My Gene System

Chapter 76 - Can We Make Babies?

As soon as he got back into the guest hall, he was surprised by all the delicious food prepared in front of him. He closed the door along with a wide mouth. "Ohh... This is all the food? They are looks delicious."

Emma cheerfully nodded her head at him, glad that this man fulfilled his promise to her. "Yes, Riku, I ask the maid where I can cook, but they said to stay in my room."

It appeared Emma prepared these foods so that she can show her cooking skills. However, the maid didn't agree with her decision since they knew this woman was a friend of their precious inventor.

Riku understood what she was trying to say here so he responded with this. "That's fine, Emma. But you should promise you're the one who'll make the food, okay?" He broadly smiled at her, then sat on the wooden chair.

And once again, she nodded her head at him, happy that there was one who wanted to try her food even though he didn't know what was the taste like. "Yes, Riku! I'll do that!"

Q"Good. But in the meantime, let's enjoy all the food prepared by the maids for us." He replied, at the same time, felt hungry as he already recovered from the hangover.

The two started to eat the food along with a small conversation about life and some background of Emma.

Emma was born an orphan. Her life wasn't like Riku's as he had a prestigious life where he could eat and buy whatever he wanted. In order to earn some money and support her living expenses, she decided to become an adventurer since it was the fastest way to earn money in this world. Furthermore, being an adventurer was the twin of death as they were fighting monsters that possessed high magical power and destructive physical strength.

At this point, he realized how he was lucky to have that kind of life. Yet, some information was mysterious as she looked hiding something from him. 'I'm not in the right position to ask about. Aside from that, I can't spit about my life since she can't understand what kind of world I came from.' He uttered to his mind.

"That's the reason why you tried to become an adventurer. But, you must avoid battling high-level monsters because they had a skill that could kill you in one shot." Out of the blue, he told some information that the certain mutant or adventurer should know.

She was blinking her eyes in confusion, having no idea how she supposedly responded to those words. To put it simply, Emma was aware that there were some monsters that she couldn't defeat no matter how hard tried, yet, after hearing him, she can easily tell Riku could determine which were the strongest and weakest monsters.

After a few were moments. Her reaction was easily faded away as she was now looking at Riku with her malicious eyes. Does appears she needed information from him. "Well, Riku. I think you have a lot of information about the monsters we recently faced. Could tell me which of those monsters I must not fight?"

Honestly, by watching how she fight and how she was strong when she was in good condition. He thought Emma could kill all those monsters in one on one situation, or two and three monsters at once, aside from the commoner tusk.

He was pressured by that question and her gaze, however, he knew Emma wouldn't stop until she hears a satisfying answer coming from him. He deeply sighed as he couldn't do anything about it. "You can't defeat the tusk, but besides from that monster, you can defeat all of them. Also, at that time, we are just running away because of their large numbers, but it doesn't, we are going to fight them so we can collect the monster's orbs for you."

She appreciated how Riku focused to help her as an adventurer. Yet, this wasn't the answer she likes, to be exact, she wanted to know how she could determine which was the stronger monster. Although she can't detect the amount of magical power that the certain has, still, there was some monster that had destructive power without using its mana.

"No, that's not the answer that I want. How I could put it..." She paused for a second, slowly rubbing her chin before adding. "Hmm... I would like to learn the ability you're using to determine the monster's level."

At this point, he didn't know how he was going to answer her. The information he had about the monsters he obtained after doing research, reading manhua, and novels. 'Eh? What I should I do?' He said to himself, didn't realize that he was already dumbfounded by exactly one minute.

He was blinking eyes as he awakened his senses after Emma waved her hand in front of him. He flinched, "Honestly, I didn't know what I have a lot of information about the monsters. It must be this is the thing I can do before the memories were gone." He lied since no one ever would believe him if he said that he came from the other dimensions or world.

Alas, Emma seemed didn't want to ask more questions from him, knowing that would be hard for Riku. Yet, she sighed disappointment as she really like to learn about the monsters since it would be a great help for her from being an adventurer.

"That's fine, Riku. You don't need to push yourself might your head ruptures again." She said in a weak tone, then slowly chewed her food.

Somehow, he was felt guilty cause this was the first time he saw her acting like this. Until something came up to his mind. Since he was going to leave the village and gather the materials they needed for creating land mines. "If you really want to learn I can teach you and tell you the information about the monsters. But take note, this is the thing you could learn in one day. You need huge patience and memorize each one of them."

Her wide smile came up again along with a few nods as she was way looked determined to learn more about them. "I'm ready for that, Riku. But how are you going to teach me? Don't tell me we are going to leave this village again?" She said these words with an excited tone.

He thought asking her to partake in his expression was too much for her. But by simply looking at him, Emma was so excited to have an expedition with him. He nodded his head, "Yes, Emma, we are going to leave this village. Are you want to come with me?" He used the great chance to invite her.

As expected, Emma accepted his invitation without making any second thought. In her mind, she had no any business in her kingdom, on top of that, she was doing this to improve herself from being an adventurer. "Yes, Riku, I'll come with you."

"But before that, I'm going to ask, Naina later which the right location where I could the materials we needed. Also, I want to tell you that I'm not sleeping with you tonight because King Luke call me and tell that he needed to talk to me personally." He eliminated all the holes that can use Emma to come with him. He knew Emma wouldn't agree if he says Arisu invited him to sleep with her.

"If that's the case, Riku, that's fine. I'll just wait for you here because you're going to have a serious conversation with King Luke." Emma understood the situation that sometimes there is stuff happening in Riku's that she must not come.

"Thank you, Emma, I'll pay you back next time. Come on, let's finish our food so I can take bath."

Emma and Riku enjoyed their delightful lunch together. It was the feeling that they wanted to experience before the blood war happens and see numerous citizens die.


In just a blink of an eye, the night came up, and if you looked around he can say that was already eight o'clock. He was a little bit late since he gathered and asked for some information from Naina inside the library. "Tomorrow is gonna hard day for sure. But for now, I should focus on the reason why Arisu suddenly invited me to sleep with her."

He was standing in front of the mansion while the guards around bowed their heads to show their respect to him. Furthermore, there was one guard who walked closer to him and approached him.

It seemed it was the guard assigned to assist him once he arrived at the mansion. "Sir Riku, this way please." The guard said politely, then opened the door for him.

The image he was seeing right now was just like before the first time he went here. Moreover, after a bit of strolling and taking the upstairs, Riku reached his main destination which was Arisu's room.

"This is lady Arisu's room, she's waiting for you." Guard said and left.

"Thank you." He replied, then gulped several times before knocking on the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come in..." A woman's voice appeared behind this door.

Even he was afraid, he slowly pushed the door and said. "I-I'm coming in..."


He closed the door, then slowly took a glance in front of him, seeing the place enveloped by the red roses and candles. "Eh? What is this-?" He couldn't complete his sentence as the woman in front of him wearing revealing clothes what was the other men wished for.

"Riku, could you make babies with me?" She asked him in a weak tone.

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