My Gene System

Chapter 74 - Project

Riku remembered the appearance of the middle-aged man who taught several things that would be useful in his life. "Never talk to your opponent, idiot." He said in a weak tone, then whirled around as he had no intention to kill this man. Or to be exact, this man was still Arisu's brother so it means; it would affect the current relationship that they had.

Of course, everyone gathered in this room was blinking their eyes in confusion as they were shocked by the match result. "How it can be possible? How this unknown guy that had low magical power could defeat Giza that obviously had vast magical power." Luxus said in a serious tone, looked wanted to approach this man, and asked his name.

Crosolo was smiling broadly, looking at the man who was walking in the remaining funnel. He admitted, having transformation magic had a huge advantage in one versus one fight. Moreover, he never expected the match would turn out like this. "It's unbelievable... The power given by that claws is on a different level."

Luckily Riku's attack was knocked Giza down and made him unconscious. By just simply looking at him, everyone knew he would regain his consciousness sooner or later.

"Sorry for that action, I didn't mean to do that. I just did it so that lady Arisu could briefly about her plan in the upcoming invasion." He stepped up in the wooden funnel and politely approached them. And all of a sudden, he remembered that he still didn't introduce himself. "Oh, I'm sorry for my late introduction. I'm Riku Hirota I'm the one who was assigned to build a pipeline at the western section."

At this point, the people inside this room recognized the man talking in front of them since the name Riku Hirota spread throughout the village.

"Well, even you succeeded to defeat Giza, still, you must know the consequence after attacking one of the officials." Luxus said in a deep tone.

Riku was smirked at him as he didn't afraid even the man scared him. "Consequence? Are you kidding me or is everyone here is blind? Do you see that man was getting wild so it means he needed someone who would control him? If I didn't do that, do you think someone can restrain him? Aside from that, if that man complains, I'll hesitate to face him since I have witnessed that would determine I did that in order to maintain the peaceful atmosphere in this meeting."

Luxus was quite surprised by Riku's answer as he couldn't see any blind spot that could bring him down. He refused to continue the question bothering him inside his mind since the important thing here was to commence spitting Arisu's plan.

Meanwhile, the situation was getting better as all the commanders were darting their eyes at Arisu. "And again, sorry for the trouble that I made." He deeply moved his head to show his sincerity.


To begin with, Riku stepped back for a couple of meters, then tapped gently tapped Arisu's shoulders. "It's your turn, lady Arisu, tell the plan about the land mine and I agree with Commander Luxus's plan so I think it would be way better if you added them." He murmured to her, showing he was supporting this woman in this invasion.

She nodded her head at him, then wiped some tears formed in the corner of her eyes. "Yes, Riku, I'll do that." She replied and stopped when she passed at him before adding. "Thanks again for sorting this thing out."

When the moment she was positioned in the place where everyone could see her. First, she deeply bowed her head to apologize for her brother's behavior. "Sorry if my brother ruined this meeting. I promise this will never happen again."

Well, Riku noticed Arisu would continue this meeting with a good ending. Her stiffness was totally gone and now can talk without someone was bothering her. 'You can do this, lady Arisu, show everyone a certain woman can lead this vast village.' He uttered to his mind, then started to list in this meeting.

"After hearing your suggestion, now I found out what is efficiency with my plan. So I decided that we are going to implement Commanders Luxus's suggestions along with some modifications." Arisu said confidently.

"Modifications?" They said at once, at the same time, looking at each other with their clueless eyes.

Since Luxus was the one who made that plan, he was too curious to know what are the modifications. So he stepped forward, then request permission to intervene in the discussion. "Sorry for the interruption, lady Arisu, but I think that it's the safest plan to avoid our villagers from dying."

Arisu easily understood what he said that. In her opinion, Luxus was focused to protect each part of this village, at the same time, he was planning precisely in order to avoid casualties and worse case scenarios that might happen. She knew if they make one mistake here it would be having a big impact on their plan.

"I know that you're concerned about our citizens but I'm doing the same thing. I'll never make a decision that could kill a hundred, no, thousands of people." She responded before adding. "My plan is created to a land mine in the path where the Ratting Kindom's warrior taking right now!"

Once again, the commanders and vice commanders were looked surprised by her suggestion. Of course, it was the first time they heard that word so it was just an ordinary reaction.

"Land mine? What kind of strategy is that, lady Arisu?" Kaz asked her politely even though the Land word for him was clear, still, he had no idea how that thing strategy worked.

By asking her a question like this, she started to discuss the exact thing how Riku explained it to her. She took almost seven minutes before she finished, at the same time, she already had a plan where they have to put the land mines.

Their eyes were widened after hearing how the land mines exactly work and does it was effective to easily lessen the number of their opponents while avoiding anyone from dying.

Aside from that, Arisu explained creating a land mine hasn't been used any kind of magical power, so its means their opponents would never detect that there was a dangerous thing under them.

"This plan is incredible? How lady Arisu could think of this kind of an advanced idea-?" Crosolo suddenly stopped as Arisu continue to talk.

"As you can see, no one in our village can think about it. Also, I admitted this plan does not originally come from me, it came from the man who's behind me." She said in a deep tone, showing the big benefit of having Riku in the Arzotoc village.

They shifted their glances at Riku, wondering how this man could think that. Or to be exact, none of the huge Kingdoms invented that dangerous weapon, so if they properly executed this plan, it seemed no one ever again would bother the village.

"To determine the location of our opponents, we have to send some scout. If that succeeds, we can guarantee our victory." By simply looking at her, she was looked confident as she was still hiding the main string in this invasion.

Riku secretly smiled at her. In his mind, in a short time, Arisu easily filled all the lapses in the land mines and how they could make it more useful in this village. He narrowly raised his shoulders as he agreed to create numerous explosive mines for the sake of this village. On top of that, this was the only place he can make research to find his way back home, so if the Rattin Kingdom succeeded in this invasion, it was sure that he was having a hard time gathering some information.

Yet, the meeting wasn't ended just like that as Luxus was wondering what they were going to do if their opponents reached the main gate. Or to be more simple, he knows that some of them would manage to survive in that kind of trick.

"Just asking... What we are going to do if some of them manage to enter our village or reach the gate? Still, there are guards nor villagers who would sacrifice their lives." Luxus said in a sorrowful tone as he felt someone was pinching his heart every time he thinks that there was someone going to die.

And all of a sudden, Arisu was having a malicious smile on her face. "Don't worry about that, Luxus. I'm sure they would retreat if we show our secret weapon."

"A secret weapon? What's that? There's something in this meeting I didn't know?" Luxus said in an eager tone.

She gradually shook her head, then immediately pointed her index finger at Riku. "That man possesses by the strongest ability in this world which is Transformation magic! Once they saw him using that ability I'm sure they would run and lose their will to fight!"

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Unexpected things happened in the meeting room as all the precious in this village were kneeling on the surface for some reason.


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