My Gene System

Chapter 95 - Punishment?

He was taken aback after he saw red sticky blood dripping on Arisu's arm. Of course, he should have felt guilty since he was the one who asked her to throw this improvised grenade.

'The heck? Why I didn't mind her that she must not use her magic.' He uttered to his mind, readying himself for the possible punishment would give it to him.

In front of them was burning, didn't expect that square leaf could destroy something like this. Aside from that, their faces were plastered by charcoal dust.

Without making another thought, he kneeled to the surface right away, apologizing for committing a total mistake towards her. "I'm the one who is responsible for this. I'll accept the punishment you would give to me, I apologize." He said to the woman that was looking in front of him.

Well, he was quite impressed after Arisu put some magic into his improvised weapon. To put it simply, she accidentally increased the power of that grenade. Even though he had no idea how it becomes possible, still, he was certain that magic was the main reason behind this.

Her face was darkened, holding her right arm with the other arm. It looked, she was minding the damage she received from that explosion. On top of that, her body was shivering for some reason.

First, the guard immediately went to her location, just to make sure that they will give her the appropriate medication that she needed in this circumstance.

"Lady Arisu, wait here, I'll call healing guard to cure your wound."

"Please, lady Arisu, stay with us. That village needs you right now!"

"Are you okay, lady Arisu? Please, sit here while we are waiting for the healing assistance."

These words were coming from the guards while looking at Riku furiously. It appeared, if there was something bad happened to her, they would surely blame him.

And yes! They were overreacting since the wound she received wasn't needed to be worried about. "I don't need any healing guards, also, calm down, my muscles just didn't take the power of Riku's invention."

"No, lady Arisu, we must cure it as soon as possible. We need one hundred percent of your power when the Rattin Kindom invasion starts." Henzo in a deep tone, knowing that he was also received punishment after this happened. Or to be exact, he was the superior assigned to protect lady Arisu at all costs. 

By simply looking at her, the main reason why her body was shivering was not because of the pain she received, it seemed it was because she was really from the result of Riku's first invention.

To begin with, Arisu spun around along with the expression that she was enduring the pain. Despite the fact she was in pain, still, she had a broad smile on her face. "Raise your head, Riku, also you didn't need to kneel to that ground." She ordered him in a serious tone.

He was shocked by her response, yet she could not take it since he almost killed her. "I'm not worthy of your treatment, lady Arisu. I know if you didn't release it at the right time might be one your hands are already lost right now." He replied in a deep tone, looking at the dusty dried surface.

In his mind, if Arisu, King Luke, or the other Section Commander were decided to kick him out of this village. He would accept it with open arms. Why? He was aware that they can't afford to lose him right now because of his extreme knowledge, so they might think he was full in himself.

"When you're going to listen to me, Riku? I already said that I'm good, you don't need to be worried just because my soaking my blood. It's a simple wound." She said in a high tone, trying to scare this woman with her tough composure. To be more specific, she never tried to act like this in front of him.

Without hesitation, he regained his footing. Nevertheless, his head was facing towards the surface as he couldn't take to look at her eyes after this happened. Moreover, he can suggest that he was willing to leave this village once they ordered him. 'If I said it right away, lady Arisu might think they can manage to survive this village without me.' He uttered to his mind.

And all of a sudden, he aggressively lifted his head and looked at Arisu that she must give him a punishment. "Please, give me a punishment, lady Arisu! I can't stand to work here anymore after this mistake!" He yelled at her.

By just looking at him, she could easily tell that this man wouldn't stop if he didn't get what he likes. She took a deep breath and let it out softly, "If you insist to have punishment, I'll give it to you. Go to the mansion after this, so I can discuss the punishment that deserves to you." She responded seriously, at the same time, wanting to see more explosions in this working station. In her mind, if her father knows about this, she was certain she would be happy. Why? Having this weapon will be benefiting the entire village, aside from that, he can trade it to the kingdom or village to grow their village.

Guards were looking at each other with anxious faces, even Pan. In their minds, Riku was received again a punishment that could be the painful or worst-case scenario of his life. Since the last time, someone hurt Arisu, King Luke didn't hesitate to give that person life sentences as this how he really loved his daughter.

At this point, the three guards were bothered as they couldn't pick which side they were going. Of course, seeing blood to Arisu stressed them out, but after witnessing the impressive invention of Riku it was too hard for them to choose.

But what they could do? They have no credibility to change the possible punishment for him. Or to be simple, they only thing they could do was to wait for a suitable punishment for him.

He nodded his head without hesitation. "Yes, lady Arisu, I'll do that!"

Meanwhile, Arisu ordered the three guards to leave the place at once. In order to have serious about the conversation with this man.

To begin with, Riku took a blanket that was wrapped around his body. After that, he put into Arisu's bruise just to make up for his mistake.

"It's good, lady Arisu. And again, I would like to apologize for that, I forgot to inform you that you should not use magical power." He sorrowfully said.

Yet, she just smiled at him, then narrowly tapped his shoulder. "You are apologizing too much, Riku. Also, I'm the one who's fault here since you said just throw it but I used my magic to increase my physical strength." She said with red cheeks. "But let's forget about that, tall about it once we arrived at the mansion."

He nodded as he quickly understood the situation. "That's the materials we gathered after we have an expedition in the Assima Forest, lady Arisu. What could you say about it? Do you think it would be effective to Arzotoc village?"

Based on her observation, that explosion was strong enough to lessen the number of attackers. Furthermore, it would surely be handy once the invasion starts. "Well, just like what I saw. I'll like to congratulate you because you didn't let me get disappointed and my father. When he heard my story, I'm sure he would be glad."

"Thank you, Arisu! This is the only job I can do for this village, so I should do it perfectly." He replied. Since Arisu mentioned her father, he came to his mind about the King's condition. "Lady Arisu? How's King Luke? He is starting to become better?"

Her eyes were looked deep, at the same time, she was shaking her head. "Unfortunately, he's not fine. His condition is getting worst each day, without the help of magic I think he can't endure the pain." She replied and looked wanted to cry in front of them.

Moreover, she asked Arisu to make it secret because someone knows about it. The villagers or even the commanders were lost their will to fight as the King was the main foundation of the Arzotoc village.

Well, Riku was aware of it since he saw it in the movies and series he watched. At the same time, he must improve the landmines that he was started to create tomorrow. "If you don't lady Arisu. Can I see King Luke's condition right now? I want to find out if I can suggest something that could lessen the pain he was experiencing."

"Do you have time to do that? You are exhausted from the expedition-" she covered her mouth as it can ruin her plan to him later.

"Of course, lady Arisu! Also, I'm going to the mansion, isn't it? I'm heading there to get my punishment."

"Yes, you should have a punishment hehe!" She smirked.

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