My Gene System

Chapter 123 - Payback For Emma

Vole was confused about how Riku changed his fighting sequence. He assumed that Riku was going to the right but he simply cut the web and come at him.


He fell to the ground along with severe pain coming under his rib. It was the extreme heat and stinging pain. At first, he wanted to regain his foot as he wanted to continue this face. Also, he didn't want to lose or die in this war.


Suddenly, he received another malignant kick directly on his chest. His back bounced back on the wet surface and coughing some blood out of his mouth.

Although Vole can still endure the pain he was going through, Riku didn't give this man any kind of chance to defend himself.

"You are the one who chooses this. So you should be aware of the consequences that you have made." Riku said in a deep tone as he wasn't going to show mercy to his opponent.

Vole's knife was sent 2 meters away from and every time he was using his magic skill. Riku was canceling it by just keep stomping on his chest which gave Vole a hard time breathing and struggling.

Thud! Thud! Thud!



I-I can't breathe-!

Whenever he was saying a single word as he felt a heavy foot land on his chest. The feels like, there was an elephant sitting on his chest.

Riku was looking furiously at him, then aimed his left foot to Vole's jaw to weaken him, at the same time, dizzy in the given situation.



Vole heard high pitches sound in his ears, it was loud enough to would not perceive the heavy drip of rain and terrifying scream of the attackers after they died from the monsters' attacks and guards' attacks.

In front of him, was the man who had black shimmering wings, black armor that had a red outline, and firing claws on his left hand. At this point, he realized how strong this man was and now could not stop his body from trembling in fear.

"You almost kill the person who is always beside me no matter what the condition is good or bad. I can't accept this... We have an agreement that each one of you should retreat after your leader would be defeated from the duel. B-But what did you choose? You are not man." Riku said these words and made gestures that showed how he was angry with their actions.


Riku can't control his mixed emotion as he slowly cut one of his fingers. He wanted to let this man feel the extreme that he never experienced in his entire life.

"Ahhh! Stop! Stop!" Vole was screaming in pain, rolling on the ground, and holding his hand where Riku cut his finger. Also, it was the main reason why his senses got back to their original states.


To begin with. Riku picked up the finger lying on the wet ground and saw blue ring wear on it. From afar, you could say that it was an ordinary ring, but when he took a look closer at it and how Vole responded when he have it. He figured out that there was something about this ring.

He observed that the ring's body was made by the component called Silver (AG). Despite the ring's age, he can't see that the silver color would fade away. Moreover, the body had small symbols that he can't understand while the blue crystal on top of it was flickering in his eyes. At the same time, he discovered that there was a source of mana coming from it.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?! Put it back!" Vole stuttered as he was enduring the pain on his finger. Nevertheless, you can see his willingness to take back his ring at all cost.

It came to the situation when he was pushing his body into a stood-up position, but Riku was kicked his back and damaged his spinal cord.


His face whacked on the surface while around was the splashed of water. "Please, give it back! That's my ring! N-No one should have it!" Vole was begging him, struggling in his position with his all might.

But what he could do? Riku has already locked Vole in the position where the only thing he could do was to swim on the surface like an idiot.

Riku just looked at him in a straight face, asking him this question. "Do you think, you are in the right position to demand, huh?" He swung again his left arm and slashed this man's back.

You could see how the firing claws melted the human flesh. To be exact, the burn created by his claws was enough to think that kind of wounds were impossible to close again. After the claws penetrated the hot temperature was the one would burn the edges of the wounds that made it easily dried.

"S-Stop! It's really hurt!" He stammered before adding these words. "If you gave back that ring, I promise I'll leave this village right now." Despite his conditions, still, he was thinking an impossible thought.

Riku frowned his brows after hearing these words. At the same time, remembered the bloody face of Emma every time he saw this man's face.

"Do you think I'm playing with you? First, you plan to invade this village for no good reason. Second, you didn't follow the rules of our Duel, you should be shame because your leader had the dignity to fight me like a man. I know he'll get disappointed once he sees this. Lastly, you attack Emma if something bad happens to him. I promise I'm going to destroy your village and killed all your loved ones."

Riku didn't notice the terrifying aura released by his body after he spits these words. And because of his strong emotion, he forgot to ask the purpose why they were invading the Arzotoc village. Since the only thing, he was thinking right now was to get revenge for Emma.

Riku was slowly pointing his claws at the lower part of the body of Vole which was his legs. He was choosing the best part of his body where this man feel severe pain.


He swung his claws directly at Vole's ankle, that attack made him aggressively uplift his head while screaming.

"Who does the pain taste like?" He asked Vole in a way that doesn't matter to him if he killed this man.

Vole was begging for his life as he now could not feel that his right was existing. But the torture wasn't ended by that after Vole felt the claws gradually moving to his left leg down to his foot.

"P-Please, stop! I promise I'm going to leave this village and I won't show my face ever again here!" He said in a sorrowful tone, knowing this man was scheming for something. Also, because the magic circle kept appearing next to him, Riku easily figured out that he was going to utilize magic skills. On top of that, there was a high chance his opponent will provoke to kill him once he saw that.

"It's too late," Riku replied in a serious tone.


Suddenly, Riku was starting to pull the Vole's nail. He was using one of the claw's spikes to position the nail's edges. After that, when he noticed was not aware of what he was doing, Riku immediately took his nails one by one.

Pulp! Pulp! Pulp!

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Damn it!" Vole shouting at him in pain, also, his voice was loud enough to pique the attention of the guards, attackers, and Arisu that was busy handling to take down the attackers.

Sir Vole!

Let's help him!

That man torturing our navigator!

Yes, Attackers would like to give Vole some assistance after seeing his bad situation. However, they can't easily do that since the monsters were approaching them and the guards' attacks were minimizing their capabilities.

"Riku, that's enough..." Arisu wanted to stop him, having an idea that Riku seemed not to control his mind again just like what happened to him when he tried to kill the guards back then. "If that's the case, it always happens when he was angry?" That was her opinion since after she witnessed all of Riku's abilities, she thought that he was a different guy.

On the other hand, Riku was still not satisfied with the deafening scream of Vole. So it pushed him to cut all the fingers on Vole's foot one by one.

"Don't blame me. You are the one who chooses this." He swung his right arm as he has thrown the fingers directly at the enormous monsters.

They were eating the fingers just like a crocodile you feed in the Zoo. After that, he went to Vole's face and didn't hesitate to get his eyeball.

Yes, Vole was crying right now but tears welling up in his eyes, it was blood that appeared after Riku attack him.

So at this juncture, it was way better if this man killed him right away, not in the slow way he was doing.

"Please, I surrender-"


Riku cut his neck, then threw it to the attackers that were looking at him with their afraid eyes.

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