My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 337: What is an exoskeleton?

what's the situation?

Zhao Wei was stunned on the spot when he saw the information on his phone. He was even more confused than when he saw the news from Yang Ma just now.

The patient group was voluntarily formed by paralyzed patients here in Nanjiang County in order to communicate about what good medicines are available, where good medical solutions are available, and where there are good doctors to see...

The aroma of wine is also afraid of the deep alley!

Sometimes, a good medicine or a famous doctor is not well-known because of insufficient publicity. This also causes the imbalance of medical development to a certain extent.

Therefore, the patient group, a self-organized patient organization, plays a certain role, although this role is not necessary in the opinion of professional doctors.

After all, doctors have a group of doctors, and there is also the existence of the National Health Commission. Medical technologies and good medical protocols are basically common across the country. It is rare that a terminal illness or a serious illness is cured but not cured. widely known.

The role of the National Health Commission is to promote the development of medical technology and make the development of medical technology more balanced.

Wherever there are good medical technologies and good medical solutions, the National Health Commission will spare no effort to promote them nationwide, unless such good medical technologies and medical solutions are heavily dependent on the skills of a certain doctor and cannot be copied.

Zhao Wei is not very familiar with the group member who sent the message in the group. He has only been in the group for a few months. If he remembered correctly, it should be less than half a year.

However, Zhao Wei still had some impression of this patient because he was said to be a relative of the boss of Feiyang Company, the largest company in Nanjiang County.

Most of the old women and children in Nanjiang County know what the Feiyang company is, even Zhao Wei, who has been lying in bed for so many years, also knows it.

Whether it was his wife, children, relatives, doctors, patients, news broadcasters, etc., the name Feiyang almost made his ears tingle.

Guo Fei is a relative of Feiyang's boss, which is a big deal.

For ordinary people, as long as there is a big boss, especially if the company has achieved the first level of reputation in the country, the energy possessed by the boss is undoubtedly of the highest level.

Correspondingly, the resources available to the relatives of the company's boss are among the best in the country.

Whether it's money, connections, or anything else, if even these people have a disease that cannot be cured, then if other people get the disease, there is basically no need to think that it can be cured.

Therefore, after Guo Fei joined the group and all the patients learned about Guo Fei's background, many people gradually became desperate for treatment for paralysis.

Considering that both Guo Fei and Guo Fei were unable to be cured after being paralyzed, how could it be their turn to be cured again?

Unexpectedly, the shock that Yang Ma released just disappeared, and now Guo Fei said that he had stood up. This was undoubtedly a huge stimulus for Zhao Wei.

Old Zhao, this is the number one medical school in the world. The medical technology it possesses is the best in the world. My son told me that if a disease can be cured by the Hopkins University School of Medicine in the world, If it’s not good, then there’s no way to cure it.

Now, even the Yangtze River Mother has reported this medical result from Hawkins University School of Medicine, which shows that there is a high probability that this is true, and we are really saved...

Gao Feng said excitedly from the hospital bed next to him, staring at Yang Ma's news report without blinking, even though the text message just now had passed long ago.

Until a long time, Zhao Wei did not answer him.

Only then did Gao Feng stop talking and turned his head curiously to see what Zhao Wei was doing.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Wei was staring at his mobile phone motionless, as if he was possessed.

Old Zhao, Old Zhao~

Gao Feng shouted quickly: What are you looking at? Why are you in a daze?

Zhao Wei just woke up from a dream and handed the phone to Gao Feng with a look of disbelief on his face: Lao Gao, look, Guo Fei in the group has been cured and he can stand up.


At this moment, it was Gao Feng's turn to be confused and subconsciously snatched the phone away.

After reading the information, he finally understood and said in disbelief: How is it possible that he was cured? This is too unfair. He was treated so early, and we only know the news now! Is it possible that he has money? Can you really do whatever you want if you have power? Is there any justice in this world?

Saying this makes people laugh.

Zhao Wei also wanted to laugh, but when he thought about it, he felt sad again.

He knew what Gao Feng meant. He meant that Guo Fei had a relationship with Feiyang's boss, so he was sent abroad very early to go to Hawkings University School of Medicine to receive spinal nerve repair treatment, so he is fine now and can stand up. . On the other hand, they had been paralyzed for several years and were still lying down. Only then did they learn about the major breakthrough in spinal nerve repair treatment technology from the news reports of Yang Ma.

Comparing it, how can it not make people feel angry?

It's so unfair!

There is no way. If you are rich and powerful, you can do whatever you want. Look at those rich and powerful people, who didn't immigrate very early? When the country investigates them, their money has already been transferred away.

Zhao Wei shook his head for a while and sighed: I didn't expect that Feiyang and the opposite side would have such a fierce quarrel. I didn't expect that Feiyang's boss's relatives would be sent out for treatment immediately when there was a problem, and the opposite side would also really treat him.

Gao Feng sneered and said, What's the point? The opposite party and Mao Xiong are already at loggerheads and are about to start fighting. Aren't we doing business well? What's the matter between the opposite party and Feiyang?

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong~

In the patient group, a series of voices emerged immediately after Guo Fei spoke. A large group of patients were blown up and asked about the specific situation.

Every patient is struggling, and their life is worse than death.

When I see a patient suddenly able to stand up, I can't suppress the excitement at all. This is not something that normal people can experience, nor can normal people imagine.

Brother, where did you get treatment?

Brother, please tell me how it was cured and how much it cost.

Seeking introduction!

Gao Feng returned the phone to Zhao Wei, turned around and picked up his own phone. He wanted to send the news briefing he just saw to the group to let everyone know the inside story.

But his message was still being edited, and Guo Fei sent a series of voice messages in the group.

Guo Fei: I have not been cured. There is currently no technology that can repair the damaged spinal nerves. I installed a set of exoskeleton equipment and let the exoskeleton equipment replace my waist and feet. I experimented all afternoon today, and It's exactly the same as before I was injured. Moreover, this exoskeleton device is very close-fitting and simulates the body. It is almost like a piece of clothing when worn on the body. It is also very intelligent and flexible. It acts by receiving my brain waves...

It turns out it's not a cure, it's just the installation of exoskeleton equipment.

Zhao Wei was disappointed when he heard this, and added: I said that given Feiyang's relationship with the other side, he shouldn't be able to get treatment. I just don't know if this exoskeleton device is real.

Gao Feng said with disdain: Isn't the exoskeleton equipment just a brace? What's the difference between living on a brace and lying down?

As he said that, he sent a message in the group: Exoskeleton equipment? What's the use of that thing? What about receiving brain waves, brain-computer interface? They are all fake! The news has been reported, Truss's brain-computer interface The monkeys used in the experiment were all tested to death, and it won't work at all.

Didn’t anyone watch the 7 o’clock news from Yang Ma? Lao Zhao and I just watched the news, which reported that Hawkins University School of Medicine in Yingjiang was preparing for a clinical trial of spinal nerve repair. I think it won't be long before our paralysis can be cured over there.

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