My Gene System

Chapter 29 - Easy Quest?

Riku sneaks from the guards of the Arzotoc's village. In order to complete his quest and continue to make the pipeline for the crops.


This was how they described the aggressive monster that stood in front of him in his world, Naga. With its body and mana pool, he could tell that this monster was only found in a mid-level dungeon.

"Crap! I'm no match for this monster!" Riku exclaimed as he slid across the wet surface.

To describe the monster's outward appearance, it had a human body but a serpent's face and scales.

There's no doubt that this type of monster was too powerful for him, and it wasn't within Riku's power range to fight. He only had one thought, and that was to flee this place.

But it was impossible for the time being because the Naga was attacking him with its thick tails.


Parts of the ground were hitting him in the face as the monster's power was strong enough to create a force that could destroy anything, including a tall tree. So he crossed his arms and strengthened his lower body to prevent himself from sliding back.


He clicked his tongue, which was tricky as he could use the [Fly] skill in this situation. His range within the monster was approximately twelve meters; if he used it, the monster would undoubtedly catch it.


He dashed inside the bushes to hide from the monsters, but the monster chased him down without hesitation. While running, he was recalling the Naga's skill in order to avoid any worst-case scenario.

•[Camouflage] - it can change the color of its scale, which will adopt the color of the monster next to it.

Now Riku understands why he can't see the monster after landing closer to the lake. He couldn't blame himself as he had no idea this kind of monster existed in this forest.

•[Increase agility] - this could increase its body's flexibility while also increasing its agility.

He was sprinting towards the flooded trees, hoping the monster wouldn't use that ability to reduce the distance between them. Also, believing that no more monsters would appear in this location.

It wasn't the last skill the monster could have, but it was the most dangerous and the main reason he remembered it.

[Venomous fangs] - the monster's fangs contained a lethal poison that could kill a human or monster in five minutes.

Naga monster was also half-snake, which meant it was given poison.

Riku appeared obnoxious, unable to look away from his back every second as the monster would undoubtedly increase its speed at any moment.

"If this situation worsens, I'll be forced to use the [Fire claw] skill I learned from the Tibber monster."

With its sharpness and the extreme fire that this skill can unleash, he claims that it will pierce through the monster's thick scales. However, if he fought the monster, he might lose due to the monster's speed.

The monster within him was exactly eight meters away. "Jeez! I can't run in this perilous forest for too long because I might attract some of the monsters that live here."

And then, all of a sudden, he spun around and lowered his body, sensing an attack coming his way. Riku's successful perception of the attack was due to his training and fighting experience. Thanks to Haru, Riku possessed this ability right now as a result of his lethal training.


Naga's razor-sharp nails slashed the air in an instant, allowing Riku to easily avoid the attack. He then tackled the monster, causing it to fall to the ground. He didn't stay there for long, though, knowing the monster would counterattack.


He succeed in pushing the monster back and returned to the lake, certain that no monster existed there.


"With that attack, I'll know the monster would chase me-!" he said again.

He has only made the monster more eager to kill him as it cast [Enhance agility] its body suddenly and vanished as the skill took its place.

"This is bad! No matter how hard I tried to run this monster, he could easily get closer."


[Fire claw!], as soon as the monster used its fangs, Riku pushed to use his skill, which was the last one he could use as he didn't have enough mana pool to cast any more spells.

Damn it!

As he felt the monster pulling him down during the collision, he realized how much power this monster had ahead of him. Fortunately, the monster's fangs only just grazed the claw.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

And all of a sudden, the Naga monster's mouth burned, and it looked terrified. Then it took a step back and dashed towards the bush. To put it another way, the monster escaped from him for no apparent reason.


He collapsed to the ground, and the [Fire claw] vanished as it was the maximum duration he could use the skill. "What happened?" he wondered, his gaze narrowed on the sky and the green leaves.

Fire? Was the Naga monster afraid of fire? After analyzing the situation, it was the first thing that came to mind. It was possible as this monster chose to flee as a result of that skill.

He chuckled as he realized he was still fortunate. "Hahaha! I thought I was going to die; this is the second time I've survived on pure luck."


A man lay on the ground, relieved that he had survived the brink of death. Nonetheless, he stood up and left the area so that the Naga monster would not see him in this forest.

"Fuck me!" Riku exclaimed, remembering that he had already depleted his mana pool after casting the crow's skill, [Fly], and the copied skill [Fire claw].

The sun was still shining brightly, but he couldn't walk through this forest alone, so it was best if he stayed in a safe place. Why? First, Riku would spend some time replenishing his mana pool so that he could use the [Fly] skill again. Second, this forest was the monster's domain, so there was no way he wouldn't run into a monster along the way.

He walked carefully through the forest, moving from one tree to the next after ensuring that no monsters were present.

[Mana pool: 2]

He needed six more to return to the village of Arzotoc. The next time he returned here, he would bring guards to assist him in killing the monster, those words were in his mind.

Meanwhile, he was in a location surrounded by thick vines, where he couldn't see what was in front of him. Riku continued to enter, convinced that there were no monsters nearby.

He was dazzled by the strong light provided by the sun as he swiped the last vines to see the place clearly. He was also hurt as a result of it.


He rubbed his eyes to clear them and took a look around. He noticed a used collection of broken wood and proceeded to the location. It was still smokey as they had built a fire with those woods.

His eyes light up as he realizes it was man-made and that it was proof that Solomon was still alive.

"I can feel the heat, which means Solomon is here—" He came to a halt as he felt keen things pointed at him from afar. "Oh, crop... Are you a monster?"

"What is your name?"

A man with a deep voice was perceived by his ears as the Solomon he was looking for. To avoid any commotion, Riku raised his hands, indicating that he had no intention of fighting back.

"My name is Riku Hirota, and I'm from the Arzotoc village—" Riku gulped as the keen weapon touched his nape.

"Don't fool me! You're one of the monsters in this forest!" yelled the man, grabbing Riku's arms.

Riku figured out that was because of his attire as his whole body was covered by multiple clothes. "I'm saying the truth! I'm from the Arzotoc village!"


Unexpectedly, the man with bulk arms punched Riku's nape which made him easily knockdown.

"W-What are you doing? I'm here to save you..." Those were the words he could say as he passed out again.

"You can't fool me! Doppelganger!"

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