My Gene System

Chapter 52 - Temptation

Riku Hirota went to the Arzotoc library and gathered some information for the pipeline he was planning to build. With the help of Naina, he succeeded to locate the place where he needed to have an expedition.

Expedition: it was the journey by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially scientific research, etc.

Moreover, the word expedition where Riku came from signified to fight a new type of monsters and to get some loots after killing them.

He was sitting in front of the transparent window, watching the glistening night sky. Those lights beamed his eyes, at the same time, let him feel comfortable and washed away all the problems he had.

"Hmm... What is my best thing to do in this world? Even I went to the library I can't guarantee that I can find a book that could bring me back to my world." He paused for a second, doesn't like to end this soothing experience.

Riku was quite right, even though, there were numerous magical books in this village, still, he can't say if they have the book that he was looking for.

"I should be grateful right now since Arisu giving a position that no one could hurt me. Aside from that, by staying in this place I have to strengthen myself as I have no idea what is a type of monster I'm going to deal with next."

He reclined his back against the wooden chair, can't be helped to analyze something of the thing that happened to him earlier.

The smell of curry? This was just a coincidence or this was what he felt when he was smelling blood. It never erased to his mind, why? As he felt that smell was seducing him.

He took a deep breath, then let it out softly, remembering Naina's face until he frustrated rubbed his long black hair. "W-What I'm thinking?! I'm just trying to calm myself but for some reason, I can't stop thinking!"


And all of a sudden, he immediately took a glance at his behind, looking at the wooden door after someone was forced to open it. The first thing that went to his mind was that there was someone who was going to attack him, but that thought easily faded away as he saw Emma entering.

"Why do you look so pale, Riku? It seems like you see a spirit." Emma approached him nonchalantly, then walked closer and sat on Riku's bed.

"You shocked me, Emma. I thought someone had an intention to attack me." Riku explained and sighed deeply.

Emma understood that Riku wasn't recovered from the guard's attack, at the same time, she admitted that she committed a mistake by forcing open the door. She bowed her head while slowly closing her fierce eyes.

"I apologize, Riku, I never thought about that." She said politely.

"That's fine, Emma, but next time you should learn how to knock, okay?" Riku let this thing pass by, knowing this woman went to his room for a purpose. On top of that, he wanted her to invite him for his expedition in one of the dangerous forests in this world.

She narrowly lifted her head and followed up with a few nods. "Yes, I'll do that!" She responded.

To begin with, he changed the trajectory of his chair by facing it towards Emma. "What's bring you here, Emma? It's already late and you're still awake." He approached her politely so that he can tell her about his plan for his expedition.

She faced the window while the corner of her eyes was shivering. It was the expression that she embarrassed to say something. "I-I can't sleep with my room, Riku. Can I stay in your room just for today?"

Riku wasn't expecting this since Emma was a solo adventurer, which means she can live by herself.

'Eh? What's wrong with here? Why is this woman asking to sleep in a man's room?' He uttered to his mind and random thoughts kept appearing to him.

"Huh? You can't sleep in your room? Why?" He was controlling himself.

"I-I'm afraid with the dark, please let me stay here for a while..." Her face was being reddened and looking at him with glistening as she looked meant her words.

'Afraid with dark, huh? Are you kidding me? There's a lamp in your room, aside from that, the cave where we stayed for several days is darker than here.' He keeps talking to his mind as he doesn't want to commit a sin to Yui.

Or easy to say, Riku was started thinking about sexual activities with the beautiful and sexy woman in front of him. It couldn't stop, he was a man that had needs in his life. Yet, he slowly shook his head and barely pinched his thigh to awaken his senses.

'No, this is not right! I have a fiancee once I give my virginity to her, it's all done.' Riku was persistent to refuse the temptation given by the situation.

Furthermore, he can't also refuse Emma's request since this woman would be a big help in his upcoming expedition. "Okay, Emma, take this bed and I will sleep on the surface so that you can sleep comfortably." He tapped the bed and get the extra blanket, but he suddenly stopped as Emma held his wrist.

His eyes were widened after seeing the expression of the woman that was being needy. He was certain by it since that was the face of Yui when he was refused to do it.

He slowly gulped come along with sweaty hands. "W-Why, Emma? T-There's something bothering you?" Riku was stuttered and started to wouldn't look at Emma after seeing her seductive body.

Yes! Her cleavage was revealed and it was the hardest thing that would come to your life which one 90% of men failed.

"You don't need to sleep to the surface, Riku. We can sleep in this bed together." She paused for a second, then showed that this bed could accommodate two people. "Please, Riku..."

Riku let his shoulders down and followed with a deep sigh. How he can refuse the woman if they were acting like this?

"Fine, Emma, I'm also not too used to lay down on the surface." He pretended to yawn and rubbed his eyes to show that he was already sleepy. "Let's sleep, Emma, I want to rest right. Reading the books was so tiring."

He laid on the surface, then facing in a different direction. Emma did the same thing come along with a broad smile om her face. "That's right, Riku..."


Meanwhile, Riku's room was enveloped by deafening silence as none of them started to open a new conversation. However, you could see Emma's feet were rubbing against each other as she wanted to do something.

To avoid this thing, Riku initiated the conversation by asking her something. "Emma, are you still awake?"

And all of a sudden, Emma aggressively faced him and nodded her head at him a couple of times. "Yes, Riku!"

Riku could feel her chest rubbing on his back, at the same time, seductive heat given by Emma's body. At this point, he can't stop himself from asking that the woman in this world was way more aggressive?

Riku whirled around, then now their faces were seeing each other. "Emma, I want to tell you something."

"What is it, Riku? Tell me right now because I'm always ready to do that." She responded, doesn't care even her voice echoed in the entire place.

"Hmm... Emma I would like to invite you to have an expedition in the Assima forest. You already see my powers, also, you can guide me on how I can perfectly use it." Riku said with a pleasing tone, yet, he saw Emma's expression change a bit.

Even though she was looked disappointed, still, she slowly nodded her head at him since she wasn't doing anything when she arrived in this village. Or to be exact, she was spending most of her time staying in her room.

"No worries, Riku, I'm willing to help you in your expedition." She replied with a weak tone.

Riku was aware of what she was felt so it means he knows how he would play it to encourage her. "In exchange, I'll give all the monster's orb we would get plus you can sleep in my room every day. What do you think about that?"

Emma delighted smiled at him and looked excited to do that. "Really, Riku?! I'm allowed to sleep in your room every day?!"

He nodded his head while slowly closing his eyes. "Yes, Emma, you are free to enter my room anytime you want. But I would like to inform you we are going out tomorrow so you need to prepare."

Emma hadn't had care about it, "No problem, Riku! If you want to leave this village right now we can go!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Calm down, Emma, just rest here a while, okay?"

Their conversation ended was just easily ended with that. Even though, Emma wanted to do something she refused it as she was excited to come with this man.


The sun came up and there was a woman standing in front of Riku's bed. She had furious eyes and awakened them with her yell.


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