My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 355: Invasion of privacy?


Horrible! So scary!

This is a desperate war machine!

The other side finally showed their fangs!

What to do? What to do now?

This is a product that threatens world peace, we must eliminate them!

They must not be allowed to have such robots!

The members of the Sanctioner Alliance and the leaders of their camps who watched the Flying Robot conference felt that the air around them was frozen.

A strong chill that made them feel extremely frightened surged into their hearts, and rage, fear, horror, murderous intent...all kinds of negative emotions boiled in their hearts.

With peace robots, there must be war robots.

If the previous battlefield auxiliary equipment only had fierce firepower, surging power, and amazing defense, then the current Feiyang robot is extremely intelligent!

Think about it, a robot with superior intelligence, ferocious firepower, surging power, and amazing defense is coming towards you, are you afraid?

If you say you're not afraid, then wouldn't you be afraid if there were hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, or even countless such robots?

By then, I'm afraid I'll be scared to death!

At this moment, just thinking about the kind of scenes that might happen in the future, they feel scared, their scalps are numb, and they cannot suppress the fear in their hearts.

And that's just on land.

With such an intelligent robot, once it is equipped with wings, it becomes an integrated space and ground. How can it deal with this?

However, apart from war, there is also a war that can defeat the opponent 100%. Otherwise, no matter how much the murderous intention in their hearts boils, they will not be able to do anything at this moment.

Having the president, prime minister, etc. express strong condemnation is of no consequence to Feiyang, and the other countries treat them as farts.

It's a shame to give me some face and say this is our family matter, don't be rude.

In this case, let's start a war of public opinion.

Ideology may seem illusory, but it is a very scary thing. The main reason why Big Brother disintegrated was its overall ideological failure, and the people's ideology tended to lean towards the West.

In this regard, they have the largest military expenditure in the world, but they have countless dogs who speak for them all the time. Especially the kind of dog that opposes them on the surface, but actually has a deeper negative line lurking.

The topic of privacy was immediately brought up.

This topic has always been the focus of debate on many occasions, both socially and internationally, especially internationally.

Once many domestic products are labeled as invading privacy, they will basically lose their foreign markets very quickly and be forced to return to China.

Some people will definitely say that this is because they do not follow other people's rules. I can only say that such people are either naive or dogs. I will not say dogs. The naive ones are worth talking about. If it were not for the peaceful environment in the country, such naive people would have long been After being sold, I had to help others count their money.

Of course, different countries often adopt similar methods when dealing with multinational enterprises from other countries.

All actions can be attributed to interests!

More than 2,000 years ago, the Chinese sages had a thorough understanding of human nature and refined a saying: Every bustle in the world is for profit, and all the bustle in the world is for profit.

Even so, while the Feiyang robot launch conference was still going on, Feiyang company was still labeled as this is an invasion of privacy on the Internet.

Many Chinese also followed suit, or were brainwashed into thinking that the early warning device installed on the robot by Feiyang was indeed suspected of invading privacy.

Privacy, that is, personal secrets, are not allowed to be known to outsiders.

I bought the robot back, and if I want the robot to do anything, it has to be reviewed by the pre-alarm device. Doesn't this reveal my secret? Isn't this an invasion of privacy?

There's no secret left!

It's too scary. Can I still buy this kind of robot?

This so-called early warning device looks like a monitoring device, specifically used to monitor users who have purchased robots.

Terrible! Once robots become popular, will Feiyang be able to monitor every user?

Haha, it's not just Feiyang, there are also relevant departments.

Sure enough, there is no freedom!

A large number of negative comments quickly flooded the screen, and a large number of netizens who did not close the barrage or liked to read comments were affected. Even if they felt that these comments were somewhat up to date, they still felt that there was something wrong.

This is actually a kind of brainwashing, bombarding the screen with a large number of homogeneous comments. Many people who are not determined and like to follow what others say are easily influenced and follow.

Of course, many netizens also refuted.

Can this also involve invasion of privacy? I'm convinced!

There are idiots every year, especially this year. If you have the skills, you don't need a mobile phone.

Why are there so many fools? If you want to talk about privacy invasion, what kind of electronic equipment do you dare to say does not exist today?

There are fools, but more of them are 1450.

Good guy, this is an invasion of privacy, isn't it? Then why haven't you guys criticized the monitoring and various gates the other side has done?

Large-scale double-standard sites can only be found with 1450.

These are undoubtedly pertinent words and facts.

In this era of advanced information technology, any electronic device is actually an information receiver. No one knows whether the electronic devices around them are monitoring or monitoring them. They will only know if they are tested.

However, regardless of whether there is a stone hammer or not, the mobile phone brands that most people know, everyone has one or even two, as well as those popular apps and websites, must be monitoring consumers.

Otherwise, how would those mobile phone manufacturers, APPs, and websites know how to screen users and push homogeneous things to users?

As long as you are a normal person, you will know after a little thought.

This is actually an invasion of privacy!

Most people are actually so numb that they are used to it.

Even those foreigners who are called fighters who want freedom, human rights, and privacy have chosen to lie flat in the face of the general trend. There is no way, you can't defeat the big groups.

So, why can’t Feiyang work at this time?

Perhaps one day productivity levels will reach a point where there is truly no invasion of privacy, but that will be later. Now, intelligent humanoid robots are just around the corner. This is a great opportunity for our country to expand its productivity and liberate people's hands, and it cannot be destroyed.

No need to say that, I don't care, I have to buy it.

That's right, such an awesome robot, if I buy it and let it help me work, I'll lie down!

Haha, brothers and I want to go together.

Gutou saves his life. I plan to use Huabei to buy one to deliver food for me. Do you think it's feasible?

God's operation!

I'm going to let him move the bricks for me!

“Wouldn’t it be great to be a nanny for whatever kind of food you deliver or bricks you move?”

Laughing, wouldn't those who can afford a nanny buy one themselves?

Supporters and rational people still accounted for the majority, and they quickly dismissed the topic of privacy invasion and replaced it with the discussion of what to buy robots for.

Speaking of which, should you discuss whether you can afford this robot?

Then, a comment broke the hearts of many netizens.

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