My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 352 Prelude

Fuck me!

Holy shit!

No way?

Is it really coming?

Hey, Feiyang, I haven't gotten in the car yet, I haven't gotten in the car yet!

It's unbelievable. It's only been six months since it went public? Am I going to lose my job?

Made, moving bricks on a construction site costs two hundred and fifty a day. Are jobs like this going away soon?

Two hundred and fifty a day? Those people upstairs want to eat shit. If it's less than three hundred, who will move the bricks for you!

That's right. Robots are about to be launched. Who needs you to move bricks? Don't ask for two hundred and fifty from now on. Even if it's only one hundred, no one will want you.

Throw it away! You won't even give me a hundred yuan?

Hey, this is a robot. How about moving bricks? Is this really good?

Wipe it! I'll give you an animation to learn from.

The next moment, a dynamic picture of a robot pulling a rope in front and a farmer holding a plow behind was released by Shaduo netizens.

Pfft~ Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard~

In Pengcheng, Qianghua North Road Electronics Market, Zhong Guodong happened to be out of work and wanted to watch short videos. He immediately saw the news that Feiyang was about to launch the robot. After being shocked, he immediately put on the scarf to see the first-hand information. , and then he was amused by the comment section, and almost choked with laughter.

The shock in Zhong Guodong's heart was relieved by this, and he kept grinning.

After a while, Zhong Guodong stopped laughing, and while rubbing his stiff cheeks, he said: Sure enough, Shaduo netizens are so happy that such a big news can be spread here.

Zhong Guodong hasn't paid attention to Feiyang's news for a while. One is that Feiyang hasn't had explosive news for a long time, so he feels a bit boring. The other is that he is too busy with work.

In the past six months, Zhong Guodong's store has not expanded, but its business volume has increased by one-third than before, making it even busier.

The economy is in recession, and mobile phones are becoming more homogeneous, so people don’t change their mobile phones very much. They use them when they can be used, and repair them when they can. Only when they are no longer working will they think about getting a new mobile phone.

As a result, Zhong Guodong's repair business and refurbished machine business will naturally increase again.

Husband, do you want to smile so stupidly? People who don't know would think you are stupid.

Liao Yan was leaning on the table watching a variety show. Zhong Guodong was laughing so hard that even the table was shaken, and she couldn't help but give him a blank look.

It's the comments that are so funny.

Zhong Guodong coughed a few times, said briefly, and then said: Honey, let's go to the provincial capital of Nanjiang Province on the 20th of this month.

Liao Yan was startled and asked, Why?

Zhong Guodong said: Feiyang Company's robots are going to have a pre-launch press conference. There will definitely be robots coming out by then. I want to see it live first.

Feiyang's robot is going to be launched?

Liao Yan was immediately surprised.

After working in the electronics industry for a long time, she has become familiar with and concerned about the electronics industry and related industries and companies. She was naturally familiar with Feiyang robots, but she never expected that they would actually be launched on the market.

See for yourself.

Zhong Guodong showed her his mobile phone.

After reading it, Liao Yan couldn't help but sigh: It's true. I used to brag about Feiyang just to compete with Tras in the ring.

Zhong Guodong was speechless at these words: Do you think Feiyang is a cowhide company? There is no reason to believe what those trolls say. They are all trolling for the sake of trolling.

Liao Yan smiled and said: Okay, Feiyang is the most powerful. However, Feiyang pushing the robot has nothing to do with us. Do you want to buy a robot? We don't need it. And this robot is very expensive at first glance. It is estimated that each unit will cost at least four to five million.

Zhong Guodong said: I don't know the price, who knows. But with this science fiction-like high-tech, you don't have to buy it to have a look, and no one forces you to buy it.

Liao Yan was a little hard to understand: Just to have a look, there is no need to go to Nanjiang Province to see it. Isn't it the same as watching it in the video? It's thousands of kilometers away, and it takes three or four days to go back and forth by high-speed rail. Thousands are gone.

This is different.

Zhong Guodong shook his head and said: It's just like watching a concert. You can also watch videos. It's not the same. Many people go to the live show. And there is nothing like a concert that can compare with this robot conference.

Liao Yan said: Is there any difference?

Zhong Guodong said: Of course there are differences. This press conference will definitely go down in history!

Liao Yan doubted: Is it so important? Last time, Truss had already held a press conference for the robot, and Feiyang was behind others.


Zhong Guodong let out a disdainful laugh, and then said: Truss, the Optimus Pillar, is simply a lump of iron. Compared with Feiyang's propaganda, it can even be said to be a retard, which is not worth mentioning at all. Two press conferences, Of course it’s impossible to compare.”

Old Zhong, are you also going to watch Feiyang Robot's press conference?

At this time, the owner of the stall next door happened to come out. Hearing the conversation between the couple, he immediately came over and asked Zhong Guodong enthusiastically.

Yes, Lao Chen, are you planning to go too?

Zhong Guodong turned around and asked immediately with a smile.

The boss next door is Chen Renming, a forty-year-old middle-aged man who usually doesn’t like anything else but some novel electronic products. Working in the repair market here can be regarded as a hobby and a living.

Chen Renming nodded and replied firmly: Of course, I have been looking forward to it for a long time. It is finally going to be launched. If I don't go there to see the first-hand information, I will regret it to death.

Zhong Guodong laughed: Are you interested in buying one?

Chen Renming still answered firmly: If it is as smart as previously advertised, then I will definitely get one. If it can't help me with work, it should still be able to keep it at home and help me drive.

Hey, that's a good idea.

When Zhong Guodong heard this, he couldn't help but applaud.

Indeed, an intelligent humanoid robot should have no problem doing these daily tasks, which do not require very sensitive and precise operations.

The conversation between the two was just a microcosm of the many people in China who paid attention to Feiyang.

Outside of Pengcheng, in Yangcheng, Magic City, Jinling, Beijing, Chang'an and other places, there are many people who pay attention to Feiyang, like Feiyang, like high technology, like electronic products...etc., etc., they are all in the first place Time decided to go to the press conference and experience the world's most advanced humanoid robot up close for the first time.

There are not only ordinary people, students and teachers, but also CEOs of major well-known companies, heads of government departments, and some leaders of relevant departments.

There is no doubt that at the social level as a whole, when it comes to the impact of robots, the reactions of these corporate CEOs and government departments are the strongest. They are not only consumers, but also affected practitioners and managers.

In countries other than China, there are also many people who have a strong interest, even members of the Sanctioner Alliance. They want to see how advanced the products brought by this company that they hate so much~

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