My Gene System

Chapter 2 - You're Being Granted

A middle-aged man with a broad physique sat in front of Riku. His name was Haru, Riku's personal butler.

Well, Haru has been caring for Riku since he was five years old. That means he could easily deduce what this young man was thinking.

"Before we begin your awakening, Master Riku. I had a question for you." Haru said this in a polite tone. Then he narrowly bent his body, his right hand on his left chest, as this way he usually approached Riku.

"How many times I've told you that you didn't need to do that. To be honest, I regard you as my second father." Riku replied.

"Butler is always butler, but I appreciate how you treated me." Haru straightened his back and lifted his head. "Master Riku, are you aware of the consequences of awakening?"

He nodded a few times. "I knew it before I came here." Riku responded as he looked at his worried father. "You don't need to be concerned, Father. You have a strong son, so you can be confident that the awakening process will be successful."

"You can't blame me because you're the only one I have, son. I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Along with his blubbering eyes, Akio stated, hoping he could stop his son at the last moment.

"I've already made my decision, father." He stood up, demonstrating that no one, not even his true father, could stop him.

"If you're ready, Master Riku. Please place your foot on the mana plate." Haru said, then pointed his index finger toward the circular platform, which could only hold one person.

The mana plate, which can be found inside the dungeon, is the object used to determine a normal person's ability after awakening.

Riku took off his expensive shoes and approached it. In his mind, as soon as he became a mutant, he'd begin his journey inside the dungeon.


Despite this, the mana plate remained inactive. He felt a mild heat touch his feet and crawled it up to his head.

"This is it; I'm hoping for a good ability." Riku muttered.

As the door opened, Haru spun around and looked directly at Riku's father. "The Mutant's association had arrived, Master Akio."

In this world, secretly awakening your genes was a serious offense. As the mutant's association required knowledge of a specific person's awakened genes. The result will be recorded by the association, and if the normal person disagrees, they will be treated as a criminal.

Two large men in white suits with a darkly rounded logo on their backs entered the room.

"Sir Akio, it's a pleasure to meet you. Meeting a wealthy businessman like you is an honor for me." A man with tinted glasses said as he bowed his head slightly. He had red hair and a fair complexion.

This man's name was Fuji Iya, and he was one of the best mutants in the world.

Akio shook his head and hands in unison. "No, it's entirely my pleasure. I didn't expect such a powerful mutant to come to our house." He politely complimented him. Because Akio was a seasoned businessman, he knew how to return the compliment.

Fuji asked him with a smile. "Is this your son who doing the awakening?"

"Yes..." Akio replied, concerned, knowing that the awakening would begin as soon as this mutant arrived.

"Of course, there's no something bad will happen to him." Fuji responded nonchalantly and proceeded to the mana plate. After a few moments, Fuji took a small bottle containing a blue dim light liquid.

To put it simply, this bottle is known as mana. This is an item that can help you replenish your mana while also triggering the first genes. Furthermore, according to the market, this mana liquid costs a hundred or thousand USD.

"You're Riku, aren't you?" Fuji inquired, and bestowed the bottle that was placed in his grasp. "Drink this so we can continue."

Riku was aware of this process, as well as the intense pain that would ensue after he drank the liquid.

He gave him a slight nod of his head. "I can drink this right now—" Riku came to a halt as Fuji raised his hand and motioned for him to stop.

"Wait, I want to warn everyone that no one will approach Riku while the mutation is being processed." In a solemn tone, Fuji stated.

To be more specific, no one should ever interrupt him while the mutation was taking place because there was a high chance Riku's mana pool would be destroyed. It has the potential to knockback on a human's body, or more accurately, to kill him.


Riku gulped even though he wasn't drinking the liquid. He could feel the pressure in this room.

"Riku, you can drink it right now. Simply relax your mind and allow mana to spread throughout your body." Fuji retracted his statement.

"Master Riku, I know you can do it." Haru gave him a thumbs up and proceeded to follow Fuji. To reduce the number of things that could distract him.


He took off the seal and looked at it for a few seconds. 'I can do it for the sake of my mother.'

Gulp... Gulp... Gulp...

After overthinking, he drank the liquid until there was nothing left but a drop after. And then, as the mana liquid took effect, Riku's body began to emit a blue gleaming light all over his body.

Nobody wants to talk or even make a sound that will cause a commotion. As the awakening continued, the atmosphere became darker and darker.

Fuji couldn't find anything suspicious at first, until an electric current sparked next to Riku. He wanted to approach, but he couldn't because it would aggravate the situation.

Riku closed his eyes slowly, feeling the mana flow through his veins. His expression changed as he felt pain, but he tried to bear it. In order to activate his genes.

"Isn't this going to be fine, Haru?" Akio inquired of the man next to him.

There was already something fishy about this situation, Haru. But he keeps it hidden because Akio, as a father, will undoubtedly rush towards his son.

"Master Akio, you are correct. You don't have to be concerned; everything will be fine."

Crick! Crick!

The electric current that appeared was becoming stronger, and no one could explain why.

"This is terrible! His body is deflecting the mana! We have to stop him!" Fujin said, concerned, as he charged at him at full speed.


But just as he was about to arrive, a powerful force knocked him back and pushed him away until his back hit the wall.


Everyone began to retreat until a powerful explosion shook the entire structure.


After a few seconds, four of them slowly regained their footing and saw the man lying on the red carpet and the mana plate destroyed.

"Haru, call an ambulance right away!"

Haru, on the other hand, simply shook his head, knowing that he was faster than any mode of transportation in this world.

"Master Akio, leave it to me. If something bad happens to Master Riku, I'll blame myself." Haru made a promise, demonstrating his desire to save this young man.


After ordering the Butler, Akio collapsed to the ground as he saw his son was bathed in his own blood.

"W-What exactly going on here, Fuji? Someone, please explain it to me." Akio stuttered, unsure how he was going to explain what had happened to his son.

Riku's skin was severely burned, and he had several slashes on his body.

"Sir Akio, my apologies. Your son's genes were deflecting him..." Fuji was ashamed of what he had done. In his mind, he didn't intervene in the mutations to avoid affecting Riku's mana pool. Furthermore, it was the first time such an occurrence had occurred, so he was unaware of what was about to occur.

The other mutant helped Akio regain his balance. "Please, Sir Akio, strengthen yourself; your son needs you." According to a man with green hair.

Despite the deafening silence, three of them left the room to check on Riku's condition. Haru called them shortly after, saying he had already taken Riku to the nearest hospital.


Strong door closings occurred, and unexpectedly, the mana plate was restored on its own while emitting dazzling white light. It appeared to be a mirror that reflected everything in the room.

The mana plate whirled in mid-air, displaying some symbol that an ordinary person, let alone a mutant, could read.

[You're being granted!]


Another explosion occurred and the maid in the area hurriedly went to the room as they saw the entire room was burning.

"What's going on here?!"

"Hey everyone help me to kill the fire, we must stop it before they spread in the whole mansion!"

Although everyone was clueless they helped each other to manage to kill the fire.



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