My Gene System

Chapter 47 - What Is The System Doing To Me?

This weird Arisu was behaving strangely in front of him. She got closer and didn't care if the nude man's body touched her.

And then Arisu asked more questions closer to his ear, and he could feel the gentle heat of every single word she spit out.

"Now that the two of us have here, could you tell me how you learn to use the transformation magic?"

He was taken aback after hearing these comments, and he pondered how Arisu knew he could morph into another shape. The image of Solomon flashed across his head as he imagined the middle-aged man told her about his secret. He eventually shook his head as he was already reminding Solomon and Emma that no one should know about this.

"Wait for a second, lady Arisu? How did you find out about this?"

Riku, on the other hand, understood what the transformation magic she was referring to because he had seen it previously in the novels and manga he had read. Based on his understanding, the transformation magic allowed people to imitate a certain person's appearance, ability, clothing, and so on. Furthermore, high-level mages can usually use this skill. For him, referring to his talent as transformation magic was as far as the power he derived from the monster's gene went. He can't blame her, though, for his [Manifest] skill can mimic a certain monster's ability and appearance. Even though he wasn't sure which part he could replicate, it was the same.

Arisu regarded him in the eyes and recognized right away that this man couldn't recall anything after going insane in front of the guards. The first thing that sprang to mind was the deadly wounded he sustained from Calin, who was now imprisoned in the cell.

"It appears you didn't remember that you tried to attack my guard, right?" she clarified, pausing for a second before adding this. "But that's not the case; I'm asking you how you learned that magic, since no one in our village, not even me and elder Cynthia, could perform it."

Riku blinked his eyes in astonishment for a few seconds before deeply lowering his head on the bed, where the only thing he could see were Arisu's legs. As soon as she informed him, some of the scenes where he utilized the [Fire claw] came across his mind.

"I'm so sorry, lady Arisu; I had no idea what I was doing at the time; please forgive me!" he said gently, expecting there to be a casualty as a result of what he had done.

"Don't apologize, Riku; I know you did it due to the intense feeling among the village guards," she said as she moved closer. "So raise your head, then tell me about your power?" she persuaded.

Riku slowly raised his head, knowing that no matter what he did here, he couldn't get away from her question. Not because he didn't want to say anything about the gene's power, but because he couldn't think of an easy way to explain this one.

If he stated it wasn't transformation magic, it was the power that flowed through his veins. Do you suppose anyone would believe him? Why? He didn't know what the difficulty was to have transformation magic as he had no information in this realm, to put it mildly.

He took a step back till he came to a halt against the wall. He said while nervously stroking the back of his head and staring at the wooden ceiling. "To be honest, I'm not sure how to explain this, but..."

[Fire claw!]

And then, all of a sudden, an intense heat developed in the small space, causing Arisu to take a step back, along with her magnificent eyes. "I can't explain how I got this power, but I think if I exhibit it to you, you'll find the answer you're looking for."

Another mystery arose in her head; she now wanted to know how Riku cast the skill without incantation.

In this world, incantation was the primary method for casting a magical spell. It was a magic formula that was supposed to cause a magical effect on a person or thing. The formula can be spoken, sung, or chanted; nevertheless, it will take some time for the skill to be activated.

"Who really are you, Riku?" Arisu said in a serious tone while slowly observing Riku's arm that had red-orange fur.

He didn't plan to respond since he knew it was simply emotion after seeing this keen claw up close.

"It's completely absurd to have transformation magic and casting without any incantation."

Riku was aware of these two; what disturbed him was their significance in this world. "You're quite astonished, lady Arisu, but could you tell me what's going on here so I can understand why you're acting like this?" he asked, his expression tense.

Arisu emphasized the necessity of transformation magic users in this village without hesitation. That's exactly what Emma said to herself after witnessing Riku's ability.

"Now I understand, lady Arisu," he said after a brief pause and a small bend of his head. "But, I'm sorry to say," he apologized, "I can't tell you how I gained this power."

"No, I understand, Riku," she said, shaking her head, "I can tell you're not lying to me since the flow of your mana hasn't changed."

Arisu seemed to be able to tell if someone was lying or not merely by glancing at their mana. The problem was that it could only impact persons who had a low amount of mana.

Riku and Arisu exchanged glances, and while she was thrilled to see some of Riku's abilities, she stated the second reason she was here. "Riku, I have a favor for you, as well as your punishment for going alone into the Mystic forest without informing me."

He swallowed, sweat dripping down his brow and down his pale cheek. "W-What is it, lady Arisu?" he stammered, unsure of his penalty. If he was imprisoned again in this place, he reasoned, his progress would be slowed.

Then, out of nowhere, Arisu bowed in front of him and said. "Please, Riku, help us prevail against the Rattin Kingdom; I know that with your support and the power you have right now, we can scare them."

To begin with, it appeared like Arisu had no plans to fight the Rattin kingdom considering she knew their guards were far superior to theirs. Simply put, all of the youngsters in this kingdom were raised to be warriors.

"Please Riku, help us!"

[Quest has arrived!]

[Obtain your first domain!]




Domain? Obtain? What is the system trying to do with me?

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