss’s wedding performance this time?

Zhu Jing could only think this way, and this reason made sense.

Lenovo Feiyu's wedding next week will be handled by relevant departments doing security work. Obviously because Feiyang's boss Zhou Feiyu is too important, the enemy does not hesitate to use various methods to target Zhou Feiyu, so the relevant departments are dispatched and do not hesitate to arrange people to act as security personnel. Private Wedding Escort.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have agreed.

Zhu Jing felt a little regretful in her heart.

She is a smart person, so she naturally knows that she is now involved in the center of the storm, and she cannot even withdraw now.

First, she took advantage of Feiyang.

Second, she has registered with the relevant departments. According to the relevant departments, now she can no longer quit even if she wants to, she must finish the performance.

If you quit, we will have to find a replacement. Who knows what the replacement will be like?

As soon as the personnel from the relevant departments said it, Zhu Jing understood immediately.

As for Ichiro Araki, Zhu Jing also suspected that it was him. Who asked the relevant departments to specifically mention the name Ichiro Araki? This pertinence was already obvious.

Hey, we still don't know Feiyang too well. If we had known better, we wouldn't be so passive now.

Agent Huang Anan said: You don't know it during rehearsals. I talked to many people here. They said that the reason why the relevant departments will protect this wedding is because Feiyang has made a lot of confidential technologies and has many relationships with the country. All departments have cooperated. Because of this, Feiyang has been targeted and suppressed by the Western Sanctioner Alliance. I don’t know how many spies have been sent. The struggle is very fierce and very dangerous.

It's too late for you to say this now!

Zhu Jing said speechlessly.

Huang Anan replied with a very innocent look: I didn't know until soon that no one in our industry would pay attention to a company that makes materials.

Zhu Jing took a sip of water and said nothing.

She also knew that if Feiyang hadn't taken the initiative to find her, they wouldn't even know what Feiyang did. They only knew that Feiyang was awesome.

There is no way around it. The entertainment and entertainment circles are naturally insulated from high-tech companies, especially women.

Here, it refers to the fact, most of them.

If you have to make a point and say that many women are also paying attention to these things, then you are welcome to box.

Women who tend to be more emotional, especially those in the entertainment industry, rarely pay attention to these. First of all, there is no need to pay attention to it because I have no interest in it; secondly, high technology is very complex, requires very professional knowledge, and is very rational, and ordinary people cannot figure it out at all.

Adhering to the principle of saying less and making fewer mistakes, it is better not to pay attention.

Cherishing feathers is a habit among people in the entertainment industry.

Not to mention issues related to these companies, even if it is a patriotic issue, people in the entertainment industry rarely speak up. Most of the people who have stood up and spoken out are either creating their own persona or were forced by netizens.

It is mainstream to say something about Hanhu.

Seeing that Zhu Jing remained silent, Huang Anan stopped talking about the matter. It had already happened anyway, and no matter how much we talked about it, it would not help.

Huang Anan talked about a news that had just spread here, which was spread by word of mouth: People here said that something big happened at the beach last night, and a lot of troops were dispatched. I don't know what it was for. . Could it be that you are doing security work for Boss Feiyang’s wedding, right?”

Zhu Jing was startled when he heard this, and then retorted: How is that possible? Who do you think he is, and he can send out troops? It must be just an exercise.

Huang Anan smiled hehe and said: That's not necessarily true. Seeing how the Sanctioners Alliance uses all possible means, it is really possible to send mercenaries to assassinate Boss Feiyang. It is not impossible for the country to send out troops.

Zhu Jing immediately put a hand on her forehead: You have such a brilliant mind, I suggest you write a script. And mercenaries? Why didn't you say Assassin's League?

Huang Anan laughed and felt that his guess was outrageous, so he said instead: I don't know what Feiyang's landlady looks like, but she is actually a fan of yours, Sister Jing, and she appointed you to perform.

Zhu Jing said: I would rather not be appointed by her.

Huang Anan laughed and said, Why not? This is a true fan!

Zhu Jing was speechless: Does this count as a true fan? I think it's more like a negative fan!

You're wrong if you say that.

Huang Anan disagreed with her view and explained to her: You should think about it from another angle. Anyway, the deal is already done, so just think about what benefits you can get. I dare not say anything else. At least after this time, Feiyang's wife will definitely be right. If you apologize, you will definitely be able to borrow certain resources from Feiyang in the future, which will be very helpful for you in the entertainment industry in the future.

Zhu Jing shook her head: Don't hold out any hope.

Huang Anan smiled and said: Okay, even if you say so, don't have high hopes. But you also have to know one thing, that is, with Feiyang's strength, status and fame, others will know that you are in Feiyang's relationship. I’ll give you a certain amount of face. This is the biggest resource, and it’s enough.”

Zhu Jing listened thoughtfully.

She doesn't want to hug anyone's lap, but in the entertainment industry, since it is a circle, there is no way to avoid worldliness.

Whoever has a strong background will have more resources and will develop better. This has always been an unbreakable truth.

The energy of the donor fathers is not ordinary.

There is no doubt that Feiyang is indeed a very powerful financial backer, far surpassing those major Internet companies and even many giant state-owned enterprises.

If Feiyang could become her financial backer, then she wouldn't have any problem running unchecked in the entertainment industry.

Hey, I don't know how many lifetimes of virtue this Feiyang boss lady has accumulated, but she actually married such a good husband.

Then, she heard Huang Anan sighing: The strongest generation born in the 1990s, the first generation. This is the real domestic one. It should be said that he is the number one young talent in the world. He is much better than the rich second generation and national husbands. . I won’t have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of my life, and maybe I can leave a name in history.”

Zhu Jing laughed out loud when she heard it. She covered her mouth and said with a smile: An'an, you don't want to think like this, it's very dangerous.

Huang Anan was startled for a moment, then realized what he was doing, and said angrily: What can I think? It's not worth it for me to help you again! After all, you are also a new national goddess and a senior dance expert, with a sexy and hot body It’s terrible, you can play with me for years with your long legs, and you have a great temperament, but you haven’t found a boyfriend yet!”

That's enough for you, don't hit people in the face!

Zhu Jing's face suddenly turned dark, which was so heartbreaking.

When the two of them were talking here, the place suddenly became lively, and the noise kept pouring in.

The two couldn't hear clearly, but they still heard greetings such as Hello boss and Hello boss lady.

Boss Feiyang is here!

The two looked at each other and immediately ran out to watch the fun.

Other performers and remaining staff also ran out immediately.

The extremely low-key Feiyang boss is still very entertaining to them.

Hey, does it look familiar?

Zhu Jing's eyes suddenly condensed and she exclaimed.

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