My Gene System

Chapter 114 - Riku And Xelin III

By just looking at these two fighters, you could easily say Xelin had the big advantage because of his physical strength and magical power. However, for some reason, Riku could match to him until he received a direct attack came from Xelin.

Blag! Blag! Blag!


Riku was rolling on the bloody surface several times and stopped when his back badly whacked on the thick tree. Blood was soaked on the white blanket wrapped all over his body that would add some weight.

Moreover, the scent of iron was getting stronger and stronger, at the same time, he was having a hazy vision after he received a solid punch.

"Ahh... His fist was heavy it was looked like I smacked by a marble stone." He said to himself while slowly cracking his jaw, trying to remove the pain he was experiencing right now.

To determine the distance he went fly from his current position, it was around twenty or thirty meters away.

"You are talking big and that is the only power you can give? How stupid are you?!" Xelin had a malicious smile on his face as he was now finally landed a solid attack on this man.


Without making any second thought, Xelin dashed again towards Riku. To would not give him a chance to recover from that attack as he was well savvied this man had an outstanding speed that even he asked himself if he could catch up to him.

"He's coming..." Even though he had a blurry vision, still, he was aware that the man who had blond hair, red eyes, and wearing the Rattin Kingdom's cape symbol was his opponent.

Xelin jumped into the mid-air while swinging his right arm to use his bare hand to inflict more damage. "Give all that you got until you have the chance." He was insulting him since he knew that he already turned the favor of this battle.


As soon as he landed on the surface, he swung his right arm downwards along with the power enhancement of his [Torso punch].

Parts of rocks were flying in the air but that attack made Xelin confused as the man under him suddenly vanished from his eyesight.

"What the-? Where did he go?" He asked himself, eventually taking a glance at his right side.

Riku rolled his multiple times on the ground just managed to dodge the malignant blow swiftly coming at him. Or to be exact, he just simply knew that he would be having a hard time fighting him if he took a serious injury right now.

"Too slow..." Riku said in a weak tone as it seemed he already regained his fighting composture. After that, he used the small opening to directly kick Xelin's face.


His head was titled could not help to stop it from slowly whirling around. On top of that, he can now feel the damages because of the continuous attack he received earlier.

"You still have some strength after hitting my attack, huh?! You are a very person who could do that." Xelin complimented him for some reason, to be exact, no one could stand again before directly landing his [Torso puch] skill to his target.

To explain what was exactly happened during his attack. When the moment Riku figured out that there was nothing could do to dodge the attack, he crossed his arms to lessen the damage he was going to receive. After that, he moved his body backward so that the momentum of Xelin's attack would not become the real deal.

Yet, Riku can escape from reality that Xelin's attack had the ability to let him experience the severe pain.


Xelin knelt to the surface as Riku's kick made him stumble. But his engagement was not ended by just that since Riku immediately raised his left foot the same level as his head. He then swung it down to aim Xelin's nape.


"Ahh!!!" Xelin screamed in pain while suddenly having different thoughts rumbling inside his mind right now.

Yes! Sometimes hitting the nape could give you an experience that everyone called Black Out. Blackout was the thing when your consciousness suddenly vanished and after that passed off, that was the time when the random thoughts would transpire. Also, the person who was experienced this were always asked themselves these questions.

"Where am I? What I'm doing here?" Xelin asked himself in a clueless tone while rubbing the back of his head.


And all of a sudden, he bent his body, feeling the extreme pain he felt as he received another kick on his stomach. Furthermore, he was shortening of breathing.

"W-What did you do?" He paused for a couple of seconds as he was trying to find out why there was someone kept attacking him.

He looked and saw a man that had red and black aggressive eyes. At this point, he immediately realized that this guy was the one who asked him for a duel.

"No, what did this happen to me? Don't tell me, I lost my consciousness because of this weak man." He said in a deep tone, then swung his arm upward to intercept the upcoming attack heading to his face.


He blocked his attack with his strong arm. After that, he swiped again his arm to force this man to step back. In order to show that he was already recovered and he was not happy with what happened to him.

He looked at Riku with his straight face while gritting his teeth because of his anger. "You have to stop. I need to quit playing around and let's get serious in this fight."

Riku frowned his brows as he had already that exact words from him a couple of times. 'Again? He kept saying that he was going to be serious but it was still the same, nothing happens.' He uttered to his mind, trying to anticipate what would happen next in this fight since he noticed the mana coated him well got thicker.

In his mind, this man gonna do something that could surprise him so as much as possible he must be careful with the possible massive magical attacks.

[Mercile rampage!]

Then all of a sudden, a strong magical power was gathering in a certain position. Its size and power were enough to catch the attention of everyone. Aside from that, two magic circles appeared above him and under his feet. Or easy to say, it seemed this magic skill would give him a chance to enhance more of his physical power.

Who could say what it was? Emma, Vole, and the Attackers have had no idea about this as it seemed this was the first time they also saw Xelin was using this kind of skill.

"What he's doing? Don't tell me that man is going to all in this fight." Riku for some reason as he knew that still had enough mana pool to cast all the available skills.

To begin with. The battle between the two fighters interfered by this occurrence as the two magical circles suddenly gave a green dark light that was sufficient to conceal the person inside of it. On top of that, the force it was releasing pushed him back.

"I don't want to let him perfectly cast that skill, but what I could do? I should not make any reckless decision right now if I really wanted to win this one." He said to himself, thinking the best way to do in this type of situation.


After a few were moments. The dark green light released by the magical circle vanished. After that, he revealed the man who was wearing green armor, crown, had a spear, and electric green spark circulating around him.

His eyes were widened after seeing this kind of transformation. "What the hell?! How this man actually does that?!" Even though he was bothered by the thing that might happen to him when his opponents attacks him. Still, he can't stop himself to be amazed at this man's armor. In his mind, who was going to believe that you could make this one by just using your pure magical power.

Nevertheless, he darted his eyes at the green shining and green spark magical around it in Xelin's grasp. In his opinion, that kind of weapon could be a big threat to him since he had no idea if that weapon could utilize different magical abilities that he had no idea what it was.

"I have a bad feeling about this, huh." He took a glance at his hand, thinking if he needed to use the [Fire claw] at this kind of situation.

As soon as he got back his eyes with his opponent's current location. He was blinking his eyes in confusion, didn't expect Xelin would immediately attack him.


Xelin swung his green spear and Riku was trying to dodge it. However, the attacks were so fast that impossible for him to avoid immediately.

The blood on his shoulder was dripping on his arms after receiving a deep cut into it.. "I promise, you are going to regret this."

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