My Gene System

Chapter 10 - One Month

Inside his head, he could hear his mother's voice. Which helped Riku land safely on the surface, albeit with a weakened body. The area around him was surrounded by a 20-foot-tall tree, which was enough to hide his presence from the other monsters.


His dark shimmering wings returned after he was slightly lifted off the ground. "Ahh..." He spun about and lay down on the ground, looking up at the blue sky and listening to the birds' chirp.

He suddenly burst out laughing. As he was thinking, he had somehow managed to survive in such a situation. "Hahaha! I was sure that I was going to die!"

When night fell, Riku stared at the sky for several hours, until something jolted him awake.


Knowing he was safe from the brick of death. Riku was felt hungry, and his body was fatigued after the battle. "I neglected to eat since I assumed I was inside the game."

He slid into a seated posture gently, then looked about for any resources in this unfamiliar wilderness. "Where can I get food in this location? And, of course, the most important water."

Riku appeared to have regained some vigor, as he stood up without difficulty.

"This is a forest, so I'm confident I'll be able to locate something useful here."

He walked into the dense woodland.

Riku sought down an edible creature and grilled it over a strong fire. How he would know that there's an edible monster? Of course, he did some research in the past so he knew what kinds of monsters were safe to eat and which ones were toxic.

In addition, Haru taught Riku how to do manly work, as it was the most important characteristic a mutant should possess, aside from great strength.

Using the large green leaves, he drew some water from the lake. He folded it till it was transformed into a makeshift container.

He ate after that. Riku took refuge in a little cave where he could rest comfortably and where no monsters could enter.


In the blink of an eye, a month had passed. Riku grew accustomed to living in the mysterious woodland. Every day, completing the daily objective and avoiding any battles with monsters. Why? He observed the monsters on the lower surface were tougher than the monsters on the upper surface as he went off the high rock. Furthermore, he had never seen a monster alone; they were always in a group.

Riku was seeking for the forest's endpoint when he did the 10km run at first. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out of the small cave.

He also noticed that the monsters on the lower surface were of a higher level than the ones on the top. Based on the American scientists' comprehension of the mutant high-levels. A level 2 mutant could combat twelve level 1 creatures at the same time, while a level 3 mutant could fight twelve level 2 monsters. Even yet, everything hinged on the individual's abilities.

Apart from the [claw] skill, Riku has no offensive skill that may be sufficient in a one-on-one battle. Apart from that, he was still trying to make his body a decent vessel so that he could use his skill without causing himself harm.

"I'm at the bottom of the food chain in the forest. I'd easily perish if I forced myself to finish the hunting quest."

You could see the changes in his body in just one month. His muscles had bulked up a little, and the veins in his arms and legs were visible, and he appeared more mature than before. It looked that the daily mission was actually assisting him in his improvement.

Huff... Huff... Huff...

He finished his kicks and punches early in the morning and sat under the tall tree to rest in the meantime. By looking at the surface, Riku felt he already missed his father, Haru, and even his fiancee on the earth. If he thought that was the last time he would be able to see Yui, he would hold her tightly. He yearned for her perfume, her smile, and her clinginess.

But what could he possibly do? He was slow to notice that he was falling to Yui.

"What's on my mind right now? Whatever happens to me in this world, I'll return to the earth and marry her." He was serious about his decision this time. "However, I hope they do not treat me as a dead person."

He inhaled deeply to prepare his mind for his next step in this world. "I should be able to locate any city or town here in order to acquire some information. Because if I just stay here, I gain nothing."

He had to find a method to return to Earth as quickly as possible and locate his mother. Riku, on the other hand, felt confident in his ability to use his [Fly] skill after gaining +155 fitness and +93 physical strength after just one month of training. His mana pool, however, did not increase as he still had a maximum of 15 mana pools.

Furthermore, siting on the high ground was meticulously designed and provided the quickest access to any constructions. From the high elevation, he could view the entire establishment.

By thinking he will find a village or city, Riku was eager to see a human as he was used to talking to himself.


Without wasting too much of his time, Riku cast his skill and his black wings appeared from his behind.

His facial expression won't change as he didn't receive any damage from it. "The system is right, once I have great vessel I will not feel anything." Riku grinned while his dark wings were moving.

A cool air caressed his skin. "Let's go!" says the group. Riku ran 12 meters before leaping into mid-air since he didn't know how he was going to get his body out of the position he was in.


He was flying across the sky, and as he swayed his wings, his height continued to rise. Although his control wasn't perfect, it appeared to be an improvement over the first time he utilized the [Fly] skill.

"Oi! What exactly is this sensation?! It's fantastic!" Riku has literally admired the sight from above at this point, since he hasn't been bothered and frustrated. This location just provided a pleasant experience.


One and a half hours had passed. After he left the entire forest that had the size of one country. Thanks to his flexibility, Riku was started to learn how he was going to fly at a swift pace.

From afar Riku saw a guard in the entrance. "Lucky me, I'll hide for now and ask him so I'll not surprise him because of these wings."


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