My Gene System

Chapter 25 - Unexpected

Arisu and Riku arrived in the Arzotoc village's western section. However, a new occurrence occurred when the horse became more aggressive.

"Watch out!" she yelled as the horse bolted from the carriage and charged him.

Of course, Riku was aware of this occurrence. However, he just decided to remain in his position and glared at the horse with his black eyes.


The carriage was blown away by the horse's incredible strength.

He widened his eyes but took a step to the left as he guessed the horse would stop if he just looked at it, but it continued to charge towards him.



As he stumbled with his footing, his buttocks made contact with the surface. He realized that, despite the horse's fear of him, it was still eager to kill him.


He clicked his tongue, then immediately regained his footing. 'It just charging straightforward, I think I can dodge it.' He uttered to his mind as he ready himself for the monster's swift attack.

On the other hand, Arisu spotted a farmer not too far away from them. "Hey, please, come over here! Assist this man I just need to help my-" She stopped to spit those words as Riku was already battling.

It was too late; even if she tried to move right now, she couldn't make it. "Just run, Riku! Don't fight that horse, they're built for battle!"

It was a difficult decision for her though a Worn level like Riku has no chance of winning in this horse.

'I don't care how you see me, lady Arisu, but I'm a level one mutant, which means I have the strength to kill this animal,' he smirked as he stood fearlessly on the surface, waiting for the horse to arrive.


He successfully grabbed its neck, knowing the horse was much stronger than him so spun his body and rode on it.

As the horse forced him to move away, his vision became hazy. 'Sh*t! This is vexing...' He raised his hand and punched the horse in the head with all his might.

Thud! Thud!

There was no change. It appeared that his punch was insufficient to inflict harm on this horse. "Hey, Junard! Calm down, I won't kill you." This was the only thing he could do right now because he couldn't take the risk of killing this horse by borrowing Arisu's sword.

Arisu was approaching them with her sword; if she used it, he knew this horse would die quickly. 'Come on, listen to me, I have no intention of killing you, but that woman will kill you if you don't stop,' he said, not sure if the horse understood him.

And then the horse fell to the ground and soothed him, and the shaking in his body stopped.


For real?

I can talk with the animals?

No. The horse had just discovered that this man had no intention of killing such a creature. Aside from that, the horse knew that no matter how hard it tried, it would never be able to defeat the monster that lived inside this human body.

The horse began rubbing its head against Riku's face as soon as Arisu arrived. "Step back, Riku, I'm going to kill this horse," she said, but this was dangerous as it put the horse's rider in danger.

"Don't kill this horse, lady Arisu, I think it's just irritated because of the heat." He pointed his hand at the horse. "Look at him, he's fine now, also, I think the rider just received a small cut, and the reason why it had so much blood since it's in the heat part." He explained, then rubbed the horse fur.

Arisu sighed deeply, unable to stop thinking about it as it was the first time a horse had gone berserk in the Arzotoc village.

[Do you want to tame this horse? Yes/No]

The system unexpectedly sent out a new notification. Then he realized it was one of the system functions in the XR online.

However, he cannot accept the system's suggestion as there is a risk of conflict arising since this horse has an owner. So he clicked the no sign on the screen in front of them, then pushed himself up.

"Let's go, lady Arisu, I need to see the farmer's location, but first and foremost, we need to get the rider to a safe place," he suggested, taking a robe and dragging the horse to the western section of this village.

Something bothered her mind for some reason. "However, if this horse goes berserk again, I will not hesitate to kill it."

"Don't worry, it won't happen again," he said with a nod.

When some of the farmers arrived at the scene, they assisted them in carrying the rider.


There were several wooden houses inside. The old skinny farmers here and the malnourished children piqued his interest the most. Aside from the rapid development of the Arzotoc village, there were some areas that received little attention.

"What happened to them, lady Arisu? Are you sure they can still work in their current condition?" he politely inquired.

"I know you're going to ask me about it, but I don't think you need a concrete explanation; just look at them and you'll know the right answer," she replied, her face irritated.

To put it simply, some of the farmers' crops died due to a lack of water. They must not have witnessed something like this because the farmer was their primary source of food.

The farmers and some of the villagers stared at them with lifeless eyes and couldn't help but beg lady Arisu.

Please, help us, lady Arisu!

Our children would starve to death if this continues!

We know you're the only one who can help us with this crisis!

Now, Riku could understand why Arisu was looked irritated. It appeared that she felt bad to herself every time she was seeing the villagers was suffering.


One thought occurred to him. The term "magic" was appropriate for resolving the issue on this farm. In his mind, if someone knew how to use the water element, everything would be simple.

Based on the novels and manga he read, as well as his observations in this world, it was determined that they should be able to wield strong magical power.

He asked her to answer the question that had pierced his mind. "Lady Arisu, if the problem is water, why don't you ask the guars to use their water magic?"

She slowly shook her head, "We already did that, but nothing happens, the guards' mana isn't enough to supply these big crops."

She was completely correct. Why? Because the guards spent their time using their magical skills on this farm, if invaders attack them, they will be depleted and the village will lose manpower.

Riku and Arisu arrived at the farm after a few moments. It surprised him as this size of this farm could supply the entire country and 90% of the crops were already dried.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! What are you doing in this place? The crops obviously will not grow if you continue to occupy space like this." Riku was taken aback by this location and could easily identify the farm's problem.

Arisu stepped back cluelessly along with her cute face as Riku for her was acting strange. "What are you doing, R-Riku?"

He was still stepping closer to her and kept opening his mouth. "You should not take this big space, or the crops here would surely not grow-"

They stepped when Arisu slipped to a small stone and fell two of them two the ground. His face was reddened when he noticed he was kissing her directly to her lips and the villagers were looking at him.


I f*cked up!

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