My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 376 The professor is in a bad mood

Come on, Professor Yan, let me toast you.

In the magic city, at a high-end dinner, the fat-bellied Wang Linzheng warmly entertained Yan Fei. He picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, saying: I am one of the ten thousand people who believe in you, Professor Yan. That Feiyang is just one of them. In terms of fortune and sudden wealth, in terms of foundation and academic ability, I can't compare with you, Professor Yan, it's far from it.

Wang Lin, a native of Modu and the owner of a materials company, has always wanted to find experts to manage the research and development work of his company and point out the future direction of materials development.

In the Magic City and even in East China, Yan Fei is the top expert. His reputation and influence in this place are greater than those of more authoritative experts in other regions.

In the hearts of Wang Lin and other old Modu people, no other academician or expert is as powerful as Yan Fei.

So Wang Lin said this from the bottom of his heart.

Faced with Yan Fei's warm flattery, Yan Fei felt very grateful in his heart.

Of course, Yan Fei also knew that there was quite a lot of water in these words, but he thought that the honesty level was still more than six points, which was only four points of water.

Old Wang, I don't recognize anything other than this door.

Yan Fei took a reserved sip of wine and joked with a smile.

Wang Lin smiled hehe and continued: Professor Yan, you are good at everything, but you are too humble and do not compete for it, so your reputation is not as great as those people. Look at those people outside, who is not boasting to the sky? Loud? Let’s just talk about Feiyang. The technology is not very good, and I don’t know where it came from. It’s almost blown up to the sky...

Feiyang still has strength.

Yan Fei said calmly.

Wang Lin observed the words and said to himself: Sure enough, he has a problem with Feiyang.

On the surface, Wang Lin continued to scold Feiyang, and then took the opportunity to talk about his purpose: ...I heard that you have a new type of material that you are ready to develop, and you are still looking for someone. I wonder if there is any opportunity here?

Yan Fei was startled and said with a smile: Old Wang, it turns out you are waiting here.

The new material that Wang Lin mentioned was ready to be developed was the original plan that was rejected by EAST Liu Yongfeng's team. In order to reduce losses, Yan Fei changed his words and let it out in order to see if there was capital in the society to invest in him. Usually, he is surrounded by capital.

After he was released, many people came to see him.

Yan Fei just didn't expect that Wang Lin would come to him about this matter. He thought that Wang Lin was still the same as before and wanted to invite him to manage the R\u0026D team in Wang Lin's company.

Our company has no direction now. Professor Yan, your direction is the next step for our company.

Wang Lin said flatteringly.

In fact, he was so drunk that he no longer cared about drinking.

Thinking that he is also a big boss worth billions, he would not hesitate to lower his worth to drink with Yan Fei. Isn't it because he wants Yan Fei to lead his company to a higher development?

Now that I have a good opportunity, I will naturally not let it go.

Therefore, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. The two of them talked about this project very speculatively.

After drinking for three rounds, Yan Fei also relaxed a little. He talked about the development of this new material and said: ...Actually, this material is intended to be used in a very important project, but unfortunately, the other party I didn't like it, so I chose Feiyang's plan...

Those people are really ignorant of gold and jade, and they would rather believe in a young boy.

Wang Lin said angrily, but suddenly realized in his heart: It turns out that the reason why he and Feiyang don't deal with each other is because of this matter. No wonder, if it were me, I would feel uncomfortable.

If you are interested in this new material project, you may secretly regret it. For no other reason than for others, he gave up Yan Fei's plan and chose Feiyang's plan. Obviously, Feiyang's plan must be better than Yan Fei's plan, otherwise there would be no need for others to change the plan midway.

But Wang Lin's goal was not here, so his expression did not change at all after hearing this.

He is sincere and discerning.

Yan Fei had been in battle for a long time. Although his head was a little dizzy now, his consciousness was still very clear. He saw Wang Lin's reaction clearly and couldn't help but be a little moved.

Bang bang bang~

There was a knock on the box door, a little hastily.

Come in!

Wang Lin shouted unhappily.

The door was pushed open, and it was not the waiter who came in, but Yan Fei's secretary Xiao Zhao.

Wang Lin and Yan Fei were both startled.

When Yan Fei was about to ask questions, secretary Xiao Zhao quickly walked up to him, then leaned into his ear and whispered softly: Professor, Gang Yang's mother sent a press release that the ignition operation of EAST was a great success. The discharge continued for more than three hours!


The wine glass in Yan Fei's hand suddenly fell to the table with a crisp sound.


Yan Fei didn't care about this at all. He lost his composure and exclaimed. He stood up involuntarily, and all the wine he spilled spilled on his thighs and trousers.

Wang Lin, who was sitting next to him, looked at this scene with a suspicious face. He did not hear the content of what secretary Xiao Zhao said, but he could see that Xiao Zhao's words were very important.

Old Wang, I have to leave beforehand, sorry.

Afterwards, after Yan Fei said these words, he left without looking back.

Wang Lin couldn't stop shouting from behind and could only watch speechlessly.

Mr. Wang, the professor is in a bad mood, please forgive me.

Secretary Xiao Zhao walked behind and said apologetically that he had to wipe his boss's butt.

Wang Lin quickly asked: Secretary Zhao, what happened?

Mr. Wang will know the biggest news today just by watching the news.

Secretary Xiao Zhao replied hurriedly, and then hurried out.

The biggest news?

Wang Lin didn't know why, so he subconsciously took out his phone and browsed the scarves and short videos.

Soon, the news of the success of controllable nuclear fusion came into Wang Lin's sight, which made him realize: Yan Fei is a national-level scientist. Could it be that his plan was canceled on this project?

The biggest news was that Yan Fei's plan for a very important project was cancelled. When these two were connected, it was only the possibility that he had thought of.

Wang Lin couldn't help but take a breath and murmured to himself: How can this be a competitor? This is a life-and-death enemy, right? However, now the other party has succeeded, and...wait a minute, Feiyang actually participated in the controllable nuclear Research and development of materials for fusion technology applications? Good guy, it turns out that the big star in the field of materials is Feiyang!

The high-end nature of the controllable nuclear fusion project is self-evident.

The fact that materials can be favored by controllable nuclear fusion projects and used with great success can only mean one thing, that is, Feiyang's technology in the field of materials has reached its peak and is far ahead of the world.

Yan Fei?

He's just a defeated general!

Therefore, those things he said about Mi Tai Feiyang before are so ridiculous now that he thinks about it.

But instead of choosing Feiyang, he came to beg Yan Fei. Isn't this like losing the watermelon and picking up the sesame seeds?

What to do next?

For a moment, Wang Lin was in a state of confusion.

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