My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 344 This was just an accident

It was just an accident!

When Gao Feng's family member, Gao Yuanguang, came to Hawkings University School of Medicine, he got such an answer, and this answer spread and was presented to people all over the world.

It was indeed an accident.

The human body is so complex that sometimes a perfectly fine detail can suddenly become a fatal weakness.

“There is no need to question the technology of Hawkings University School of Medicine!”

A large number of people in the medical field immediately stood up to refute the rumors on the Hawkingbury University School of Medicine platform, and most of them were top people in the medical field.

Even some well-known doctors in the country said in interviews with the media that this was an accident and did not believe that the Hopkins University School of Medicine was at fault.

Under the overwhelming public opinion, Gao Yuanguang and others naturally had no excuses. Even if his father Gao Feng died suddenly, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

On the Internet, except for a small number of netizens, most people still view Gao Feng's sudden death as accidental and do not think there will be any problems with Hawkings University School of Medicine.

Firstly, this is a plus for the long-standing image of Hawkings University School of Medicine;

Secondly, as many well-known medical professionals have said, various accidents in life may lead to sudden death. This is also a similar view in Chinese culture. One sentence can be summarized as Drinking cold water will clog your teeth.

Only a small minority of people think there is something wrong with Hawkings College Medical School.

Blow, why don't you stop blowing? Now that everyone has been put to death, I wonder how you can still blow.

There's definitely something wrong!

Everyone who has worked in engineering knows that any project must be carried out step by step. Once the construction deadline is exceeded, problems will easily occur. There is no doubt that this clinical trial of ridge nerve repair factor was rushed to the shelves, and now it is true there is a problem.

Let's go find Feiyang. At least Feiyang's medical exoskeleton equipment won't kill people.

Amidst all the commotion, an embarrassing and depressing meeting also took place in the Yingjiang Intelligence Bureau.

This was an accident, right? You can handle it, right?

The director of the Intelligence Bureau asked an old man with gray hair and a red neck who was almost seventy years old.

If Gao Yuanguang saw this red-necked old man, he would definitely recognize him as Pierre, the president of Hawkings University. But at this moment, the red-necked Pierre, who was kind and dignified in the outside world, looked embarrassed.

Faced with the question from the Director of the Intelligence Bureau, he coughed, regained his serious expression, and replied: Of course, our medical technology is the best in the world. This time was just an accident, and there will be no next time.

I hope so.

The director of the Intelligence Bureau was dubious when he heard this, but the red-necked Pierre's strength was shown here, and he was the top scientist in Eagle Sauce. If he didn't trust him, then there would be no one trustworthy in the entire country.

Red-necked Pierre emphasized his tone and said: In addition to this technology, we also have other world-leading medical technologies. There is always one suitable for each other.

The Director of the Intelligence Bureau's expression improved a lot and he smiled and said, I'm looking forward to your good news.

Nanjiang County, Feiyang Company.

Feiyang Company has naturally noticed the turmoil on the Internet. However, except for the newly established Feiyang Biomedical Technology, which is vigorously promoting medical exoskeleton equipment, other subsidiaries, including the parent company, have not made any movement. Consistently low-key and pragmatic style.

But loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

Within Feiyang, the artificial intelligence Galaxy has been paying close attention to the development of this matter.

...In addition to the above, I also found that the president of Hawkings University, Pierre, has close contacts with the Intelligence Bureau. There is reason to believe that he takes orders from the Intelligence Bureau to a certain extent...

During this period, Zhou Feiyu traveled between the headquarters, deep in the mountains, and Feiyang Agriculture, staring back and forth at the research work in these places, but Xinghe's information reports were available anytime and anywhere.

I see.

Zhou Feiyu stopped paying attention to this information report after thinking about it for a while.

Since the last assassination on Coconut Island, he has paid closer attention to the people around him than before, and specially added a command to the artificial intelligence Galaxy. Once any of his relatives and friends plan to go abroad, he will immediately Report it to him.

But there is no need to pay attention to any movements of these people in the country.

At home, their own country will handle their personal safety issues, and he does not need to worry about it.

If so many people need artificial intelligence to guard the galaxy, then the existing computing power of artificial intelligence is not enough.

Therefore, any trends at home and abroad, as long as they do not involve his relatives and friends, do not require too much attention.

The president of Hawkings University has close contacts with the Intelligence Bureau. This is a normal thing and is not worth paying attention to. Whatever the other party does is expected.

Only when the other party does something that is beneficial to Feiyang, then it is worth paying attention to.

At this time, Zhou Feiyu's research base in the mountains, in this deserted place filled with cold robots, placed in front of him a giant machining center with a length of more than ten meters and a height of more than ten meters.

Inside this machining center, there are three very huge robotic arms. The front of one of the robotic arms is a tool head that can load different types of tools; the other two robotic arms are two large pliers.

On the inner side wall is a huge rotary tool magazine, which contains the tools that can be used by the robot arm's tool head, including turning, milling, planing, grinding and tapping.

On the base is a processing platform.

Other than that, nothing can be seen.

From the outside, this giant machining center appears to be integrated, with the operating panel completely invisible.

In fact, it does not rely on external input of instructions, but inside it, there is a control center that controls it, externally communicating with Feiyang headquarters. If there is an accident, the artificial intelligence Galaxy can control it instantly.

There is no doubt that this is an epoch-making machining center!

This is the intelligent processing center that Zhou Feiyu has built together with the artificial intelligence Galaxy these days. The processing accuracy has reached 0.01um, which is unprecedented.

Start the trial run!

When Zhou Feiyu gave the order, a huge metal block was sent to the processing platform of this processing center.

The next moment, the machining center was powered on, and the processing platform immediately generated a strong magnetic force, which firmly bound the metal block to the processing platform.


With the strong sound of the machine running, a huge robotic arm loaded with cutting tools flew in the air. It loaded the tool very flexibly automatically, then found the position and lowered the cutter. The cutting tool accurately landed on the metal block with almost no pause. On the side edge, the cutting work begins.


The iron filings formed long strips and quickly fell off the metal block, one after another, revealing the silver-white color inside the metal block, which was very bright and pleasing to the eye.

An hour later, all the processes were completed, and the metal block turned into a hollow metal ball with many special-shaped structures. Four or five layers were hollowed out inside, one layer inside another, and each layer could move freely.

Beautiful! With this machining center, many large and complex precision products can be manufactured.

Looking at this extremely exquisite metal creation in his hand, Zhou Feiyu looked satisfied.

Night falls.

NSA announced that it will restart the moon landing program and is expected to launch on August 30 this year. The launch rocket will be named Artemis 1...

A news bulletin was inserted into Yangma's seven o'clock news.

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