My Gene System

Chapter 17 - Meet The King

Even though Arisu was the daughter of the village king, it appeared she had to make concessions to gain her father's approval. It also the library in this world was precious room for them.

"I need to gather some information for the resource in the first item I'd build," he said with a wide smile, hoping Arisu wouldn't notice his hidden agenda inside the library.

"I understand, and I'll do my best to help you, but if my father refuses, we'll have to find another way to gather information," Arisu said quietly, hoping his father would let this man in.

It was the first step in convincing her that he came from another world. Why? There was a chance if he built something that exceeded her expectations she might believe in him.

"Yes, lady Arisu, and for the time being, I'll remain in this room and await the king's approval," he replied casually.

"No, you'll accompany me to see my father, and you'll need to explain everything to him," she said before attempting to leave the room.

Riku exhaled deeply, believing Arisu would do the job of persuading his father. Nonetheless, it was far superior to not making any progress.

"As you wish, lady Arisu, I'll propose to the king what I can do to help your village grow," he said, slightly bowing his head as the woman walked out of the room.

She waved her hand at him as she opened the door. "See you tomorrow, Riku," she said sweetly before disappearing from Riku's sight.

He lay back on the bed, unable to stop thinking about the notification given to him by the system. If the dark crow's gene allowed the vessel to hide in a dark place, there was a good chance his mother was also hiding in the dark place.

Well, it was just a conclusion because he didn't know if his body had been taken over by the monster's gene. It was difficult to tell since he didn't have access to the internet or books to answer all of his questions.

"I should persuade the king," he said, as memories of his father flashed through his mind.

'Riku, as a businessman, you must know how to persuade customers to buy our product,' Akio said solemnly, looking at the seven-year-old Riku.

'You don't have to persuade the customer, Dad. If they're going to buy our product, they're going to buy it no matter what,' Riku replied.

At Riku's young age, Akio had already noticed his son's high IQ. The problem was that his son only believed in what he wanted to believe.

'Listen, son, there are some people who are undecided about which product to buy. I'm trying to say here that you must be able to communicate with others and use words that make them smile. You can guarantee that they will buy our product if you do that,' Akio explained, trying to open his son's mind to their business.

'Communication ability? Is it really that important? 'Akio piqued his son's interest.

'Of course, son,' I say. I would not have gotten to this point if I hadn't done that. Always remember to think before you speak the words that are about to come out of his mouth. Okay? ' Akio smiled at him and patted Riku on the head.

His tears unexpectedly welled up in his crystals eyes, as even his father forced him to enroll in the business class he knew how much he loved by his father.

"I missed them so much..."

By thinking deeply, he didn't expect that he would back from the deep sleep.


When the sunset, Riku was awakened by the sunlight and the bird's chirping.

"Argh!" He screamed in agony as the sunlight penetrated his body. "Shit! How did I forget to close the curtain!" he exclaimed, standing up and closing the curtain.

[HP: 95/100]

It wasn't a joke; his health power was gradually dwindling as he was exposed to sunlight. To put it simply, it was certain to kill him.

"Fu*k! This is harder than I thought!" he exclaimed, blinking in surprise as he looked in the mirror at his burnt face. "I have the dark crow gene, but I'm not a vampire!" he shouts.

[Yes! The host was a descendant of the Soul Dark Crow! The dark crow was the strongest, and the light crow was the weakest. However, because you have been granted by a human body, you are immune to ordinary light but not to sunlight.]

Finally, the game system provided him with useful information that allowed him to understand what was going on inside his body. "Are you kidding me, huh?! So how come I wasn't affected by the sunlight while running in the forest?"

[The host has only recently awakened his gene, and his mana pool is insufficient to flow throughout the body. So it took one month and twenty days for it to circulate!]

He was looking down at the elevated screen in front of his eyes. Why? Everything has been explained. He believed that his mana pool had been slightly depleted as a result of the incident that occurred after his awakening. And it appeared to be the primary reason why his genes were slowly spreading.

He was confident in his mana pool was fine because he could still see the status on this screen, but the pressing question was whether he could still increase the capacity of his mana pool.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

A gentle knock on the wooden door drew his attention. He already had an idea of who was behind this.

He got to his feet and walked the words to the door. When he opened the door, he noticed a man's feet wearing silver-plated boots. So he gulped as he realized it was the guards' boots.

He can't be mistaken about this. He noticed it when he coughed up blood after they smashed a brick on his head.

'If this man attacks me, I will not hesitate to fight back,' he told himself as he slowly drew the door open.

"Good day, I'm here to assist you as lady Arisu instructed," a guard with blond hair and blue eyes said coldly. This man appeared to be avoiding interaction with him.

Long spears, thick armor, and gauntlets are all available. Riku was well aware that a standard attack could injure this guard.

"Yes, I'll just change my clothes," he said as he spun around, doubled his clothes, and wrapped them in a jacket. Or, to be more specific, his entire body was covered in clothes that he had taken inside the cabinet.

When he stepped outside, he was surprised to see that the guard had ordered him to take a step back. "What are you doing, outsider? You're going to meet King and you're dressed like this?" Guard stammered.

He ripped the blanket into a scarf and covered his face with it. "Hehe, I'm more at ease in this outfit."

Guard shook his head slowly. "All right, follow me!" Two of them exited the visitors' hall.


After a few moments, they were on the outside, where two horses awaited them. "You know how to ride a horse, don't you?" Guard inquired.

Riku nodded without hesitation because his father owned a horse and Haru had taught him how to ride it. "I suppose so..."

"All right then, just follow me," the guard said as he swung his whip and the brown horse charged.

He did the same thing, oblivious to the fact that the villagers were staring at him. 'No matter how many villagers look at me, I'm not going to take these clothes off.'

Riku and the Guard came to a halt in the spot where the king's palace had doubled the size of Riku's mansion.

"We're here; don't make any unnecessary movements, or those guards will not hesitate to kill you," the guard warned him sternly.

He estimated that the number of guards protecting this location was around 750, based on their dispersion throughout the area.

"This is Arzotoc Hall, where King Luke lived," the guard explained, assisting him to enter the 10-meter gate.

Still, the guards were staring at Riku, wondering why King Luke had allowed an outsider to enter this place.

'Think before I open my mouth; this is how I will persuade their king,' he told himself, confident that the guards would not attack since Lady Arisu had invited him.

Two guards, one on each side, were standing firm. "Who is this man, Oni?" asked one of the guards, who was dressed in silver armor with a gold outline.

"This is the outsider, and lady Arisu requested to me that I have to bring him to her."

Following Oni's spit, two guards opened the massive door for them and left some words. "Oni, keep an eye on him."

A straight path with a red carpet was the first thing he noticed and ahead of it where was the king's throne.

"That's the king? He looks so tough."

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