My Gene System

Chapter 89 - Clearing The Task

He couldn't control the extreme emotion right now as he saw Emma bathed in her blood after the monster near the area assaulted her. Without making any second thought, Riku dashed towards the huge monsters and didn't care even there was no enough mana pool left to him.

To describe the monsters in front of him, it has the outward appearance of the mantis, two sharp steel razor blades, one and a half meters in height, yellow gleaming eyes, and green scales.

Moreover, he didn't bother himself to know what are these monsters' origins and abilities cause the only thing he wanted to do right now was to kill those monsters.


He aggressively swung his left arm to deal some damage to those monsters.


A strong sound of metal was perceived by their ears since one of the monsters succeeded to block his attack. His feet touched to the surface and now using all his might to push back the monster, at the same time, gritting his teeth. "How dare you to hurt her?!" He said in a high tone, then immediately stepped back after he heard a suspicious from his behind.


He slightly leaned his back, then kicked the monster's body so that he can easily increase the distance between them. An expected explosion of the dried ground happened as he managed to dodge the attack and let the keen blade touch ground.


Strong force and rocks were flying towards his face. He then crossed his arms while going to Emma's location. "Are you okay, Emma? How's your wound?" He asked him in a worried tone, at the same time, checking what the monster would do after that circumstance.

Emma was biting the bottom of her lips, enduring the severe pain she was experiencing right now. Nevertheless, she responded oppositely, in her mind, she doesn't want to become a burden for Riku in this expedition.

"No, I'm good, Riku. Just focus on the monsters in front of us." She replied, but it can't be helped, she was started to stumble her footing and had a dizzy vision because it was already seven minutes when her blood was losing. "I'll help you, Riku. I'm taking the monster on the right side and you'll have the other one-"

He frowned his brows after hearing this, wondering if this woman could still fight with her current condition. But what he could do? He hadn't had the ability to defeat the two Jumping Mantis at once.

"Are you sure about this, Emma? I know that you are thinking high of me because of my [Transformation magic] but I can say this right now it's really possible for me to defeat those monsters." He said in a serious tone, still, having care with Emma's condition.

She slowly nodded her head at him, then looked at him with her persuasive eyes. It was saying that she was ready to fight and face the fate that would give to her. "I didn't come with you to become a burden, Riku. So I'm going to fight, also you don't need to protect me because I can do that with myself."

For some reason, he noticed that Emma's was changed into a different one. Or to be exact, it was like when the time Emma woke up inside the cave and try to kill him. Yes! She became an aggressive woman, didn't care even she was talking with Riku.

Nevertheless, Riku had an idea and could be the main reason why she was acting like this. Yet, he slowly shook his head as it was not the main problem they didn't have to deal with. 'What I'm thinking about? I should focus on those monsters and find the potassium nitrate so we can leave this tell place.' He uttered to mind, knowing he should apologize to her once they survive.

To begin with, he slowly tapped his face with his right hand. By doing this, he can himself stop thinking, at the same time, focus his mind on the upcoming battle.

"Thank you, Emma. But tell if you can't fight, I'll do everything to give you a quick backup." He spits out of his mouth without looking at her.


"You don't need to do that." She replied in pain as she was holding her chest to stop the bleeding. Aside from that, they didn't have enough to wrap something on her waist.


First, she swung her left hand then the blood splashes on the surface to remove the sticky blood which made her uncomfortable. After that, she pulled out her knife while casting some skill on it. She knew if the battle started, she probably had a hard time casting it.

As soon the force stopped and the golden-brown smoke faded away. The two monsters came out at once, but this time, they were not aiming for Riku. To put it simply, the Jumping Mantis were looking for Emma since she was the one who injured, on top of that, these monsters were eager to taste her flesh.

But before they could do that, he already blocked the monster's path and managed to stop it by just swinging his firing claws.



And again, the sound of two metals colliding towards each other is perceived by their ears. He wasn't giving the monster a chance to attain a closer distance with Emma.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

He continued swinging his arms, trying to destroy the monster's defense. However, it was not looked as easy because the scales were protecting and helping the monster to reduce the damage they were taking.

His eyes were widened when he noticed some blood on this monster blade. So without thinking too much, he dashed inside slashing and using all the techniques he was learned on the Earth.


They stepped back in the meantime, resetting themselves so they could think of a certain plan before attacking. When the given time faded away Riku and Monster came to each other.

Twelve meters was the exact distance of Riku within the monster. 'You're just a monster who wants to taste the human flesh, so I think I already know what I have going to do with you.'

He used the other five meters to slide on the surface, after that, jumped to the mid-air. Furthermore, his body was built differently as he cast one of the skills he obtained after killing the Metallic Spider.


His body turned into a black shiny metallic armor. By looking at him, Emma could easily that was the body of the Metallic Spider they met inside the cave.

This skill had a big benefit to him. Why? It is just simple this armor helped him to block the sunlight penetrating inside his body aside from his face since the circulating of the armor stopped on his neck. On top of that, the metal materials were enough to block the damage given by the monster's blade.

But that the interesting part was not ended with that since his left hand was still on fire and the claw was there. He had a broad smile on his face, didn't expect his outward appearance would turn out as one of the characters in the XR online. 

"This is so cool! I never think that I have this kind of skill."

As soon as he met the right distance, he swung his claws upwards, and the monster's body was torn into two pieces. Green blood was splashing on his face come along with the rotten smell given by it, but who didn't care? Their life was the main priority in this situation.

[You have successfully killed the Jumping Mantis!]

[+9 exp]

A blue wide elevated screen appeared right before his eyes, but he decided to remove it so he can support Emma from the last monster they needed to kill. When the moment he was looked at that side, he was shocked as the Mantis suddenly stopped attacking Emma, eventually left the place with its flashy speed.

"What's going on here? Why did the aggressive monsters earlier are started to run now? He asked himself, first thing first, he immediately went to Emma as he saw her knelt.

"Hey, Emma! Are you okay? Come on come with me." He said in a worried tone, then took Emma in the place where he knew she was safe and no monsters would attack them.

Even though Emma was eager to know how Riku transform like that. Yet, she hadn't had the strength to do that, to be exact, her eyes were filled by the black as she was starting to close it.

Under the tall tree, a man wearing a black armor gently stroking back the woman's hair so that the blood would not pour into it. Well for good reason, he sighed in a relief knowing Emma was simpy passed out.

"Emma, you scared me, huh? I said that you must hide but it ended up that you are fighting monsters. Also, I want to apologize to you, I didn't mean those words-"



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