My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 413 The Sea of ​​Stars

If you want to make money, it's better to make money from women faster and more.

Zhou Feiyu, who was immersed in research, was also very impressed after learning about the money-making ability of the Magic Beauty account.

Thousands of sets of products, selling for tens of millions, were bought by women like they were free of charge.

You can see the ratio of men to women in the statistics of the artificial intelligence backend. More than 85% of beauty products are purchased by women, while only 15% are purchased by men.

It can be seen that most men do not care about the management of their bodies, especially their appearance.

Zhou Feiyu himself knows that if it is not particularly necessary, a man will basically just wash his face and pull him down.

The proportion of 15% already shows that with the improvement of economy and changes in concepts, more and more men are beginning to pay attention to the maintenance of their bodies.

A set of products actually costs no more than one hundred yuan, including genetic technology, machine depreciation, packaging, publicity and other expenses.

Nearly ten times the profit, faster than a money printing machine, almost a money grab.

In just half a month, the small account Miracle Beauty contributed more than 70 billion in net profit to Feiyang!

Such a large amount of money can do a lot of things.

Zhou Feiyu's research process, as well as the company's overall research and development, are in urgent need of money, and they require large-scale investment.

Tens of billions can indeed play a big role.

At this stage, even with artificial intelligence and robots, many raw materials and equipment can be produced by oneself without outsourcing.

However, there are still some precious and controlled materials that cannot be produced in-house and have to be purchased.

Outsourcing requires money.

Feiyang still has a long way to go before becoming truly completely independent and self-produced.

Zhou Feiyu couldn't help but feel happy for this gesture.

Using high-energy rice as raw material to make beauty products is undoubtedly much more profitable than selling rice directly as food.

Of course, making money in China is just that. The places where you really want to make more money are in places like Old Europe and Eagle Sauce abroad.

They developed for a hundred or two hundred years and plundered and plundered all over the world, becoming very wealthy.

Just look at their high welfare and you will know, how can you get high welfare if you have no foundation?

...Father, the final design draft of the Flying Sky Engine has been completed. Please review it.

In the mountains, artificial intelligence Zhou Xinghe has been calculating for more than half a year and finally gave the final result.

Deep space exploration is the future.

The current rocket technology and satellite technology are still too backward and too inefficient, and new solutions must be considered.

Among them, Zhou Feiyu used the two major technologies of controllable nuclear fusion miniaturization and plasma engine.

Research on miniaturization of controllable nuclear fusion is progressing slowly.

Progress in plasma engines has been faster.

During this period, Zhou Feiyu entered the Galaxy Science and Technology Library again and unlocked the plasma engine technology.

This is an electric propulsion engine, which is completely different from the current chemical fuel propulsion engine.

The specific impulse of electric propulsion is very high, which can reach more than 45%.

The specific impulse of current mainstream chemical fuel propulsion is very low, 10% is not bad.

The so-called specific impulse is the total mass and the mass of the launched satellite. The energy released by the combustion of chemical fuels flies up into the sky with the mass of the chemical fuel itself to a large extent, and then is discarded and wasted.

The electric propulsion ratio is several times higher and is a key technology for the next stage of deep space exploration.

Of course, electric propulsion also has drawbacks.

This technology is actually used in many countries now. Satellite detectors that fly into deep space, including domestic space stations, all use this technology.

However, this technology is currently limited to outer space use.

The reason lies in the shortcomings of electric propulsion. Its thrust in a short period of time is relatively small, and it is impossible to free a large-mass rocket or satellite from the constraint of the planet in the atmosphere.

However, this problem does not exist for Zhou Feiyu.

After unlocking the technology, this problem was immediately solved. With the convergence of controllable nuclear fusion miniaturization technology, an aerospace engine solution suitable for use in the atmosphere and outer space finally emerged.

After more than half a year of research, we finally made a preliminary decision.

The next step is to start manufacturing.

This time will not be too short, it will take about three months in the design plan.

After Zhou Feiyu carefully reviewed the plan, he issued the order to start construction.

On the other hand, the products of Feiyang Xiaoxiao’s “Magic Beauty” company have also begun their overseas journey.

Damn it, how dare it come to us?

The people haven't arrived yet, but the products have arrived, and many people in the Gallic Chicken country can't stand it.

Not to mention the scope of China's influence in these countries, there is not much oil and water to be harvested, it can only be said to be mosquito legs.

The real big gains are in old Europe, the areas of Gallic Chicken, Hans Cat, and John Bull.

The strongest and fastest reaction was the Gallic Chicken.

This place basically dominates the world's high-end luxury goods, especially beauty.

Therefore, Gaul Chicken cannot tolerate the entry of beauty brands from other countries into China, let alone that this beauty brand still belongs to China.

In their opinion, what does China have?

However, no matter how they think about it, Miracle Beauty has defeated many of their beauty brands in China. This is an irrefutable fact, so measures must be taken as soon as possible.

Look for trouble, find a reason to ban its sale.

No, this will cause a chain reaction, and they will also find trouble with our brand.

What are you afraid of? They still want something from us!

Do you think we are Hawk-chan?

Some people suggested that we should find trouble with Miracle Cosmetics Company and prevent it from opening. But there was immediate opposition that this plan would not work.

The discussion didn't last long, and soon they came to a consensus that it was all about propaganda and promoting the magical beauty product as a negative product.

As a result, magical beauty products were quickly associated with mystery in Gallic Chicken and other old European places. However, the circumstances and effects were unknown, so everyone should choose carefully.

Such endless publicity naturally made most people stay away from magical beauty products at the beginning.

In fact, there are many environmentally friendly boys and girls who have launched demonstrations, demanding that the magical cosmetics products reveal their formulas, undergo inspections, withdraw from Gallic Chicken, etc. In any case, they will not be able to continue operating.

With this kind of reaction, an ordinary company would have panicked and quickly surrendered.

As the manipulator behind the scenes, Li Shihan was also a little flustered.

But in the eyes of Zhou Feiyu and artificial intelligence Zhou Xinghe, this is just pediatrics.

In response, countless people began to accept the promotion of magical beauty products on the Internet in countries such as Gallic Chicken, Hans Cat, and John Bull. They were all use news of foreigners who bought the products in China, or various Various information about the harm of other beauty products to the human body, etc.

Use his spear to attack his shield.

Just like this, the magical beauty products not only confused the situation in various countries, but also quickly opened up a new situation.

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