My Gene System

Chapter 87 - Centaur Vs Riku

Riku couldn't expect that he was going to meet one of the dangerous monsters in the Assima Forest. Based on the information he had in this Centaur, he was well savvied that he had no chance to win against this monster.


To begin the battle between the two adventurers and Centaur. Riku suddenly stopped after hearing the unfamiliar sound next to him.


The centaur instantly reached his location and already swung its arm to quickly kill this human. Remember, all the monsters were always eager to taste the human's flesh, at the same time, it helped to get stronger and reached their next evolution.

Just like the mutants on Earth. The monsters were also can increase their strength and widen their capabilities by annihilating people. Once they achieved the accumulated number of humans or monsters they were going to kill, no wonders a certain monster would obtain their second evolution.


With his experience and willingness to survive, he succeeded to dodge the monster's massive attack, letting its arm touch the surface.


In just a blink of an eye, a strong explosion transpired in the forest. Parts of the surface were flying in the mid-air while the forest was given by the monster's attack barely pushed them back.

Thud! Thud! Thud!




In just a simple skirmish, Riku's health power was already reduced by six health points. He was certain to do as the gaming system was the one that give this information. It appeared that the rocks hitting him dealt some damage.

Keek! Keek! Keek!

He quickly took a glance in front of him as he heard a weird noise from this monster. His eyes were widened because the monster was laughing for some reason.

"Huh? Is this monster insulting me? T-This is real?" He asked himself these questions.

Even though he felt something after the monster did this to him. But what he could? A Centaur was the type of monster he couldn't defeat with his current strength.

On the other hand, Emma was furiously looking at the monster, preparing herself for the possible attack. Furthermore, although she was facing a hard circumstance, still, she wasn't afraid to wield her black against this monster.

In her mind, she was an adventurer so she must assume that getting killed by the monsters was just an ordinary occurrence in the job that she choose. But first, she moved her eyes at Riku, asking him what they should do in the Centaur. Why him? She was just aware Riku had a lot of information about any type of monster. So once she got useful information from him, there was a small chance they could win this fight.

However, Riku was blanked right now as he never expected that this monster would appear in this place.

"Riku! What the hell are you doing?! The monster is already in front of us! If you don't want to get killed here, we should do something!" She yelled at him, didn't care if raising her voice would lure the other monsters that were near to their location.

He narrowly flinched his shoulders, at the same time, blinking his eyes in surprise as he realized that he was dumbfounded at the monster for a couple of seconds that inappropriate in this situation.

As soon as he back his gaze at the monster, he quickly jumped to the left side as the monster already charging towards him along with a flashy pace.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

He rolled several times to the ground, then regained his footing. Also, he used the unexpected chance to attain a closer distance with Emma. Moreover, his hand was on fire right now as he cast [Fire claw] skill, in order to protect himself and Emma. Since he knew at this rate the monster surely won't stop attacking them.

"Thanks for that, Emma. But I don't think it's good for us to fight the centaur. Honestly, the best thing to do right now is to escape with the monster's aggression, but I think that's not possible." He said in a serious and also looked ready to fight this monster.

"I know that, Riku. So what we should do right now?" She asked him, then quickly swung her knife in the direction where was Riku standing.

[Colonal Slash]

And again, a green magic circle appeared under her feet while the magical power was passing through her knife. After that, she released that power without making hesitation.

Riku lowered himself to the surface, didn't care even his face was sliding. Of course, Emma just did that because the monster was going to attack him.


A green orange blade was flying to the air, by its speed and precision. Emma was confident she could deal some damage.

When the skill landed, it created a thick smoke that covered the monster's body, at the same time, she managed to stop the monster from attacking them. Aside from that, numerous trees were falling to the ground as it looked Emma's skill was hitting them.

She had a broad smile on her face, thinking that she landed severe damage from the monster. However, that smile was easily faded away after Riku tugged for a good reason.

"Come on, we have to leave this place-!" Riku suggested, but he suddenly paused as the strong wind touched their bodies and the smoke disappeared.

The monster used its strength to blow the winds away. Nevertheless, the Centaur showed that it just used its arm to block that kind of attack, on top of that, they couldn't see any scratches on its body.

Eehk! Eehk! Eehk!

It seemed the monster was loved to mock its opponents before killing it. Moreover, Centaur was rubbing its horse legs to the surface creating golden brown dust, preparing itself for the follow-up attacks.


Riku had no choice, he suddenly pushed Emma's back, asking her to quickly leave this place while he was buying some time for her. Trying to be a hero? No, actually it was a wise strategy for this situation. Why? Because he can easily use his [Fly] skill to escape, in his mind, if two of them would ride on his wings, it would be really hard for them to take off and leave the place. Once he assured Emma was far away, he can now cast skill and safely leave the place. But the problem was, Riku wasn't sure if he can survive from the monster's attack.

And of course, Emma was sure won't agree with the decision. She frowned her brows and looked at him with her sharp eyes. "Are you kidding me, Riku?! Both of us went to this place, so it means both of us must leave this place." She responded in a high tone.

There was no remaining time left for them to have an argument, also it was a bad moment for them to do that. "EMMA, LISTEN TO ME! I HAVE A PLAN!" He yelled at her, knowing once he did this probably Emma would back out and listen to her.

"Why are you yelling at me? I'm here to help you! You don't need to sacrifice yourself just because of me." She said in a deep tone, then stepped forward that showing she must be the one who will leave in this place.

At this rate, both of them would die. "Listen to me, Emma! I don't have that time to talk to you! Aside from that, if you are not going to trust me. You can back to your kingdom and never show your face to me." He needed to say those words in order to convince her. "I'm not going to die here, so leave right now before you lost that chance."

Emma was dumbfounded at him for a few were moments, feeling that someone was pinching her head after hearing harsh words from him.

"COME ON! LEAVE RIGHT NOW!" He yelled once again as Emma was spacing out.

She flinched and eventually got back on her senses. Nevertheless, even this decision was against her will, still, she moved her body and entering in the much deeper part of the Assima forest to save her life. In her mind, she always wanted to see this man's face and stayed by his side.

"Just promise one thing, Riku. Once I leave this place and hide in the place where the monsters can't see me. You should live and stay alive." She said without looking back as her tears were dripping from her cheeks, enduring the pain given by those words.

"Of course, Emma. I have no intention to die in this cruel place." He replied nonchalantly, then run towards the monster. Not to attack it, he was doing this to draw the monster's attention to him.

After that conversation, Emma ran away in the fastest way she could. So Riku could safely leave the place and continue coming out with her.


"Now it's just the two of us here, Centaur! Do you think, you can catch me with your turtle speed?" Riku was making gestures while saying these words to mock the monster.

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