My Gene System

Chapter 132 - Colonary Kingdom

By swinging his horn that was transformed into an electric sword, it created massive damage directly to the humanoid piranha.


As soon as the sword made a contact, it immediately created an explosion and shook the entire complex.

In just a blink of an eye, Riku managed to kill the monster along with a shocked expression on his face. "Is this how strong the dire wolve's gene? It's unbelievable!"

[You've received 98 EXP from killing the humanoid piranha!]

[Name: Riku Hirota Level: 1 (656/100)]

Well, he was almost to complete the amount of exp he needs to reach level 2. Yes, it took a lot of time since he already fought the gigantic spider, the naga monster, the magma golem, the tibber bear, the grasshopper, lastly, the humanoid piranha. Each one of them just has a low accumulated EXP as it was hard to boost the level in this world.


The electric sword suddenly popped in front of him, it changed into glittering white particles that easily blew by the air. After that, the red horn on his forehead came back, at that time, he felt his legs were weakened a bit.

By casting this skill, he consumed a huge mana pool, aside from that, he was still not familiar with this skill so he hadn't aware of the side effect. 2 minutes was the exact time where he was allowed to use the sword.

"I guess that's the only duration I can use this sword. I should hide in the meantime while I'm enlarging my mana pool and improving my body to be a good vessel for these genes." He muttered in a deep tone, then pushed himself into a stood up position after he accidentally knelt to the ground.

In his mind, Riku wanted to go into the much deeper part of this forest as he would like to try the new skills he obtained. Yet, he erased that idea after knowing by just using the [Horn ligament] it already depleted his mana pool.

Name: Riku Hirota

Race: Human

Mutant level: 1 (656/1000)

Title: [Genes King]

Evolution: Bloody Crow first tier


Health: 550/550

Mana pool: 370

Fitness: 450

Gene: [Dark Crow], [Dire wolves]


Strength [+]: 125

Agility [+]: 150

Vitality [+]: 100

Dexterity [+]: 78

Intelligence [+] 128


[Dark crow's gene skill(s) section]- [Fly], [Target], [Manifest], [Vampiric drain], and the [Blood lust effect].

[Manifestation copied skill(s)]- [Fire claw], [Mettalic armor], and the [spider senses].

[Dire wolves' gene skill(s) section]- [Horn ligament], [Slaughter Dash], [Dire wolves collective soul].

[Soul(s) collected]- (1/1000)

Souls can increase your overall attributes and affection for the blood. The way to collect the souls of the user should be in the range of 300 meters radius distance, once they were inside even that was a human, monsters, or other creatures you can collect it.

He was reading all the information provided by the system, seeing how far he improved in that time. At first, Riku thought that he can't accomplish anything to improve himself, but after seeing this, his mind changed along with a broad smile on his face.

"Finally, I managed to strengthen myself even there was no someone trying to teach me. Nevertheless, I can't take away the changes that I can way better once someone teaches me how to use the magic skills in this world."

With the skills given by his genes, still, Riku can become an invisible mutant as soon as he learned to utilize all the elemental magic skills in this world. Why? It can make him a versatile mutant where no one could know how they can possibly defeat someone like him.

He spun around and couldn't help himself to show his true emotion. "This is it... Once I obtained my first domain here, I can feel... This system would provide me a way to come back into my world..."


One day had easily passed, Riku also came back to the Arzotoc village that day after the [Horn ligament] almost drained his mana pool. In his mind, eagerness to use his new skills wasn't enough reason to overdo his body. On top of that, he wouldn't know what happened once he overused his dire wolves' skill.

On the balcony, Riku and Arisu were looking at the glittering night sky in front of them with the touches of the beautiful scenery of the village's light.

"Riku, what are you saying?! I already made up my mind that I would come to your adventure!" Arisu said in a high tone after Riku refused her to partake in them.

He gradually shook his head at her and looked at her with his straight face. "I already explained the reason, isn't it? It's too dangerous for all of us."

Yet, Arisu was persistent to come with the man that she gave her body. "Huh?! Why? Do you think, I'll become a burden to you? I'm way stronger than Emma and even you if we talk about the amount of our magical power. Also, I'm a skilled fighter so you have nothing to worry about." She continued persuading him as she wanted to see the world aside from this village.

And once again, Riku shook his head at her while attaining closer distance to him. Of course, he was hiding his horn by using the white bandages all over his body even the sun went down.

"I never think about, Arisu, I know your worth and how strong you are. But the thing here is, your father needs your assistance with this village." He tightly hugged her, feeling her chest squeezing to him before adding these words. "King Luke needs you here, okay? Also, what would you do if something bad happens to him while you are outside of the Arzotoc village? I just simply don't want you to regret something, and you should spend more time with your father."

At this point, Riku's words made her realize the current situation of her father. In her mind, no healing magical power could heal him and Riku had no idea how he can help the King.

Yes, Arisu knew that her beloved father would not stay in this world for too long, so she must have quality with him before those changes slipped in her arms.

"Fine...! But you should promise that you'll come back to the Arzotoc village after you finished your important stuff. Also, once you promise it to me and forget that you are leaving the village for good, that's the only time I'll allow you to have an expedition." She said in a high tone while her face showed that she was serious.

Riku scratched the back of his head along with a smile on his face. 'She's desperate... But I loved it that there was someone who worried about me and don't want me to leave.' He uttered to his mind before replying to Arisu. "Yes, I promise that I'll come back here and forget the words I have said to Giza--"

When the time Arisu heard the words that her ears wanted to her, she aggressively kissed him while closing her eyes. "I love you, Riku..."

He couldn't reply to her as he was busy moving his tongue inside her mouth...


After a couple of minutes, Riku and Arisu heard the sound of the bell that spread throughout the forests. It was the sign where the adventurers would leave the place.

Both of them stepped back a bit, then Arisu asked him this question. "Riku, why don't you try to start your expedition tomorrow? Why do you need to leave in this dark when the monsters are really strong and aggressive."

"Is this the only time, we have, Arisu. If we do that, there's a chance I can't complete it." That was the lie as the main reason why they have to leave in this village at this time was because of the sunlight.

She couldn't do anything just accept the fact Riku would leave their village. "I'll always pray for your safety, Riku. And also I wanted to warn you that don't ever try to do something stupid with Emma."

Riku chuckled uncomfortably as he remembered how Emma kissed him way back in the Assima forest. "Of course, Arisu, why I would that? I already have you." He responded, then used his [Fly] ability as he was going to leave the village.

"That's a good answer..."

Arisu was astonished by the large black wings of Riku and the black magical electricity that coated them.

"I have to leave, Arisu, be safe here and informed your father about me, okay?" As soon as he spread his wings, he elevated in the mid-air while waving his hand at her.

She waved back, "I'll do that, goodbye and good luck with your new adventure!"



Outside of the Arzotoc village, Riku landed on the place where he could see Emma and some of the villagers.

"Now, Emma, are you ready to come with me and see your sister?"

"Yes, Riku! I'm excited!"


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