My Gene System

Chapter 108 - Xelin Making A Move

The two invaders luckily discovered the origin of the continuous explosion they experienced. Even though that was given circumstance, still, you could not see Riku was bothered by it. The reason was, no matter how they tried to find different ways to save their lives against the landmines, nothing will change since they were needed to learn how to denote it

Well, he doubted that there was a person around him that had the ability to denote it. Why? It was because he was simply aware of how far the knowledge of a certain person inhabited here.



After the clicking sound occurred it was followed up by the enormous explosion. It shook the entire place and crumbled the surface that reached the Arzotoc's high wall. Furthermore, the shaking of the ground was the main reason why the other landmines were triggered.

At this point, the opposing Kingdom can't do anything just to watch their members brutally die from the force and nails.

The middle-aged man who helped the man has stepped on the landmine was already received his fate. It was too brutal as his limbs were separated from his body, at the same time, his eye was badly injured which made him scream in agony.

"Ahhhh! W-What? Why is this happening to me?" He was screaming under the golden thick dust.

However, he seemed the middle-aged man was aware of his current situation since the only thing he could move was his left arm and narrowly right leg. And the shocking revelation here, the flesh of the man he was helping earlier splashes on his face while the bones scattered all over the place.

He was crawling towards the village, knowing if he continued to live his life with this disability he was definitely survived in the cycle of life at the Rattin Kingdom.

Yes! The middle-aged man was trying to end his life right now. The reason was, his life surely became worthless, or to be exact, he wanted to die in this place to would suffer in his entire life.


As soon as he held something beneath the surface, he was slowly taking a glance at it as he was well savvied that this was dangerous he was looking for. "No one would find me and no one would miss me because I don't have a family. It's way better for my life to become like this!" 

His tears fell on his wrinkled cheek, looking at the above while gradually releasing his hand against the landmine. It appeared, the middle-aged man accepted his fate although it was against his will.


In just a blink of an eye, his life was ended involving the invaders who were also died because of the explosion.



On the other hand, Xelin was clicking his tongue as he was literally annoyed by their current situation. On top of that, he never anticipated that there was someone in the Arzotoc Village that could pull off a dangerous weapon that he had no idea what it was.

"The heck? How's the rounded thing that can deal with this kind of damage?! Also, it almost wiped all of my men." He angrily said, at the same time, looking at the high walls hoping he could find the person behind this explosion.

Nevertheless, Xelin can't see anything just the high walls adding more frustration to him. Or to be exact, he should do something to remove all the rounded things that surrounded them.

"Xel, I think they already set up those traps before we arrived here." Vole said in a clueless tone as he had no idea what they were going supposed to do in this type of situation. "Xel, what we should do? Our members are dramatically decreased. I don't think if we can still win this invasion..."

Xelin was frustrated as he didn't respond to Vole's question. He was just simply headed to the location where his members could hear his voice.

'Enough... This is enough... I already fell to the traps they had been set up. I promise I'll kill the person behind this explosion.' He uttered to his mind, at the same time, hearing strange words in his ears.


He tricks you...

You made a bad decision...

You are the reason why we all died...

It seemed the words he was hearing right now were coming from the people who died from the landmines.

"Stop..." He unexpectedly said out of his mouth while positioning his right hand in front of his face.

Vole was taken aback after seeing Xelin acting like this. At the same time, he felt afraid as he was aware of what would happen next if this man gets angry. But what he could do? They were already in a bad situation, they must do something in order to retain the chance to win in this invasion.


And all of a sudden, Xelin ordered the people at once. It was loud enough for his voice to echo in the entire place and able for Riku to hear his words.

At this juncture, Xelin was well informed that there were no landmines that would wait for his member once they came back. Why? Because all the landmines in their path were already activated, even though there were some. The invaders just make sure that they will take the path where the large hole existed.

It took a couple of minutes until the invaders were managed to retreat. Yet, a lot of the injuries and even they were alive, still, Vole could not think that they can fight.

For some reason, Riku let the invaders safely get out of the place. Not because he was confident and thought they were going to retreat since Riku noticed that Xelin had no intense to withdraw. It was because he wanted them slowly to realize the thing would happen to them once they messed up in the wrong village.

"Riku, are you sure about this? If we let them easily retreat, I'm sure they would come back here and bring more attackers." Arisu warned him as she wanted to end this fight as soon as possible.

Riku looked at him with a straight face. "Do you trust me, lady Arisu? Also, I don't think they would retreat." He paused for a second, then pointed his index finger towards the man who had brown hair, red eyes, and wearing a white cape. "Do you think that man would retreat?"

She nodded her head without hesitation. "Of course, I'm trusting you! Honestly, you are the very person who I trusted." She explained herself as she doesn't want Riku to misinterpret the situation. "That's what I'm trying to say, we must kill the man before he does something stupid and kills my guards."

He understood what she was trying to say, however, they must not immediately head out of the village. Remember, the landmines are scattered all over the place, and because of the explosion, we had no idea where the exact location of the landmines was. Don't worry, lady Arisu, as long as there are landmines protecting us, it's impossible for them to reach us." He said in a deep tone, looking at the man who looked was going to do something new.

[Mana sensing!]

From afar, Riku's black eyes were slowly turning into gleaming black red eyes. It was the ability when the user can see the magical power surrounding him.

His eyes were widened when he noticed that man was gathering high magical power all over his body and passing it through his swords. It seemed this man was plotting for something which was eliminating the land mines so that they can attain closer distance against the Arzotoc's village.

"Emma, you can see it?" He asked the woman next to him as it seemed this circumstance also piqued her attention.

She nodded her head at him along with a bothered expression on her face. "Yes, Riku, I can perfectly see it. But, I have no clue what kind of skill that man using right now." She responded while her body was telling that she needed to hide.

To begin with. Xelin was narrowly bowing his head without looking at the target so none of them had any idea where this man was aiming for.

When the time he already obtained the right amount of magical power he needed. Xelin didn't hesitate to swing his green sword in the mid-air.


[Hollister slash!]

A green violet magic circle appeared in front of him. To inflict his attack, first, he jumped to the mid-air while his green sword was gleaming enough to dazzle everyone who was staring at it.


In just a blink of an eye, a large magical green blade appeared from above and Xelin swung it downwards to remove all the remaining land mines scattered under them.

A sharp sound was transpired along with the strong wind.

"Sh*t! This man had huge magical power! I have to do something about this!"

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