My Gene System

Chapter 137 - Demon?

Riku met Elder Gino, Mother Teresa, Isabela, and the other children living in the Chapel located in the Colonary Kingdom.

While the refreshing air coming inside his lungs, yet, he was pressured by the eyes that were looking at him. Of course, they were scared since this man was wearing bandages all over his body.

"Hey? I'm Riku Hirota-?"

And all of a sudden, he can't complete his sentence as they ran inside the chapel he waved his hand to them.

Sister Emma, why did you bring a monster here?!

Come inside! Before he eats us!

Please, I don't want to die!

Someone, call guards to kill the monster in front of us!

These were the words coming from the children's mouths as they were afraid to see Riku. Moreover, Elder Gino, Mother Teresa, Emma, and Isabela left the area.

"Why they're running, Emma? Did I do something bad to them?" Riku asked the woman standing next to the two wooden doors.

Emma shook her head at him and had a broad smile on her face. "No, Riku, they're just afraid of what you are wearing."

At this point, she suddenly realised why Riku still wrapping up his entire body with the bandages even it was night.

'Hmm... It must be thought that we are going to be hit by the sunlight before reaching the Colonary Kingdom. Well, without his wings, I can say we'll take two or three days before we reach the Kingdom.' She uttered to her mind, didn't focus more on Riku's outward appearance.

First, she stepped forward where everyone could see them even the children who were peeking inside the chapel. "Everyone, that's man is Riku Hirota. He's a successful inventor and adventurer of the Arzotoc village, so there's no reason for all of us to be afraid of him."

Although Emma didn't introduce Riku very well, Elder Gino and Mother Teresa already went closer to approach him.

"I'm Elder Gino, the head of this chapel."

"I'm Mother Teresa, I'm here to assist this chapel and help the children here."

The two introduced themselves with a bit bow of their heads. Nevertheless, Riku did the same thing after his heart was softened by their warmth welcoming him.

"I'm Riku Hirota, It's nice to see you all!" He deeply bowed his head to them, to show how much he respected these two.

"Emma, you're so rude. Why didn't you mention that you bring someone to our chapel, huh? So that we can prepare some food for both of you." Mother Teresa said in a serious tone while glancing at Emma in the corner of her eyes.

"No, no, no, Mother Teresa we are good." Riku shook his head and hands in unison. "Also, the decision to come into this Kingdom is unexpected. That's why we are not informed that would come." Riku responded politely.

"No, you are the guest and Emma's friend! We should offer something to you to eat." Mother Teresa said and invited him to enter the Chapel.

"Teresa is right, young man. Whether you said it or not said that you will come to our chapel, still, we should offer something to you." Elder Gino pointed his wooden stick at the door which seemed the tool he used to help him to walk. "Let's head inside, it's so cold outside and I want to hear some story that would come to you, Emma."

Meanwhile, the children came back to their beds after they were realized that man together with Emma was a human. Only Isabela remained at the long brown table and sat on Emma's lap.

To begin with, Emma, Isabela, Elder Caron, and Riku were sitting in front of the long wooden table where above them was the yellow-orange light given by the lamp hanging on the ceiling.

Cling! Cling! Cling!

The sound of glasses that mildly screeching to each other went to their ears as Mother Teresa came with food and drink in her grasp.

She placed the bread on the table, then the glass in front of him Riku. While Teresa was pouring the drink, he smelled the scent of cocoa as this drink appeared hot chocolate.

"Thank you, Mother Teresa. It looks delicious."

In order to show that he appreciated Mother Teresa's effort to prepare this food, he took a bit of bread and carefully sip it with hot chocolate.

Despite its looks, the bread had delicious and the slightly bitter cocoa was perfectly balanced.

"You're quite hungry, young man. It seems both of you have long travel before you could reach the kingdom since the Arzotoc village is way too far." Elder Gino said in the way how the old man spoke.

Riku was chewing his food and didn't aware of the words he replied to Elder Gino. "Honestly, we just travel for 8 hours-" He just realized it when Emma pinched his waist and looked at him with her serious eyes.

"What?!" Elder Gino responded in surprise.

Emma pushed her chair and body a bit so that she can conceal Riku's existence in the meantime. After that, she shakes her hands at him. "No, Elder Caron, he said almost reaching the kingdom for 8 days because the monsters were blocking our path, and how we hard to climb the mountains."

Well, Emma shouldn't have cared about Riku's abilities, however, it wasn't the right time to reveal them. Why? It was because there was a high chance Elder Gino would spread about his power since it was a rare ability in this world.

"Hahaha! I knew it, Emma! It's impossible to travel here just for 8 hours unless you have wings in your back." Gino chuckled at them.

Emma and Riku were laughing together along with uncomfortable expressions on their faces. Eventually, Riku was making gestures that showed he was apologizing for his carelessness.

As soon as Riku finished his food, Elder Gino and Mother Teresa asked how they knew each other. So Emma explained when the first time they met and how Riku survive her life way back in the Mystic forest.

While they were knowing what happened to Emma within the two months she left the chapel, they didn't notice the sun was starting to approach, and their conversation went about how the Rattin Kingdom tried to invade the Arzotoc village.

"What do you mean? The mean sitting with us is the man who defeated a kingdom that had the strongest warriors and mages?" Gino couldn't believe the words he was hearing to Emma.

"Yes, Elder Gino, he's the only man who defeated a thousand attackers of the rattin kingdom. By his invention and the wise plan he had he managed to kill all of them." Emma said in a cheerful tone as she was happy to see Riku's achievement.

"King Bordox hasn't been aware of the invasion that occurred in the Arzotoc village. Also, I know if he was informed about that, he will never hesitate to help your village." Elder Gino shifted his glanced at Riku. "If Emma is the one who tells us about it, there's no reason for us not to believe her. On top of that, I can feel something different from you, but I can't tell what is it."

His words piqued his attention, eager to know what this old man could notice from him. "By any chance, can you describe what can you see from me?" Riku asked him.

And all of a sudden, the place was enveloped by deafening silence as no one would not try to talk.

Gino was running his wrinkled chin, then looking at this man's feet up to his head. It took almost 5 minutes before he said something in his mouth.

"Hmm... I can see the dark red aura circulated from you, yet I didn't know where's the source of your power. Also, I'm perceiving some noise inside your body." He said in a serious tone.

After hearing these words, Emma immediately used her [Mana sensing] to see if Elder Gino was saying the truth.

Her eyes were widened not because she was surprised, it was because the only thing she could see in Riku was the thin magical power coated in him.

"Eh? I think you are already sleepy, Elder Gino. You should rest for now and continue our conversation later." She suggested, then looked at the woman listening to him. "Mother Teresa, could you please help me to bring, elder Gino to his room? So he can rest."

Without making any second thought mother Teresa went toward her with a serious expression on her face. "Of course, Emma."

"Riku, just wait here, okay? We'll just assist Elder Gino after that we can sleep."

"Okay, Emma, no worries." He said in a cold tone as he was still thinking about the words he heard from the old man.

Emma, Elder Gino, and Mother Teresa left the area. And as soon as they reached the distance where Riku can't hear them, mother Teresa started to talk.

"Elder Gino is right, there's a different aura circulated him, Emma.. So I suggest to you never lower your guards because I feel there is a demon inside of him."

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