My Gene System

Chapter 56 - Razor Grasshopper

As soon as Emma and Riku stepped on the cave's surface, a new type of monster didn't hesitate to attack them. Moreover, Emma had the instinct and flexibility to block the attack.


He was taken aback while hearing the sound of metal hitting each other. Yes! Emma succeeded to utilize her black knife, in order to avoid Riku from receiving high damage.

But the thing here was, she can't stop her body from pushing back, or to be exact, the monster's strength outstands her.


Two of them hit each other and collapsed to the ground as they rolled several times. Luckily, none of them got severe damage that could be the main reason to slow down the pace of this expedition.

They immediately regained their footings, knowing the monster would surely attack them without thinking.


Just as expected, the monster in front of them charged towards them. It had red terrifying eyes, dark green scale, 156 centimeters, and two sharps transparent gleaming blade on its arms.

"This is the Razor Grasshopper!" He muttered as he was well aware of what kind of monster engaged them.

[Razor Grasshopper] - it's an aggressive type of monster where usually could see in the level D and C Dungeon.

•[Razor Grasshopper skill(s)]

>>•[Precision] - it's a play of the monster blades where the precision of each attack had an extreme accuracy and strength.

>>• [Julgar] - it's a midrange skill as the grasshopper could transfer its blade into the mid-air and hit its opponents in just a blink of an eye.

This was the only thing he can recall based on the knowledge he had when he was on Earth. Aside from that, he knew this monster was just first evolution since there were no wings existed on its back.

"Be careful, Emma, that monster extremely fast. So keep an eye on it, expect the swift pace of battle." He warned her with his serious eyes.

By just simply looking at it, both of them knew that this monster had a sharp sense because of its eyes.

She nodded her head at him and it seemed she had an idea what kind of monster she was going to face. "Don't worry about me, Riku, we have a chance to win against this monster." And all of a sudden, she smiled before adding. "Always remember, you have the transformation magic so everything gonna be easy on you!"

It appeared Emma was confident with the ability that Riku had. However, he felt the same way, knowing that he can't still utilize some of his skills. Hence, he doesn't want to disappoint this woman so he showed his fighting stance.

"You're right, Emma, let's kill this monster and find the ferric so we can leave this place." He muttered, then initiated to move first to match the aggressiveness given by this monster. On top of that, he had an idea of how he was going to defeat this monster.

'This monster can naturally weaken by using fertilizer, but I don't have that thing in this world. So the only thing I could do here is to use my [Fire claw] and use the extreme heat of it to cut him into two pieces.' He uttered to his mind, then took out the sword on his waist just to fool the monster that it was the weapon he was going to kill the monster.

He swung the sword with his both hands since the monster could easily outstand him by just using a single arm.


And once again, the monster effortlessly blocked his attack while seeing the spark of metal falling to the surface as their weapons were screeching.

He was gritting his teeth, feeling his feet were slowly pushing back every time he was staying in this position. On top of that, once the monster broke his defense, it can use its opposite blade to slash him.

"Fall back!"

[Dey slash!]

A woman's voice appeared from his behind, after hearing this he know that was Emma. So the first thing he did was to step back and let from the being the idea to use his [Fire claw].

A black magic circle occurred next to her dark knife and the size of it was raised a bit. After that, she swung it directly to the monster doesn't have care even the grasshopper would block again her attack. Why? She was just confident that the black aura released by her weapon was enough to penetrate and kill the monster in front of them.

As soon as her knife was barely touched on the monster's blade. Riku was paused for a couple of seconds, trying to see what that skill was all about.


A sharp sound was enveloped the entire place as the black aura of Emma was getting bigger and bigger while it was staying on the monster's blade.

Eehk! Eehk! Eehk!

The next occurrence surprised him after the grasshopper was looked like groaning in pain. Or to be exact, Emma was draining its power without the monster even Riku noticing it.

"What the hell was that? How did Emma slowly defeat this monster without dropping a single sweat?" He questioned himself as he was still clueless about the situation.

Of course, Emma was utilizing magic skills that can be found in the world where he came from. That skill could be cast by using incantation so he doesn't have an idea what purposes of the skill she was using were.


Until... She swung her sword upwards and broke the monster's body into two pieces. Green slimy blood splashing all over the place, which made Emma step back came along with the malicious smile on her face.

"It ends..." She muttered while sliding back and stopped when she reached the place where was the young man standing and looked impressed with her ability.

"Don't tell me this woman was a really strong adventurer in this world?" He mumbled and looked at the monster screaming in pain.

One thing went to his mind when they were in the Mystic forest and fighting the giant metallic spider. It seemed like, she was not fully recovered her strength back then, and the main reason why she can't use the ability she was showing right now.

She frowned her brows as she could not hear the words that he had been spit out of his mouth. "What did you say, Riku? The monster is already dead we can continue now our expedition here." She said in a clueless tone, then looked at him with her beautiful eyes.

He gradually shook his head, can't help himself to would not attract by this woman's eyes. "It's nothing, Emma. Also, you are right we must keep going before the other monster existed in this place locate us."

[You've received 12 exp from killing the Razor Grasshopper!]

Yes! It was too low to receive an experience like this since reaching the next level was way too hard. But what he could do? He didn't deal high damage in this monster, at the same time, Emma took the last hit. So it means Emma was the one who received a higher EXP.

'This is like what would you have inside the game. In XR online, if both of you belonged to a certain party that EXP gained would be split into 50-50. But the case in this world, the person who lands higher damage will gain over 80% of EXP.

He just simply raised his shoulder, seeing Emma seizing the monster's orb that was usually located on its chest.

"Are you finished with that, Emma? The monster's blood would surely spread in this enclosed place and could be the reason the monsters attack us again." He said, then looking at the wide place that separated into three different tunnels.

She nodded her head and said. "I'm finished, Riku, yet, do you pick which tunnel is the safest tunnel to take?" She questioned him since if she was the one who was going to choose, she would hesitate to middle one as they could easily pass to the right side and the left side.

"Yes, where are going to the left side. We must avoid fighting monsters here since our main purpose is just to find the Ferric and other materials for the invention." He replied, then moved to that place without making any second thought.

Emma could not do anything just to follow him while placing the monster orb inside the brown pouch.

The sound of footsteps was the only thing you could hear inside the tunnel and the thick smell of earth. Mud soaking inside their boots as this place was much wetter than they were expecting. Luckily, the strong light in front of them helped them to see around, avoiding stepping the sharp stones and or traps that were planted in this place.

It was possible? Of course, this world was full of magic everything could be possible.

"Hmm... It's not quite long, Emma, we are already going to reach the endpoint of this tunnel." He said.

When the moment they were going to reach the location. His eyes were widened in the light surrounding them and could not believe that there's a kind of place that existed.

"Huh?! How we called this place, Emma?"

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