My Gene System

Chapter 135 - Welcome

"How about the punch? If you could push or make me kneel, I'll be allowing you to enter the kingdom." Bruce said in a confident tone.

Inside Bruce's mind, the man wrapped bandages in his entire body had just a low amount of magical power. On top of that, if he talked about the size of their bodies, he can easily tell his body was way stronger and healthy.

Riku shrugged his shoulders, then stepped forward a bit to face the Colonary's guard belittling him. Of course, Felix, Sander, and Emma tried to stop them, avoiding creating commotion in the entrance.

"Hey, Bruce, what's your deal? Why are you making a ruckus out of nowhere?" Sander asked him, trying to slowly push him back while making gestures to Emma that showed they must enter the Kingdom.

"Isn't the right way to treat our guest, Bruce, especially that sir Riku was the inventor from our friendly village. Also, you should not intervene whether master Orlan accepts him or not." Felix said, then letting Emma and Riku enter peacefully.

Of course, even he felt irritated with those words, he realised that he don't have to showcase his true power here. In his opinion, Bruce knew by Emma, so it was way better if he don't hurt him.

"Sorry about that, Riku. But honestly, Bruce is a nice guy, I just don't right now why he's acting strange." Emma apologized, afraid Riku would use his [Transformation magic] to end this man's dream. In her opinion, every time Riku was his magic, the attitude he had was becoming different.

Riku bowed his head to the guards to show his appreciation for their kindness. "Thank you, we are going in."

As soon as the guards were opening the large gate it groaned a bit as it seemed the metal that connected with the wall and gate was already rusty.


In just a blink of an eye, Riku fell to the ground after he bumped into the man that had a wide physique. Yes, it shook him as Bruce went in front of him for a reason.

"Eh? What are you doing?" Riku asked Bruce in a low tone, wondering why this man acting rude to him.

"Punch me, that's all I want to settle this," Bruce said along with a malicious smile on his face.

"Bruce, this is how you to embarrass with my friend?!" Emma could not control her emotion.

"Why are you taking his side, huh?! You know master Orlan had a high standard, so I can suggest if you continue to meet him or not."

"Are you stupid, Bruce? Of course, I'm on his side! You didn't see yourself? You desperate in something for no good reason." Emma was irritated.

First, Riku looked at Emma while his eyes telling to allow him to do what he wanted to this man. So that they can enter the Kingdom.

"Don't worry about it, Emma. Also, let me punch him since I can't stand with the people like him." He said in a serious tone, then cracked him.

"Huh?! What are you saying, Riku?! You could kill him! You know that!" Emma yelled, asking for the guards to stop them.

However, guards were also seeing the same thing. To be exact, they were seeing Riku hadn't had enough magical power to kill Bruce.

"Hays! Emma, let's give Bruce what he wants since he'll not stop unless we allow them." Sander said.

Emma was blinking her eyes in confusion, "You didn't understand the situation, Sander! Don't believe what your eyes could see!"

And all of a sudden, Bruce chuckled out loud after hearing to Emma this man can kill him. "You are making me laugh, Emma! This man needs a decade of training before he can kill me."

2 meters the exact distance of Riku and Bruce, by that distance, Emma knew it was impossible these two.

"Don't blame anyone if something happened to you, okay? Since first of all, you are the one who chose this." Riku said in a deep tone.

At this point, Emma knew Riku was taking it seriously. Aside from that, those were the words he said when he was giving a chance to Rattin Kingdom's attackers to escape.

'This is bad! Although Bruce could see Riku had just a low amount of magical power. Still, that's a pure magical power that can enhance both your magical power and physical strength." She uttered to her mind.

Well, it was her observation when Riku was fighting with the attackers. Despite the fact that he average mana pool, still, it was pure power so Bruce would surely receive a fatal injury.

As soon as Bruce flexed his muscles and told him where Riku should attack him. "Bring here what all you got."

Without making any second thought, Riku dashed to Bruce, then swung his left arm while concentrating power in a certain position.

Bruce's eyes were widened after seeing the black aura and heavy ambiance given by Riku's ability.


At the time, Riku's fist landed in the middle part of Bruce's chest. Suddenly, it created a gravitational field that spread throughout the area.


Bruce opened up his mouth widely and released some blood out of it. After that, his whole body was shivering while slowly kneeling on the ground.

"I-I can't breathe!" Bruce seemed to ask for help as he felt there was something big blocking his airways.


Riku smoothly landed on the surface, thinking how he exactly increased his physical power. To begin with, he used the speed to power up his physical damage, after that, he utilized his magical power in a certain position.

Just like the [Mana sensing] skill, Riku tried to gather his magical power and gathered in a certain position. Honestly, it was the first time doing it so it was just an experiment.

Moreover, based on the novel, manga, and anime he watched. A person who was born with a magical power can increase their power spike by circulating it in their body.

Ehem! Ehem!

Bruce was kneeling on the brick surface and coughing some blood. At the same time, his vision was getting hazy while hearing someone's footsteps walking closer to him.

"How? He just had a low amount of magical power? Why he can break my rips and feels that he didn't hesitate to kill me!" Bruce feeling an intense aura coated this man.

"I would make it clear... You are the one who chose not me, not them, it's all you, okay? Don't blame everyone that you embarrassed." Riku said along with a broad smile on his face, then passed to him. "Come on, Emma! Let's go to your place, so we can rest since it's already late."

Emma flinched narrowly flinched, remembering the actual scene that happened between Bruce and Riku. Inside her head, at the last moment, Riku still tried to hold back so he can kill Bruce.

"Sander, Felix, please handle Bruce. He needs someone who knows how to use healing magic because I know his ribs are badly broken." Emma bowed her head at them, then went to the location where was Riku standing in.

"Leave it to me, Emma, we are going handle Bruce."

As soon as he left the area, Sander and Felix tried to spit some words out of their mouths.

"You see what you have done? The leather armor that you are destroyed and I could see that man's fist printed on your chest." Sander said while removing all the stuff he was wearing before he healed him.

"Now, Bruce, you understand what you would get after looking down at the others without fully knowing them. It's shameful, isn't it? But you should endure it since you are the one who chose to be this way." Felix didn't hold back from saying those words as he wanted this man to realize the mistake he did.

"Also, you didn't even listen to Emma, she kept saying that man was her friend but you are here continuously trying to test him for no apparent reason. Aside from that, you should be thankful to that man because they accepted me without doing the thing you did to him."

After hearing those words, he felt bad about that man and admitted that the feelings he had for me Emma, manipulated him.


On the other hand, the Colonary village was dark you could just notice the yellow-orange light inside the establishment or village house. It seemed this Kingdom still did not know how to use the gleaming crystal to become their source of light.

No people around roaming all over the place since they arrived here at midnight. Moreover, his attention was piqued by the castle that stood hundreds of meters away from him. Although around it was dark, yet our wasn't stupid enough to not know that was a castle.

After 10 minutes of walking on the brick surface, Emma and Riku stopped in front of the place that way more looked like a chapel into Riku's world.

"Riku, welcome to my home."

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